Project Description
The Deformation Monitoring Package (DMPACK) is a free and open source software package for sensor control and automated time series processing in engineering geodesy and geotechnics. The package consists of a library libdmpack and additional programs based on it which serve as a reference implementation of solutions to various problems in deformation monitoring, such as:
sensor control,
sensor data parsing and processing,
database access,
remote procedure calls,
data synchronisation and export,
spatial transformations,
time series analysis,
client status messages,
distributed logging,
plotting and reporting,
web-based data access,
MQTT and XMPP connectivity,
Leica GeoCOM API,
DMPACK is a scientific monitoring system developed for automated control measurements of buildings, infrastructure, terrain, geodetic nets, and other objects through autonomous sensor networks in the IoT. The programs for sensor data collection are intended to be run on client hardware connected to the Internet through LTE/5G, usually industrial embedded systems or single-board computers.
Observation data is periodically collected by the clients from arbitrary sensors, like total stations, digital levels, inclinometers, weather stations, or GNSS receivers. The raw sensor responses are structured, post-processed, locally stored, and transmitted to a central monitoring server that provides an HTTP-RPC API for client–server communication.
The software package can be used to monitor objects like:
bridges, tunnels, dams,
roads, railways,
construction sites, mining areas,
slopes, landslides, cliffs, glaciers,
churches, monasteries, and other heritage buildings.
DMPACK is written in Fortran 2018 and integrates the relational SQLite database for time series and log storage on client and server. The server component is optional. If preferred, the data distribution may be omitted for local monitoring only.
The software package relies on POSIX standards for system calls and process management. The client-side message passing is based on POSIX message queues and POSIX semaphores. Currently, only 64-bit Linux (glibc) and FreeBSD are supported as operating systems.
The source code of DMPACK is released under the ISC licence that is functionally equivalent to the BSD 2-Clause and MIT licences. The source code and the documentation are available online. See the project website for further information:
Software Architecture
The DMPACK library is based on a modular architecture that loosely follows the Unix philosophy, i. e., distinct programs cover well-defined tasks. The scheduling, process management and synchronisation, as well as the inter-process communication between programs are handled by the operating system, using POSIX system calls.
The DMPACK programs can be deployed either on a single sensor node with no or only limited network access, or within a sensor network of one or more nodes connected to a central monitoring server:
- Data Logger
In the most basic use case, the DMPACK programs dmserial, dmfs, and dmpipe act as data loggers without any database connectivity, by writing the observations to flat files in CSV or JSON Lines format. Any further data processing or analytics is subject to third-party programs.
- Local Monitoring
The majority of the DMPACK programs depend on inter-process communication and database access. For instance, a dmserial process controlling an attached sensor may transmit observations and logs in real-time to the message queues of dmdb and dmlogger to be stored in the local databases. The database records could then be exported periodically to flat files. Synchronisation with a remote server is optional.
- Distributed Monitoring
Sensor nodes connected to a central monitoring server can run dmsync to send observations and log messages automatically to the HTTP-RPC interface of dmapi to be stored in the server databases. Additionally, the server may collect status messages to monitor the condition of the sensor nodes.
Similar Software
There are similar open source projects that provide middleware for autonomous sensor networks:
- 52°North Sensor Observation Service
The reference implementation of the OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS) in Java, by 52°North Spatial Information Research GmbH. Offers an interoperable interface for publishing and querying sensor data and meta data. Additional client applications enable analysis and visualisation of the measurement data. The project is mostly inactive. (GPLv2)
- Argus
A non-geodetic sensor data monitoring and alerting solution built with Node.js, MariaDB, and React. (MIT)
Fraunhofer Open Source SensorThings (FROST) is the reference implementation of the OGC SensorThings API in Java. The project provides an HTTP- and MQTT-based message bus for data transmission between client and server. Developed by Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung (IOSB), Karlsruhe. (LGPLv3)
- Global Sensor Networks
A Java-based software middleware designed to facilitate the deployment and programming of sensor networks, by Distributed Information Systems Laboratory (EPFL), Switzerland. The project appears to be abandoned. (GPLv3)
- istSOS2
A server implementation of the OGC Sensor Observation Service in Python, for managing and dispatching observations from monitoring sensors. The project also provides a graphical user interface and a RESTful web API to automate administration procedures. Developed by Istituto Scienze della Terra, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. The software seems not to be actively maintained anymore. (GPLv2)
- istSOS4
An OGC SensorThings API compliant service implementation written in Python that enables reproducibility of processes based on its data due to the Traveltime extension. The system allows for managing and dispatching observations from monitoring sensors, specimens or citizens. In early development stage. (GPL)
- Kotori
A multi-channel, multi-protocol, telemetry data acquisition and graphing toolkit for time-series data processing in Python. It supports scientific environmental monitoring projects, distributed sensor networks, and likewise scenarios. (AGPLv3)
- OpenADMS
The Open Automatic Deformation Monitoring software is an IoT sensor network middleware in Python 3. The system was developed as a prototype of DMPACK and includes client and server programs. (BSD)
- OpenSensorHub
Java-based middleware for building Sensor Webs in the Internet of Things. Based on OGC standards from the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) initiative. (MPLv2)
- Project Mjolnir
An open source client–server IoT architecture for scientific sensor networks written in Python, by University of Alabama in Huntsville and NASA. Includes a sensor client for data logging, uplink and control, as well as a server component to store, serve/display, and monitor data from remote sensors. Further development of the software has been stopped. (MIT)
- TSDSystem
The Time Series Database management System (TSDSystem) is a framework to collect, archive and share time series of volcanological observatories from sensor networks at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo (Italy). It provides a web service to perform writing and reading data via standard web communication protocols. Basic web applications are supplied for joint and synchronised time series data visualisation as well as representation of stations on a geographical map. (MIT)
- Ulyxes
An open source project in Python to control robotic total stations (RTS) and other sensors, and to publish observation results on web based maps. Developed at the Department of Geodesy and Surveying of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. (GPLv2)
DMPACK has the following requirements:
Linux or FreeBSD operating system
64-bit platform (x86-64, AArch64)
Fortran 2018 and ANSI C compiler (GNU, Intel)
Additional dependencies have to be present to build and run the software of this package:
Optionally, for client-side camera access:
The web applications require a compatible web server, like:
DMPACK depends on additional interface libraries. If the repository is cloned
recursively with Git, or if the project is built using FPM, the submodules will
be downloaded automatically. Otherwise, run script
This section describes the steps to build the DMPACK library and programs from source, either with POSIX Make or the Fortran Package Manager (FPM). At the moment, support for the Fortran Package Manager is experimental, and using GNU/BSD Make is the recommended way. Display the available build targets of the Makefile:
$ make help
Or, output the selected build options:
$ make options PREFIX=/opt
See section System Configuration on how to configure the operating system following the installation. You must at least prepare POSIX message queues in order to run DMPACK:
Message Queues – Enable and configure message passing on Linux and FreeBSD.
Time Zone – Set the correct time zone of the sensor node.
Time Synchronisation – Enable synchronisation with an NTP server.
Power Saving – Disable USB power saving on Linux.
Cron – Add cron jobs to run programs periodically.
The shared libraries
, and
have to
be present on the target system if the DMPACK programs have been compiled with
GNU Fortran.
On Debian, install the compilers and the build environment first:
$ sudo apt-get install gcc gfortran git make pkg-config
The third-party dependencies have to be installed with development headers:
$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends curl gnuplot libblas-dev libcurl4 \ libcurl4-openssl-dev libfcgi-bin libfcgi-dev libhdf5-103-1 libhdf5-dev \ liblapack-dev liblua5.4 liblua5.4-dev libmodbus5 libmodbus-dev libpcre2-8-0 \ libpcre2-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev libstrophe0 libstrophe-dev libzstd1 \ libzstd-dev lua5.4 sqlite3 zlib1g zlib1g-dev
Instead of package gnuplot
, you may prefer the no-X11 flavour gnuplot-nox
raster graphic formats are not required (limiting the output formats essentially
to SVG). Depending on the Linux distribution, the names of the HDF5 and Lua
packages may differ. Optionally, install FFmpeg, GraphicsMagick, and
GhostScript fonts for camera access and image manipulation:
$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ffmpeg graphicsmagick gsfonts
In the next step, build DMPACK with Make or FPM.
Building Dependencies from Source
If third-party libraries are not available in the required minimum version, like on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or Debian 12 (Bookworm), you may want to build the missing dependencies from source, for instance: If the libraries are installed to a non-default directory, overwrite the
specific linker flag. For example, if SQLite 3 has been installed to $ make build OS=linux LIBSQLITE3="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/lib -L/opt/lib -lsqlite3" For the other libraries, pass |
Intel oneAPI Compilers
If Intel oneAPI is used, it is necessary to build HDF5 from source, because the
versions in the Linux package repositories have been compiled with GNU Fortran
and are therefore incompatible. See section HDF5 for hints
regarding the build process. Pass the library installation path additionally to
Clone the DMPACK repository with Git, using command-line argument --recursive
$ git clone --depth 1 --recursive $ cd dmpack/
If Git is not available, download the archive of the master branch instead and
run the shell script
to fetch the missing submodules:
$ curl -O -L -s $ unzip $ cd dmpack-master/ $ sh
Then, execute build target linux
of the Makefile to compile the source:
$ make linux
On 64-bit ARM platforms, like those of the Raspberry Pi 3/4/5 series, select
build target linux_aarch64
$ make linux_aarch64
Install the DMPACK libraries and programs system-wide to /usr/local
$ sudo make install
Or, to install to directory /opt
, run:
$ sudo make install PREFIX=/opt
Path /opt/bin
must be added to the global PATH
environment variable to run
DMPACK programs from the command-line.
Intel oneAPI Compilers
If Intel oneAPI is used instead of the GNU Compiler Collection, run: $ make build OS=linux CC=icx FC=ifx PPFLAGS="" \ CFLAGS="-mtune=native -O2 -fpic" FFLAGS="-mtune=native -O2 -fpic" \ LDFLAGS="-module ./include -I./include" \ INCHDF5="-I/opt/include" \ LIBHDF5="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/lib -L/opt/lib -lhdf5 -lhdf5_fortran" In this particular case, the HDF5 libraries are installed to |
To build DMPACK using the Fortran Package Manager, change to the cloned or downloaded repository, and run:
$ export FFLAGS="-D__linux__ `pkg-config --cflags hdf5` -ffree-line-length-0" $ fpm test --flag "$FFLAGS" $ fpm build --profile release --flag "$FFLAGS" $ fpm install
The library and programs will be installed to directory ~/.local
by default.
If the compilation fails with an error message stating that -llua-5.4
be found, update the library names in the build manifests:
$ sed -i "s/lua-5/lua5/g" fpm.toml $ sed -i "s/lua-5/lua5/g" build/dependencies/fortran-lua54/fpm.toml
First, install the build and run-time dependencies:
$ doas pkg install archivers/zstd comms/libmodbus databases/sqlite3 devel/git \ devel/pcre2 devel/pkgconf ftp/curl graphics/GraphicsMagick lang/gcc \ lang/lua54 math/gnuplot math/lapack multimedia/ffmpeg net-im/libstrophe \ science/hdf5 www/fcgi
Instead of math/gnuplot
, you may want to install package math/gnuplot-lite
which does not depend on X11 (but lacks the raster graphic terminals). The web
applications additionally require a web server:
$ doas pkg install www/lighttpd
If you want to generate the man pages and the User Guide from source, also install Pygments and AsciiDoctor:
$ doas pkg install devel/rubygem-pygments.rb textproc/rubygem-asciidoctor
The repository has to be cloned recursively using command-line argument
$ git clone --depth 1 --recursive $ cd dmpack/
If Git is not available, download the archive of the master branch and run the
shell script
to fetch the submodules:
$ curl -O -L -s $ unzip $ cd dmpack-master/ $ sh
Execute the Makefile with build target freebsd
$ make freebsd
Install the library and all programs system-wide to /usr/local
$ doas make install
You can change the installation prefix with argument PREFIX
. To install to
directory /opt
instead, run:
$ doas make install PREFIX=/opt
In this case, path /opt/bin
must be included in the global PATH
Either clone the repository with Git, or download the archive of the master branch. Then, run:
$ export FFLAGS="-D__FreeBSD__ -I/usr/local/include -ffree-line-length-0" $ fpm test --flag "$FFLAGS" $ fpm build --profile release --flag "$FFLAGS" $ fpm install
The Fortran Package Manager will fetch all third-party dependencies
automatically, but the configuration and shared files have to be installed
manually. The library and programs will be installed to ~/.local
by default.
Update the cloned source code repository and its submodules with Git:
$ git pull $ git submodule update --remote $ make purge $ make [freebsd|linux|linux_aarch64] $ sudo make install PREFIX=/opt
System Configuration
Additional changes to the system configuration should be considered to prevent issues while conducting a long-term monitoring.
Message Queues
The operating system must have POSIX message queues enabled to run DMPACK programs on sensor nodes.
The POSIX message queue file system should be already mounted by default. Otherwise, run:
# mkdir -p /dev/mqueue # mount -t mqueue none /dev/mqueue
Set the maximum number of messages and the maximum message size to some reasonable values:
# sysctl fs.mqueue.msg_max=32 # sysctl fs.mqueue.msgsize_max=16384
The maximum message size has to be at least 16384 bytes. Add the settings to
to make them permanent:
On FreeBSD, make sure the kernel module mqueuefs
is loaded, and the message
queue file system is mounted:
# kldstat -m mqueuefs Id Refs Name 522 1 mqueuefs
Otherwise, we can simply load and mount the file system:
# kldload mqueuefs # mkdir -p /mnt/mqueue # mount -t mqueuefs null /mnt/mqueue
To load messages queues at system start, add the module mqueuefs
, and the file system to /etc/fstab
# sysrc kld_list+="mqueuefs" # echo "null /mnt/mqueue mqueuefs rw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
Additionally, we may increase the system limits of POSIX message queues with
sysctl(8), or in /etc/sysctl.conf
. The defaults are:
# sysctl kern.mqueue.maxmsg kern.mqueue.maxmsg: 32 # sysctl kern.mqueue.maxmsgsize kern.mqueue.maxmsgsize: 16384
The maximum message size has to be at least 16384 bytes.
Time Zone
The local time zone of the sensor client should be set to a zone without summer
daylight-saving. For instance, time zone Europe/Berlin
implies Central
European Summer Time (CEST), which is usually not desired for long-term
observations, as it leads to time jumps. Instead, use time zone GMT+1
or UTC
in this case.
On Linux, list all time zones and set the preferred one with timedatectl(1):
# timedatectl list-timezones # timedatectl set-timezone Etc/GMT+1
On FreeBSD, configure the time zone using:
# tzsetup
Time Synchronisation
The system time should be updated periodically by synchronising it with network time servers. A Network Time Protocol (NTP) client has to be installed and configured to enable the synchronisation.
On Debian Linux, install the NTP package:
# apt-get install ntp
Query the NTP servers to synchronise with:
# ntpq -p
The system time should be updated now:
# date -R
On error, try to reconfigure the NTP service:
# dpkg-reconfigure ntp
Set the current date and time intially by passing the IP or FQDN of the NTP server to ntpdate(1):
# ntpdate -b
The NTP daemon ntpd(8) is configured through file /etc/ntp.conf
. If
favoured, we can replace the existing NTP server pool
with a single server, for example:
server iburst
Add the following entries to /etc/rc.conf
Start the ntpd(8) service:
# service ntpd start
Power Saving
On Linux, power saving for USB devices may be enabled by default. This can cause
issues if sensors are attached through an USB adapter. USB power saving is
enabled if the kernel boot parameter usbcore.autosuspend
is not -1
# cat /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend 2
We can update the boot loader to turn auto-suspend off. Edit /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet usbcore.autosuspend=-1"
Then, update the boot loader:
# update-grub
The system has to be rebooted for the changes to take effect.
On Unix-like operating system, cron is
usually used to run jobs periodically. For instance, in order to update an XML
feed or to generate HTML reports at regular intervals, add a schedule of the
task to perform to the crontab(5) file of a local user. For example, to edit
the cron jobs of user www
with crontab(1) run:
# crontab -u www -e
The following crontab(5) entry adds a job to generate reports every hour,
using utility script
# Create reports every hour, suppress logging.
@hourly -q /usr/local/share/dmpack/dmreport/
Alter script
to your set-up. Status mails and logging are
disabled. The shell script
must have the execution bits set.
Modify the script according to your set-up. The parameter -q
disables syslog
messages. Additionally, we may update an Atom XML feed of logs by running
dmfeed every five minutes:
*/5 * * * * -q /usr/local/bin/dmfeed --config /usr/local/etc/dmpack/dmfeed.conf
The feed is updated only if new logs have arrived in the meantime, unless option
is passed as an additional argument.
Deformation Monitoring Entities
The data structures of DMPACK are based on the following entities. The
date and time format used internally is a 32-characters long ISO 8601 time stamp
in microsecond resolution, with time separator T
and mandatory GMT offset, for
example, 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00
. The human-readable output format
1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00
is used where reasonable. Global coordinates are in
longitude/latitude order (east-west/north-south order).
Observation Entities
- Node
A unique sensor node within a sensor network. Contains id, name, description, and optional position.
- Sensor
A unique sensor attached to a node, with id, name, description, and optional position.
- Target
A unique measurement target (point of interest, location) with id, name, description, and optional position. Multiple nodes and sensors may share a single target.
- Observation
A single measurement identified by name and unique UUID identifier that contains requests to and responses from a sensor, referencing a node, a sensor, and a target. An observation can contain up to 8 requests which will be sent to the sensor in sequential order.
- Request
Command to send to the sensor, referencing an observation and ordered by index. A request can contain up to 16 responses.
- Response
Floating-point values in the raw response of a sensor can be matched by regular expression groups. Each matched group is stored as a response. Responses reference a request, and are ordered by index. They contain name, type, value, unit, and an optional error code.
Log Entities
- Log
Log message of a sensor node, either of level debug, info, warning, error, critical, or user, and optionally related to a sensor, a target, and an observation.
Beat Entities
- Beat
Short status message (heartbeat, handshake) that contains node id, client address, client version, time stamp, system uptime, and last connection error, sent periodically from client to server.
RPC Entities
- API Status
Short key–value response of the HTTP-RPC API service in plain-text format.
Program Overview
DMPACK includes programs for sensor I/O, database management, observation processing, and other tasks related to automated control measurements. The programs may be classified into the following categories.
- dmbackup
Creates an online backup of a database by either using the SQLite backup API or
. - dmdb
Stores observations received from POSIX message queue in a SQLite database.
- dmdbctl
A command-line interface to the DMPACK observation database, to read, add, update, or delete nodes, sensors, and targets.
- dmexport
Exports beats, nodes, sensors, targets, observations, and logs from database to file, either in CSV, JSON, or JSON Lines format.
- dmimport
Imports nodes, sensors, targets, observations, and logs from CSV file into database.
- dminit
Creates and initialises observation, log, and beat databases.
- dmlogger
Stores logs received from POSIX message queue in a SQLite database.
Message Passing
- dmlog
A utility program to send log messages from command-line or shell script to the POSIX message queue of a dmlogger process, to be stored in the log database.
- dmrecv
Receives logs or observations from POSIX message queue and writes them to stdout, file, or named pipe.
- dmsend
Sends observations or logs from file to a DMPACK application via POSIX message queue.
Observation Processing
Plots & Reports
Remote Procedure Calls
- dmapi
A FastCGI-based HTTP-RPC service that provides an API for node, sensor, target, observation, and log synchronisation, as well as heartbeat transmission. Clients may either send records to be stored in the server database, or request data of a given time range. Depending on the HTTP Accept header, the server returns data in CSV, JSON, JSON Lines or Namelist format. Requires a FastCGI-compatible web server, such as lighttpd(1).
- dmbeat
Sends short status messages (heartbeats) periodically to a remote dmapi instance.
- dmbot
Accepts commands sent via XMPP/Jabber to monitor the status of sensor nodes.
- dmsync
Synchronises nodes, sensors, targets, observations, and log messages between client and dmapi server. Only uni-directional synchronisation from client to server is supported.
Sensor Control
- dmfs
Reads sensor data from virtual file system, file, or named pipe. The program be used to read values from sensors connected via 1-Wire (OWFS). Observations are forwarded via POSIX message queue and/or written to file.
- dmmb
Sensor control program for Modbus RTU/TCP. Loads the observations to perform from a configuration file and either reads from or writes to Modbus registers.
- dmmbctl
A command-line utility to read a value from or write a value to a register of a Modbus RTU/TCP device.
- dmpipe
Executes a program as a sub-process connected through an anonymous pipe and forwards the output via POSIX message queue. Optionally, observations are written to file or stdout.
- dmserial
Connects to a TTY/PTY serial port for sensor communication. The program sends requests to a connected sensor to receive responses. The program pre-processes the response data using regular expressions and forwards observations via POSIX message queue.
- dmved
Reads status information of a connected Victron Energy MPPT solar charge controller or SmartShunt battery monitor, using the VE.Direct protocol.
- dmfeed
Creates an Atom syndication feed in XML format (RFC 4287) from logs of given sensor node and log level. If the feed is served by a web server, clients can subscribe to it by using a feed reader or news aggregator. The program may be executed periodically as a cron job.
- dmweb
A CGI-based web user interface for DMPACK database access on client and server. Requires a web server and gnuplot(1).
This section contains descriptions of all DMPACK programs with their
respective command-line arguments. Some programs read settings from an optional
or mandatory configuration file. Example configuration files are provided in
directory /usr/local/etc/dmpack/
The files are ordinary Lua scripts, i.e., you can add Lua control structures
for complex tables or access the Lua API of DMPACK. In your editor, set the
language to Lua to enable syntax highlighting (for instance, set syntax=lua
in Vim), or use file ending .lua
instead of .conf
. The set-up of the
web applications is outlined in the next section.
dmapi is an HTTP-RPC API service for remote DMPACK database access. The web application has to be executed through a FastCGI-compatible web server. It is recommended to use lighttpd(1). The service is configured through environment variables. The web server or FastCGI spawner must be able to pass environment variables to dmapi.
The dmapi service offers endpoints for clients to insert beats, logs, and observations into the local SQLite database, and to request data in CSV or JSON format. Only HTTP GET and POST requests are accepted. All POST data has to be serialised in Fortran 95 Namelist format, with optional deflate or zstd compression. Section RPC API gives an overview of the available endpoints.
Authentication and encryption are independent from dmapi and have to be
provided by the web server. If HTTP Basic Auth is enabled, the sensor id of
each beat, log, node, sensor, and observation sent to the HTTP-RPC service must
match the name of the authenticated user. For example, to store an observation
of a node with the id node-1
, the user name of the client must be node-1
well. If the observation is sent by any other user, it will be rejected (HTTP
Environment Variable | Description |
Path to heartbeat database (required). |
Path to log database (required). |
Path to observation database (required). |
Set to |
The response format depends on the MIME type set in the HTTP Accept header of the request, either:
(JSON) -
(JSON Lines) -
(Fortran 95 Namelist) -
(CSV) -
(plain text)
By default, responses are in CSV format. The Namelist format is available only
for single records. Status messages are returned as key–value pairs, indicated
by content type text/plain
See section RPC Server for a basic lighttpd(1) configuration.
The dmbackup utility creates an online backup of a running SQLite database. By default, the SQLite backup API is used. The program is functional equivalent to running the sqlite3(1) command-line interface:
$ sqlite3 <database> ".backup '<output>'"
dmbackup does not replace existing backup databases.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path of the backup database. |
– |
Path of the SQLite database to backup. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
off |
Use |
off |
Print backup progess (not in vacuum mode). |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
off |
Enable WAL journal for backup database. |
Create an online backup of an observation database:
$ dmbackup --database /var/dmpack/observ.sqlite --backup /tmp/observ.sqlite
The dmbeat program is a heartbeat emitter that sends handshake messages via HTTP POST to a remote dmapi service. Heartbeats include the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
Node id. |
IPv4/IPv6 address of client. |
Client software name and version. |
Date and time heartbeat was sent (ISO 8601). |
Date and time heartbeat was received (ISO 8601). |
Last client connection error. |
Emit interval in seconds. |
Client uptime in seconds. |
The server may inspect the data to check if a client is still running and has
network access. The RPC endpoint on the server is expected at URL
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
Compression library to use ( |
– |
Path to configuration file. |
0 |
Number of heartbeats to send (unlimited if 0). |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
IP or FQDN of HTTP-RPC API host (for instance, |
0 |
Emit interval in seconds. |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Optional name of instance and table in configuration. |
– |
Node id. |
– |
API password. |
0 |
Port of HTTP-RPC API server (0 for automatic). |
off |
Use TLS encryption. |
– |
API user name. If set, implies HTTP Basic Auth. |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Send a single heartbeat to a dmapi service on localhost
$ dmbeat --node dummy-node --host --count 1 --verbose
A sensor node with id dummy-node
must exist in the server database. The
web application dmweb lists the beats received by the server.
The dmbot program is an XMPP bot that accepts commands via chat. Access to the
bot is limited to the JIDs added to table group
in the configuration file.
Requests from clients whose JID is not in the table will be rejected. If table
is empty, all clients are allowed to send commands to the bot.
The XMPP resource is automatically set to the name of the bot instance. If the
JID of the bot account is
and the bot name is dmbot
, the
full JID will be set to
All commands start with prefix !
. For an overview, send chat command !help
to the bot. The bot understands the following commands:
- !beats
Return current time of the sensor node in Swatch Internet Time (.beats).
- !date
Return date and time of the sensor node in ISO 8601.
- !help
Return help text.
- !jid
Return full JID of bot.
- !log <level> "<message>"
Send log message of given level to logger. The argument
must be a valid log level name or numeric log level. The argumentmessage
must be in quotes if it contains spaces. - !node
Return node id of bot.
- !poke
Return a message if the bot is online.
- !reconnect
Reconnect bot to server.
- !uname
Return name and version of the operating system.
- !uptime
Return uptime of the operating system.
- !version
Return bot version.
Passing the XMPP credentials via the command-line arguments --jid
is insecure on multi-user operating systems and only recommended
for testing.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file. |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
FQDN of XMPP server (for instance, |
– |
Bot Jabber id (for example, |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Optional name of instance, XMPP resource, and table in configuration. |
– |
Node id. |
– |
Bot password. |
5222 |
Port of XMPP server. |
off |
Reconnect on error. |
off |
Force TLS encryption. |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Connect with JID
to an XMPP server on port 5223 and wait for
$ dmbot --node dummy-node --jid --password secret \ --host --port 5223 --tls --verbose
If no configuration file is used, any client may send commands to the bot
without authorisation. Start a chat with the bot JID and send a command. For
instance, on command !uptime
the bot sends a reply like the following:
uptime: 0 days 23 hours 57 mins 32 secs
The dmdb program collects observations from a POSIX message queue and
stores them in a SQLite database. The name of the message queue equals the
given dmdb name and leading /
. The IPC option enables process
synchronisation via POSIX semaphores. The value of the semaphore is changed from
0 to 1 if a new observation has been received. Only a single process shall wait
for the semaphore.
Only observation types in binary format are accepted. Log messages are stored to database by the distinct dmlogger program.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file. |
– |
Path to SQLite observation database. |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
off |
Uses a POSIX semaphore for process synchronisation. The name of the semaphore
matches the instance name (with leading |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Optional name of program instance, configuration, POSIX message queue, and POSIX semaphore. |
– |
Node id. |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Create a message queue /dmdb
, wait for incoming observations, and store them
in the given database:
$ dmdb --name dmdb --node dummy-node --database /var/dmpack/observ.sqlite --verbose
Log messages and observation ids are printed to stdout if argument --verbose
is set.
The dmdbctl utility program performs create, read, update, or delete operations (CRUD) on the observation database.
- Create
Add nodes, sensors, and targets to the database.
- Read
Read nodes, sensors, and targets from database. Print the records to standard output.
- Update
Update nodes, sensors, and targets in the database.
- Delete
Delete nodes, sensors, and targets from the database.
Only nodes, sensors, and targets are supported. All data attributes are passed through command-line arguments.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Create record of given type ( |
– |
Path to SQLite observation database (required). |
– |
Delete record of given type ( |
– |
Node, sensor, or target elevation (optional). |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Node, sensor, or target id (required). |
– |
Node, sensor, or target latitude (optional). |
– |
Node, sensor, or target longitude (optional). |
– |
Node, sensor, or target meta description (optional). |
– |
Node, sensor, or target name. |
– |
Id of node the sensor is associated with. |
– |
Read record of given type ( |
– |
Serial number of sensor (optional). |
– |
Target state (optional). |
Sensor type ( |
– |
Updates record of given type ( |
off |
Print additional log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
– |
Local node, sensor, or target x (optional). |
– |
Local node, sensor, or target y (optional). |
– |
Local node, sensor, or target z (optional). |
Add node, sensor, and target to observation database:
$ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C node --id node-1 --name "Node 1" $ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C sensor --id sensor-1 --name "Sensor 1" --node node-1 $ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C target --id target-1 --name "Target 1"
Delete a target from the database:
$ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -D target --id target-1
Read attributes of sensor sensor-1
$ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -R sensor --id sensor-1 sensor-1 sensor.node_id: node-1 sensor.type: virtual Sensor 1 12345 sensor.meta: dummy sensor sensor.x: 0.000000000000 sensor.y: 0.000000000000 sensor.z: 0.000000000000 sensor.longitude: 0.000000000000 sensor.latitude: 0.000000000000 sensor.elevation: 0.000000000000
The dmexport program writes beats, logs, nodes, sensors, targets, observations, and data points from database to file, in ASCII block, CSV, JSON, or JSON Lines format. The ASCII block format is only available for X/Y data points. The types data point, log, and observation require a sensor id, a target id, and a time range in ISO 8601 format.
If no output file is given, the data is printed to standard output. The output file will be overwritten if it already exists. If no records are found, an empty file will be created.
Type | Block | CSV | JSON | JSONL |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to SQLite database (required). |
– |
Output file format ( |
– |
Start of time range in ISO 8601 (required for types |
off |
Add CSV header. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Node id (required). |
– |
Path of output file. |
– |
Response name for type |
– |
Sensor id (requied for types |
CSV field separator. |
– |
Target id (required for types |
– |
End of time range in ISO 8601 (required for types |
– |
Type of record to export: |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Export log messages from database to JSON file:
$ dmexport --database log.sqlite --type log --format json --node dummy-node \ --from 2020-01-01 --to 2023-01-01 --output /tmp/log.json
Export observations from database to CSV file:
$ dmexport --database observ.sqlite --type observ --format csv --node dummy-node \ --sensor dummy-sensor --target dummy-target --from 2020-01-01 --to 2025-01-01 \ --output /tmp/observ.csv
The dmfeed program creates a web feed from log messages in Atom Syndication Format. The log messages are read from database and written as XML to standard output or file.
The feed id has to be a 36 characters long UUID with hyphens. News aggregators will use the id to identify the feed. Therefore, the id should not be reused among different feeds. Run dmuuid to generate a valid UUIDv4.
The time stamp of the feed in element updated is set to the date and time of
the last log message. If no logs have been added to the database since the last
file modification of the feed, the output file is not updated, unless argument
is passed. To update the feed periodically, add dmfeed to
If an XSLT style sheet is given, web browsers may be able to display the Atom
feed in HTML format. Set the option to the (relative) path of the public XSL on
the web server. An example style sheet feed.xsl
is located in
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Name of feed author or organisation. |
– |
Path to configuration file. |
– |
Path to SQLite log database. |
– |
E-mail address of feed author (optional). |
50 |
Maximum number of entries in feed (max. 500). |
– |
Force file output even if no new log records are available. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
UUID of the feed, 36 characters long with hyphens. |
Select log messages of the given maximum log level (from |
Select log messages of the given minimum log level (from |
Name of instance and table in configuration. |
– |
Select log messages of the given node id. |
stdout |
Path of the output file. If empty or |
– |
Sub-title of feed. |
– |
Title of feed. |
– |
Public URL of the feed. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
– |
Path to XSLT style sheet. |
First, generate a unique feed id:
$ dmuuid --hyphens 19c12109-3e1c-422c-ae36-3ba19281f2e
Then, write the last 50 log messages in Atom format to file feed.xml
, and
include a link to the XSLT style sheet feed.xsl
$ dmfeed --database /var/dmpack/log.sqlite --output /var/www/feed.xml \ --id 19c12109-3e1c-422c-ae36-3ba19281f2e --xsl feed.xsl
Copy the XSLT style sheet to the directory of the Atom feed:
$ cp /usr/local/share/dmpack/feed.xsl /var/www/
If /var/www/
is served by a web server, feed readers can subscribe to the
feed. Additionally, we may translate feed and style sheet into a single HTML
document feed.html
, using an arbitrary XSLT processor, for instance:
$ xsltproc --output feed.html /var/www/feed.xsl /var/www/feed.xml
The dmfs program reads observations from file system, virtual file, or named pipe. The program can be used to read sensor data from the 1-Wire File System (OWFS).
If any receivers are specified, observations are forwarded to the next receiver
via POSIX message queue. dmfs can act as a sole data logger if output and
format are set. If the output path is set to -
, observations are written to
stdout instead of file.
The requests of each observation have to contain the path of the (virtual) file
in attribute request
. Response values are extracted by named group from the
raw response using the given regular expression pattern. Afterwards, the
observation is forwarded to the next receiver via POSIX message queue.
A configuration file is mandatory to describe the jobs to perform. Each observation must have a valid target id. Node, sensor, and target have to be present in the database.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file (required). |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Output format, either |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Name of instance and table in configuration. |
– |
Node id. |
– |
Output file to append observations to ( |
– |
Sensor id. |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Start dmfs to execute the jobs in the configuration file:
$ dmfs --name dmfs --config /usr/local/etc/dmpack/dmfs.conf --verbose
The dmgrc program creates log messages from Leica GeoCOM return codes.
Observations received by POSIX message queue are searched for a GeoCOM return
code (GRC) response. If the code does not equal GRC_OK
, a log message is sent
to the configured logger instance.
By default, observation responses of name grc
are verified. For each GeoCOM
error code, a custom log level may be specified in the configuration file.
Otherwise, the default log level is used instead.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file (required). |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
3 |
Default log level (from |
– |
Name of dmlogger process to send logs to. |
Name of instance and table in configuration. |
– |
Node id. |
Response name of the GeoCOM return code. |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
A configuration file is not required, but allows to specifiy the log level of
certain GeoCOM return codes. In the following example configuration, the default
log level for all return codes other than GRC_OK
is set to LL_WARNING
. The
level is further refined for specific GeoCOM codes:
-- dmgrc.conf
dmgrc = {
logger = "dmlogger",
node = "dummy-node",
response = "grc",
level = LL_WARNING,
levels = {
error = { GRC_FATAL },
critical = {},
user = {}
debug = false,
verbose = true
See section GeoCOM API for a table of all supported return codes. Pass the path of the configuration file through the command-line argument:
$ dmgrc --name dmgrc --config /usr/local/etc/dmpack/dmgrc.conf
The name argument must match the name of the configuration table. A logger
process of name dmlogger
must be running to process the generated log
The dminfo utility program prints build, database, and system information to
standard output. The path to the beat, log, or observation database is passed
through command-line argument --database
. Only one database can be specified.
The output contains compiler version and options; database PRAGMAs, tables, and number of rows; as well as system name, version, and host name.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to SQLite database. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Print build, database, and system information:
$ dminfo --database /var/dmpack/observ.sqlite build.compiler: GCC version 14.2.0 build.options: -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -std=f2018 db.application_id: 444D31 db.foreign_keys: true db.journal_mode: wal db.library: libsqlite3/3.46.1 db.path: /var/dmpack/observ.sqlite db.schema_version: 3 db.size: 286720 0 db.table.logs.rows: 0 db.table.nodes.rows: 1 db.table.observs.rows: 202 db.table.receivers.rows: 606 db.table.requests.rows: 202 db.table.responses.rows: 232 db.table.sensors.rows: 2 db.table.targets.rows: 2 dmpack.version: 0.9.6 system.byte_order: little-endian workstation FreeBSD system.platform: amd64 system.release: 14.2-RELEASE 2025-02-09T14:23:24.207627+01:00 +0100 system.version: FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE releng/14.2-n269506-c8918d6c7412 GENERIC
The dmimport program reads logs, nodes, sensors, targets, and observations in CSV format from file and imports them into the database. The database inserts are transaction-based. If an error occurs, the transaction is rolled back, and no records are written to the database at all.
The database has to be a valid DMPACK database and must contain the tables required for the input records. The nodes, sensors, and targets referenced by input observations must exist in the database. The nodes referenced by input sensors must exist as well.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to SQLite database (required, unless in dry mode). |
off |
Dry mode. Reads and validates records from file but skips database import. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Path to input file in CSV format (required). |
– |
CSV quote character. |
CSV field separator. |
– |
Type of record to import, either |
off |
Print progress to stdout. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Import observations from CSV file observ.csv
into database observ.sqlite
$ dmimport --type observ --input observ.csv --database observ.sqlite --verbose
The dminit utility program creates beat, log, and observation databases. No action is performed if the specified database already exists. A synchronisation table is required for observation and log synchronisation with an dmapi server. The argument can be omitted if this feature is not needed. The journal mode Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) should be enabled for databases with multiple readers.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path of the new SQLite database (required). |
off |
Force the table creation even if the database already exists. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
off |
Add synchronisation tables. Enable for data synchronisation between client and server. |
– |
Type of database, either |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
off |
Enable journal mode Write-Ahead Logging (WAL). |
Create an observation database with remote synchronisation tables (WAL):
$ dminit --database /var/dmpack/observ.sqlite --type observ --sync --wal
Create a log database with remote synchronisation tables (WAL):
$ dminit --database /var/dmpack/log.sqlite --type log --sync --wal
Create a heartbeat database (WAL):
$ dminit --database /var/dmpack/beat.sqlite --type beat --wal
The dmlog utility forwards a log message to the message queue of a
dmlogger or dmrecv instance. The program may be executed through a
shell script to add logs to the DMPACK database. The argument --message
mandatory. The default log level is info. Pass the name of the dmlogger or
dmrecv instance to send the log to through command-line argument --logger
Logs are sent in binary format. The program terminates after log transmission. The log level may be one of the following:
Level | Parameter String | Description |
1 |
Debug message. |
2 |
Hint or info message. |
3 |
Warning message. |
4 |
Non-critical error message. |
5 |
Critical error message. |
6 |
User-defined log level. |
Both, parameter strings and literal log level values, are accepted as
command-line arguments. For level warning, set argument --level
to 3
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
0 |
DMPACK error code (optional). |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
Log level, from |
Name of logger instance and POSIX message queue. |
– |
Log message (max. 512 characters). |
– |
Node id (optional). |
– |
Observation id (optional). |
– |
Sensor id (optional). |
– |
Source of the log message (optional). |
– |
Target id (optional). |
off |
Print log to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Send a log message to the message queue of logger dmlogger
$ dmlog --level warning --message "low battery" --source dmlog --verbose 2022-12-09T22:50:44.161000+01:00 [WARNING] dmlog - low battery
The dmlogger
process will receive the log message in real-time and store it in
the log database (if the log level is ≥ the configured minimum log level):
$ dmlogger --node dummy-node --database /var/dmpack/log.sqlite --verbose 2022-12-09T22:50:44.161000+01:00 [WARNING] dmlog - low battery
The dmlogger program collects log messages from a POSIX message queue and
writes them to a SQLite database. The name of the message queue will equal the
given dmlogger name with leading /
, by default /dmlogger
If a minimum log level is selected, only logs of a level greater or equal the minimum are stored in the database. Log messages with a lower level are printed to standard output before being discarded (only if the verbose flag is enabled).
The IPC option allows an optional process synchronisation via a named POSIX
semaphores. The value of the semaphore is changed from 0
to 1
whenever a
new log was received. The name of the semaphore will equal the dmlogger name
with leading /
Only a single process should wait for the semaphore unless round-robin passing
is desired. This feature may be used to automatically synchronise incoming log
messages with a remote HTTP-RPC API server. dmsync will wait for new logs
before starting synchronisation if the dmlogger instance name has been passed
through command-line argument --wait
The following log levels are accepted:
Level | Parameter String | Description |
1 |
Debug message. |
2 |
Hint or info message. |
3 |
Warning message. |
4 |
Non-critical error message. |
5 |
Critical error message. |
6 |
User-defined log level. |
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file. |
– |
Path to SQLite log database. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
off |
Use POSIX semaphore for process synchronisation. The name of the semaphore matches the instance name (with leading slash). The semaphore is set to 1 whenever a new log message is received. Only a single process may wait for this semaphore. |
Minimum level for a log to be stored in the database, from |
Name of logger instance, configuration, POSIX message queue, and POSIX semaphore. |
– |
Node id. |
off |
Print received logs to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Create a message queue /dmlogger
, wait for incoming logs, and store them in
the given database if logs are of level error (4) or higher:
$ dmlogger --node dummy-node --database log.sqlite --minlevel warning
Push semaphore /dmlogger
each time a log has been received:
$ dmlogger --node dummy-node --database log.sqlite --ipc
Let dmsync wait for semaphore /dmlogger
before synchronising the log
database with host
, then repeat:
$ dmsync --type log --database log.sqlite --host --wait dmlogger
The dmlua program runs a custom Lua script to process observations received
from message queue. Each observation is passed as a Lua table to the function of
the name given in option procedure
. If the option is not set, function name
is assumed by default. The Lua function must return the (modified)
observation table on exit.
The observation returned from the Lua function is forwarded to the next receiver specified in the receivers list of the observation. If no receivers are left, the observation will be discarded.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file (optional). |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Name of instance and table in configuration. |
– |
Node id. |
Name of Lua function to call. |
– |
Path to Lua script to run. |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
The following Lua script script.lua
just prints observation table observ
standard output, before returning it to dmlua unmodified:
-- script.lua
function process(observ)
return observ
function dump(o)
if type(o) == 'table' then
local s = '{\n'
for k, v in pairs(o) do
if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"' .. k .. '"' end
s = s .. '[' .. k .. '] = ' .. dump(v) .. ',\n'
return s .. '}'
return tostring(o)
Any observation sent to receiver dmlua
will be passed to the Lua function
in script.lua
, then forwarded to the next receiver (if any):
$ dmlua --name dmlua --node dummy-node --script script.lua --verbose
The dmmb program reads values from or writes values to Modbus RTU/TCP registers by sequentially processing the job list loaded from a configuration file. Each request of an observation must contain the Modbus register parameters in the request string. The value of the first response is set to the result of the read operation. Up to 8 requests to read and/or write values are permitted. Integers read from a register may be scaled using an optional scale denominator.
For example, to read a 2-byte unsigned integer from holding register 40050 of
slave device 2 with a scale factor of 1/10, the attribute request
of a request
must be set to:
access=read, slave=1, address=40050, type=uint16, scale=10
Or, to read a 4-byte floating-point value in ABCD byte order from register 40060:
access=read, slave=1, address=40060, type=float, order=abcd
Only integer values may be written to an input register, for instance:
access=write, slave=2, address=30010, type=uint16, value=1
The value is converted to uint16
automatically. The command string can be in
lower or upper case, white spaces are optional.
The following fields are supported in the command string:
Field | Value | Description |
Read value of |
Write value of |
30001 – 39999 |
Input register address. |
40001 – 49999 |
Holding register address. |
default |
Holding register address. |
ABCD byte order of type |
BADC byte order of type |
CDAB byte order of type |
DCBA byte order of type |
> 0 |
Optional integer scale denominator. |
> 0 |
Slave id. |
2-byte signed integer. |
4-byte signed integer. |
2-byte unsigned integer. |
4-byte unsigned integer. |
4-byte float. |
Integer value to write. |
Observations will be forwarded to the next receiver via POSIX message queue if
any receiver is specified. The program can act as a sole data logger if output
and format are set. If the output path is set to -
, observations are printed
to stdout, else to file.
A configuration file is required to configure the jobs to perform. Each observation must have a valid target id. The database must contain the specified node, sensor, and targets if observations will be forwarded to dmdb.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file (required). |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Output format, either |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Name of instance and table in configuration. |
– |
Node id. |
– |
Output file to append observations to ( |
– |
Sensor id. |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
The following example can be used as a starting point for a custom configuration
file. The job list contains one observation with two requests to read
temperature and humidity values from the holding register. The temperature is
provided as a 4-byte float in ABCD byte order in register 40060, the humidity as
a 2-byte unsigned integer in register 40050. The humidity will be scaled
automatically by 1/10, i.e., an integer value of 600
is converted to the real
value 60.0
-- dmmb.conf
dmmb = {
logger = "",
node = "dummy-node",
sensor = "dummy-sensor",
output = "-",
format = "jsonl",
mode = "rtu",
rtu = {
-- Modbus RTU interface.
path = "/dev/ttyUSB0",
baudrate = 19200,
bytesize = 8,
parity = "none",
stopbits = 2
tcp = {
-- Modbus TCP interface.
address = "",
port = 502
jobs = {
-- Read temperature and humidity from Modbus registers.
disabled = false,
onetime = false,
observation = {
name = "get_values",
target_id = "dummy-target",
receivers = { },
requests = {
-- (1) Read temperature as 4-byte float (ABCD) from register 40060.
name = "get_temperature",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=40060,type=float,order=abcd",
delay = 0,
responses = {
{ name = "temp", unit = "degC", type = RESPONSE_TYPE_REAL64 }
-- (2) Read humidity as 2-byte unsigned integer from register 40050.
name = "get_humidity",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=40050,type=uint16,scale=10",
delay = 0,
responses = {
{ name = "hum", unit = "%", type = RESPONSE_TYPE_REAL64 }
delay = 60 * 1000
debug = false,
verbose = false
The dmmb program opens a Modbus RTU connection to /dev/ttyUSB0
(19200 baud,
8N2), then reads temperature and humidity from slave device 1 every 60 seconds.
The observations are printed to stdout in JSONL format:
$ dmmb --name dmmb --config /usr/local/etc/dmpack/dmmb.conf --verbose
The dmmbctl command-line program reads a value from or writes a value to a
register of a connected Modbus RTU/TCP device. Modbus RTU requires the
command-line arguments --path
, --baudrate
, --bytesize
, --parity
, and
. For Modbus TCP, only --address
and --port
must be passed.
The following data types are supported:
Type | Description |
2-byte signed integer. |
4-byte signed integer. |
2-byte unsigned integer. |
4-byte unsigned integer. |
4-byte float. |
In order to read floating-point values, set --type
to float
and --order
to the byte order used by the Modbus device, either abcd
, badc
, cdab
, or
. Only integer values may be written to a register.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Modbus TCP address (IPv4). |
– |
Modbus RTU baud rate (9600, 19200, …). |
– |
Modbus RTU byte size (5, 6, 7, 8). |
off |
Print debug messages from libmodbus. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Byte order of float ( |
– |
Modbus RTU parity bits ( |
– |
Modbus RTU device path. |
– |
Modbus TCP port. |
– |
Read value from given Modbus register address. |
– |
Slave id of Modbus device. |
– |
Modbus RTU stop bits (1, 2). |
– |
Number type ( |
– |
Integer value to write. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
– |
Write value to given Modbus register address. |
Read the current temperature in °C measured by a Pt100 RTD that is connected to an I/O module with Modbus RTU interface:
$ dmmbctl --path /dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate 19200 --bytesize 8 --parity even --stopbits 1 \ --slave 1 --read 40050 --type float --order abcd 21.217552185059
The I/O module is attached through an RS-485 adapter on /dev/ttyUSB
baud, 8E1) and configured to use slave id 1. The value is read from register
40050 and converted to float in abcd
byte order.
The dmpipe program reads responses from processes connected through a pipe to
read sensor data from a third-party program. Requests of an observation have to
contain the process to call in attribute request
. Response values are
extracted by group from the raw response using the given regular expression
If any receivers are specified, observations are forwarded to the next receiver
via POSIX message queue. The program can act as a sole data logger if output and
format are set. If the output path is set to -
, observations are printed to
A configuration file is mandatory to configure the jobs to perform. Each observation must have a valid target id. Node id, sensor id, and observation id are added by dmpipe. If the observation will be stored in a database, the node, sensor and target ids have to exist in the database.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file (required). |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Output format, either |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Name of instance and table in configuration. |
– |
Node id. |
– |
Output file to append observations to ( |
– |
Sensor id. |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
The example reads the remaining battery life returned by the sysctl(8) tool (available on FreeBSD):
$ sysctl 100
On Linux, the battery life can be read with dmfs from
The regular expression pattern describes the response and defines the group
for extraction. The name of one of the responses in the responses
table must equal the group name. The observation will be forwarded to the
message queue of a dmdb process. Backslash characters in the string values
have to be escaped with \
-- dmpipe.conf
dmpipe = {
logger = "dmlogger", -- Logger to send logs to.
node = "dummy-node", -- Node id (required).
sensor = "dummy-sensor", -- Sensor id (required).
output = "", -- Path to output file, `-` for stdout.
format = "none", -- Output format (`csv` or `jsonl`).
jobs = { -- Jobs to perform.
disabled = false, -- Skip job.
onetime = false, -- Run job only once.
observation = { -- Observation to execute.
name = "dummy-observ", -- Observation name (required).
target_id = "dummy-target", -- Target id (required).
receivers = { "dmdb" }, -- List of receivers (up to 16).
requests = { -- Pipes to open.
request = "sysctl", -- Command to execute.
pattern = "[.a-z]+: (?<battery>[0-9]+)", -- RegEx pattern.
delay = 0, -- Delay in mseconds.
responses = {
name = "battery", -- RegEx group name (max. 32 characters).
unit = "%" -- Response unit (max. 8 characters).
type = RESPONSE_TYPE_REAL64 -- Response value type.
delay = 60 * 1000, -- Delay to wait afterwards in mseconds.
debug = false, -- Forward logs of level DEBUG via IPC.
verbose = true -- Print messages to standard error.
Pass the path of the configuration file to dmpipe:
$ dmpipe --name dmpipe --config /usr/local/etc/dmpipe.conf
The result returned by sysctl(8) will be formatted according to the current locale (decimal separator). You may have to change the locale first to match the regular expression pattern:
$ export LANG=C $ dmpipe --name dmpipe --config /usr/local/etc/dmpipe.conf
The dmplot program is a front-end to gnuplot(1) that creates plots of observations read from database. Plots are either written to file or displayed in terminal or X11 window.
Depending on the selected terminal back-end, you may have to set the environment
to the path of the local font directory first:
$ export GDFONTPATH="/usr/local/share/fonts/webfonts/"
If gnuplot(1) is installed under a name other than gnuplot
, for example,
, create a symbolic link or add an alias to the global profile:
alias gnuplot="gnuplot-nox"
The output file is ignored when using the terminals sixelgd
and x11
Plotting parameters passed via command-line have priority over those from
configuration file.
Terminal | Description |
ASCII format, in ANSI colours. |
ASCII format. |
GIF format (libgd). |
PNG format (libgd). |
PNG format (libcairo), created from vector graphics. |
Sixel format (libgd), originally for DEC terminals. |
W3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format. |
Persistent X11 window (libX11). |
Descriptor | Description (Format) |
year (YYYY) |
month (MM) |
day of month (DD) |
hour (hh) |
minute (mm) |
second (ss) |
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Background colour (for example, |
– |
Path to configuration file. |
– |
Path to SQLite observation database. |
– |
Font name or file path (for example, |
Foreground colour (for example, |
– |
Start of time range in ISO 8601. |
400 |
Plot height. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
Name of table in configuration. |
– |
Node id. |
– |
File path of plot image. May include format descriptors. |
– |
Response name. |
– |
Sensor id. |
– |
Target id. |
– |
– |
Plot title. |
– |
End of time range in ISO 8601. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
1000 |
Plot width. |
Create a plot of observations selected from database observ.sqlite
in PNG
format, and write the file to /tmp/plot.png
$ dmplot --database /var/dmpack/observ.sqlite --terminal pngcairo --output /tmp/plot.png \ --node dummy-node --sensor dummy-sensor --target dummy-target --response dummy \ --from 2024 --to 2025
Output the plot directly to terminal, using the configuration in dmplot.conf
$ dmplot --name dmplot --config dmplot.conf --terminal sixelgd
The sixelgd
format requires a terminal emulator with Sixel support, such as
xterm(1) or mlterm(1).
The dmrecv program listens to the POSIX message queue of its name and writes
received logs or observations to stdout, file, or named pipe; in CSV, JSON
Lines, or Namelist format. By default, the serialised data is appended to the
end of the output file. If argument --replace
is passed, the file will be
replaced consecutively.
Received observations are not forwarded to the next specified receiver unless
argument --forward
is set. If no receivers are defined or left, the
observation will be discarded after output. If the JSON Lines output format is
selected, logs and observations are written as JSON objects to file or stdout,
separated by new line (\n
). Use jq(1) to convert records in JSON Lines file
into a valid JSON array in output.json
$ jq -s '.' input.jsonl > output.json
The output format block
is only available for observation data and requires a
response name to be set. Observations will be searched for this response name
and converted to data point type if found. The data point is printed in ASCII
block format.
The program settings are passed through command-line arguments or an optional configuration file. The arguments overwrite settings from file.
Type | Block | CSV | JSONL | NML |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file. |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Output format ( |
off |
Forward observations to the next specified receiver. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Name of table in configuration and POSIX message queue to subscribe to. |
– |
Optional node id. |
stdout |
Output file to append observations to ( |
off |
Replace output file instead of appending data. |
– |
Name of observation response to output (required for format |
– |
Data type to receive: |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Write log messages received from POSIX message queue /dmrecv
to file
in CSV format:
$ dmrecv --name dmrecv --type log --format csv --output /tmp/logs.csv
Output observations in JSON Lines format to stdout:
$ dmrecv --name dmrecv --type observ --format jsonl
Write the observations serialised in JSON Lines format to named pipe
$ mkfifo /tmp/fifo_dmrecv $ dmrecv --name dmrecv --type observ --format jsonl --output /tmp/fifo_dmrecv
Another process can now read the observations from /tmp/fifo_dmrecv
$ tail -f /tmp/fifo_dmrecv
Responses in block format can also be piped to a graph tool like
trend to update a chart in
real-time. For instance, to pipe the responses of name tz0
in observations
received through message queue /dmrecv
to the trend graph program, run:
$ dmrecv --name dmrecv --type observ --format block --response tz0 \ | gawk '{ print $2 | "trend - 60" }'
GNU awk is used to extract the response value from the stream, before it is piped to trend(1).
The dmreport program creates reports in HTML5 format, containing plots of
observations and/or log messages selected from database. Plots are created by
calling gnuplot(1) and inlining the returned image (GIF, PNG, SVG) as a
base64-encoded data URI. Any style sheet file with classless CSS can be
included to alter the presentation of the report. A basic style sheet
and its minified version dmreport.min.css
are provided in
. The output of dmreport is a single HTML
file with inlined CSS. Use a command-line tool like
wkhtmltopdf to convert the HTML report to PDF
Depending on the selected plot format, the environment variable GDFONTPATH
have to be set to the local font directory containing the TrueType fonts first,
for example:
$ export GDFONTPATH="/usr/local/share/fonts/webfonts/"
Add the export statement to the global profile /etc/profile
. If gnuplot(1)
is installed under a name other than gnuplot
, for example, gnuplot-nox
create a symbolic link or add an alias to /etc/profile
alias gnuplot="gnuplot-nox"
A configuration file is mandatory to create reports. Only a few parameters can be set through command-line arguments. Passed command-line arguments have priority over settings in the configuration file.
Descriptor | Description (Format) |
year (YYYY) |
month (MM) |
day of month (DD) |
hour (hh) |
minute (mm) |
second (ss) |
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file (required). |
– |
Start of time range in ISO 8601. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
Name of program instance and configuration. |
– |
Sensor node id. |
– |
Path of the HTML output file. May include format descriptors. |
– |
Path to the CSS file to inline. |
– |
End of time range in ISO 8601. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
The settings are stored in Lua table dmreport
in the configuration file. The
observations are read from database observ.sqlite
, the log messages from
. You might want to use absolute paths for the databases.
-- dmreport.conf
dmreport = {
node = "dummy-node",
from = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
to = "2070-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
output = "%Y-%M-%D_dummy-report.html",
style = "/usr/local/share/dmpack/dmreport/dmreport.min.css",
title = "Monitoring Report",
subtitle = "Project",
meta = "",
plots = {
disabled = false, -- Disable plots.
database = "observ.sqlite", -- Path to observation database.
title = "Plots", -- Overwrite default heading.
meta = "", -- Optional description.
observations = { -- List of plots to generate.
sensor = "dummy-sensor", -- Sensor id (required).
target = "dummy-target", -- Target id (required).
response = "tz0", -- Response name (required).
unit = "deg C", -- Response unit.
format = "svg", -- Plot format (gif, png, pngcairo, svg).
title = "Temperature", -- Plot title.
subtitle = "tz0", -- Plot sub-title.
meta = "", -- Optional description.
color = "#ff0000", -- Graph colour.
width = 1000, -- Plot width.
height = 300, -- Plot height.
logs = {
disabled = false, -- Disable logs.
database = "log.sqlite", -- Path to log database.
minlevel = LL_WARNING, -- Minimum log level (default: LL_WARNING).
maxlevel = LL_CRITICAL, -- Maximum log level (default: LL_CRITICAL).
title = "Logs", -- Overwrite default heading.
meta = "", -- Optional description.
The sensor node dummy-node
, the sensor dummy-sensor
, and the target
must exist in the database, and the observations to plot need to
have responses of name tz0
. Write a report to file report.html
based on
settings in dmreport.conf
. The command-line arguments overwrite the settings
of the configuration file:
$ dmreport --name dmreport --config dmreport.conf --output report.html
In order to update reports periodically, we can customise the shell script
in /usr/local/share/dmpack/dmreport/
. The script determines the
timestamps of the last and the current month (to allow observations to arrived
late), which will then be passed to dmreport to create monthly reports.
Modify the script according to your set-up:
The shell script writes two reports to /var/www/reports/
$ sh /usr/local/share/dmpack/dmreport/ --- Writing report of 2023-08 to file /var/www/reports/2023-08_report.html ... --- Writing report of 2023-09 to file /var/www/reports/2023-09_report.html ...
The directory may be served by lighttpd(1). Add the script to your crontab to run the report generation periodically.
The dmsend program reads observations or logs in CSV and
Fortran 95 Namelist format, and sends them sequentially to
the POSIX message queue of a given receiver. The data is either read from file
or standard input. If the input data is of type observ
and the argument
is passed, each observation will be sent to its next specified
receiver in the receivers list instead of the receiver given through
argument --receiver
. If no receivers are set, or if the end of the receivers
list is reached, the observation will be discarded.
The program settings are passed through command-line arguments or an optional configuration file. The arguments overwrite settings from file.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file. |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Input format: |
stdin |
Path to input file (empty or |
off |
Forward observations to the next specified receiver. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Name of instance and table in configuration. |
– |
Optional node id. |
– |
Name of receiver/message queue. |
– |
Input data type: |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Read a single observation from Namelist file observ.nml
and send it to the
next receiver specified by attribute next
$ dmsend --type observ --format nml --input observ.nml --forward
Send multiple logs in CSV file logs.csv
sequentially to process dmrecv
$ dmsend --receiver dmrecv --type log --format csv --input logs.csv
The dmserial program sends requests to a sensor or actor connected via USB/RS-232/RS-422/RS-485. Sensor commands and responses are sent/received through a teletype (TTY) device provided by the operating system. A pseudo-terminal (PTY) may be used to connect a virtual sensor.
Each request of an observation must contains the raw request intended for the
sensor in attribute request
. Response values are extracted by group from the
raw response using the given regular expression pattern. Each group name must
match a response name. Response names are limited to 32 characters.
Observations will be forwarded to the next receiver via POSIX message queue if
any receiver is specified. The program can act as a sole data logger if output
file and format are set. If the output is set to -
, observations are printed
to stdout.
A configuration file is mandatory to configure the jobs to perform. Each observation must have a valid target id. The database must contain the specified node, sensor, and targets. Parameters and functions of the Lua API may be used in the configuration file. The following baud rates are supported: 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
9600 |
Number of symbols transmitted per second. |
8 |
Byte size (5, 6, 7, 8). |
– |
Path to configuration file (required). |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
off |
Enable Data Terminal Ready (DTR). |
– |
Output format, either |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Name of instance and table in configuration. |
– |
Node id. |
– |
Output file to append observations to ( |
Parity bits ( |
off |
Enable Request To Send (RTS). |
– |
Sensor id. |
1 |
Number of stop bits (1, 2). |
0 |
Connection timeout in seconds (max. 25). |
– |
Path to TTY/PTY device (for example, |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Read the jobs to perform from configuration file and execute them sequentially:
$ dmserial --name dmserial --config /usr/local/etc/dmpack/dmserial.conf --verbose
The dmsync program synchronises logs, nodes, observations, sensors, and targets from local databases concurrently with a remote dmapi server. The synchronisation may be started only once if no interval is set (to transfer nodes, sensors, and targets initially from client to server), periodically as a cron job, or by waiting for a POSIX semaphore.
The nodes, sensors, and targets referenced by observations in the local database must also exist in the remote server database. They can be created on the server with dmdbctl or dmweb, or sent from client to server with dmsync. Logs and targets do not require any additional database entries on the server-side.
The client databases must contain synchronisation tables. The tables are
created automatically by dminit if command-line argument --sync
passed. Otherweise, start dmsync with argument --create
once to add the
missing tables.
If the RPC server uses HTTP Basic Auth for authentication, the RPC user name must match the node id of the transmitted node, sensor, observation, log, or beat records, or the server will reject the requests and return HTTP 401 (Unauthorized).
The database records are serialised in Fortran 95 Namelist format and
optionally compressed before being sent to the server. The program uses libcurl
for data transfer, and deflate or zstd for compression. The RPC API endpoints
to post records to are expected at URL
The result of each synchronisation attempt is stored in the local database. Records are marked as synchronised only if the server returns HTTP 201 (Created).
Passing the server credentials via the command-line arguments --username
is insecure on multi-user operating systems and only recommended
for testing.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
Compression library to use ( |
– |
Path to configuration file. |
off |
Create missing database synchronisation tables. |
– |
Path to log or observation database. |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
– |
IP address or FQDN of HTTP-RPC API host (for instance, |
60 |
Synchronisation interval in seconds. If set to 0, synchronisation is executed only once. |
– |
Name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Name of program instance and configuration. |
– |
Node id, required for types |
– |
API password. |
0 |
Port of HTTP-RPC API server (0 for automatic). |
off |
Use TLS-encrypted connection. |
– |
Type of data to sychronise, either |
– |
API user name. If set, implies HTTP Basic Auth. |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
– |
Name of POSIX semaphore to wait for. Synchronises databases if semaphore is > 0. |
Initially synchronise nodes, sensors, and targets in the local observation database with an HTTP-RPC server (without authentication):
$ dmsync --database observ.sqlite --type node --host $ dmsync --database observ.sqlite --type sensor --node dummy-node --host $ dmsync --database observ.sqlite --type target --host
Synchronise observations:
$ dmsync --database observ.sqlite --type observ --host
Synchronise log messages:
$ dmsync --database log.sqlite --type log --host
The dmuuid program is a command-line tool to generate pseudo-random UUIDs. By
default, DMPACK uses 32 characters long UUIDv4 identifiers in hexadecimal format
(without hyphens). Hyphens can be added by a command-line flag. The option
expects UUIDv4 identifiers to be passed via standard input. Invalid
identifiers will be replaced with the default UUID. The program may be used to
create a feed id for dmfeed.
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
off |
Add hyphens to 32 characters long hexadecimal UUIDs passed via stdin. |
1 |
Number of identifiers to generate. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
off |
Return 36 characters long UUIDv4 with hyphens. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
Create three identifiers:
$ dmuuid --count 3 6827049760c545ad80d4082cc50203e8 ad488d0b8edd4c6c94582e702a810ada 3d3eee7ae1fb4259b5df72f854aaa369
Create a UUIDv4 with hyphens:
$ dmuuid --hyphens d498f067-d14a-4f98-a9d8-777a3a131d12
Add hyphens to a hexadecimal UUID:
$ echo "3d3eee7ae1fb4259b5df72f854aaa369" | dmuuid --convert 3d3eee7a-e1fb-4259-b5df-72f854aaa369
The dmved program captures VE.Direct status data received from a connected Victron Energy Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) solar charge controller or battery monitor, either:
BlueSolar MPPT series,
SmartSolar MPPT series,
An official Victron Energy USB cable or TTL adapter with JST PH connector is required for data link. The TTY will be configured to 19200 baud (8N1). Values are captured once per second. An observation containing the responses of the device is sent in the specified interval to the configured receiver.
The following VE.Direct fields are supported, depending on the device:
Response | Unit | MPPT | Shunt | Description |
– |
✓ |
alarm condition active (on/off) |
– |
✓ |
alarm reason |
mAh |
✓ |
consumed amp hours |
– |
✓ |
state of operation |
‰ |
✓ |
mid-point deviation of the battery bank |
– |
✓ |
error code |
mAh |
✓ |
depth of the deepest discharge |
mAh |
✓ |
depth of the last discharge |
mAh |
✓ |
depth of the average discharge |
– |
✓ |
number of charge cycles |
– |
✓ |
number of full discharges |
mAh |
✓ |
cumulative amp hours drawn |
mV |
✓ |
minimum main (battery) voltage |
mV |
✓ |
maximum main (battery) voltage |
sec |
✓ |
number of seconds since last full charge |
– |
✓ |
number of automatic synchronisations |
– |
✓ |
number of low main voltage alarms |
– |
✓ |
number of high main voltage alarms |
mV |
✓ |
minimum auxiliary (battery) voltage |
mV |
✓ |
maximum auxiliary (battery) voltage |
kWh/100 |
✓ |
amount of produced energy |
kWh/100 |
✓ |
amount of consumed energy |
kWh/100 |
✓ |
yield total (user resettable counter) |
kWh/100 |
✓ |
yield today |
W |
✓ |
maximum power today |
kWh/100 |
✓ |
yield yesterday |
W |
✓ |
maximum power yesterday |
– |
✓ |
day sequence number (0 to 364) |
mA |
✓ |
✓ |
main or channel 1 battery current |
mA |
✓ |
load current |
– |
✓ |
load output state (on/off) |
– |
✓ |
DC monitor mode |
– |
✓ |
tracker operation mode |
– |
✓ |
off reason |
W |
✓ |
instantaneous power |
W |
✓ |
panel power |
– |
✓ |
✓ |
relay state (on/off) |
‰ |
✓ |
state-of-charge |
°C |
✓ |
battery temperature |
min |
✓ |
time-to-go |
mV |
✓ |
✓ |
main or channel 1 (battery) voltage |
mV |
✓ |
mid-point voltage of the battery bank |
mV |
✓ |
panel voltage |
mV |
✓ |
auxiliary (starter) voltage |
- ar
This field describes the cause of the alarm. Since multiple alarm conditions can be present at the same time the values of the separate alarm conditions are added.
Value Cause 1
low voltage
high voltage
low SOC
low starter voltage
high starter voltage
low temperature
high temperature
mid voltage
- cs
The state of the MPPT operation.
Value State 0
equalise (manual)
external control
- err
The error code of the device, relevant when the device is in fault state.
Error 19 can be ignored, this condition regularly occurs during start-up or shutdown of the MPPT charger. Since version 1.15 this error will no longer be reported.
Error 21 can be ignored for 5 minutes, this condition regularly occurs during start-up or shutdown of the MPPT charger. Since version 1.16 this warning will no longer be reported when it is not persistent.
Value Error 0
no error
battery voltage too high
charger temperature too high
charger over current
charger current reversed
bulk time limit exceeded
current sensor issue (sensor bias/sensor broken)
terminals overheated
converter issue (dual converter models only)
input voltage too high (solar panel)
input current too high (solar panel)
input shutdown (due to excessive battery voltage)
input shutdown (due to current flow during off mode)
lost communication with one of devices
synchronised charging device configuration issue
BMS connection lost
network misconfigured
factory calibration data lost
invalid/incompatible firmware
user settings invalid
- hsds
The day sequence number in range 0 to 364. A change in this number indicates a new day. This implies that the historical data has changed.
- mppt
The tracker operation mode.
Value Mode 0
voltage or current limited
MPPT active
- or
The off reason of the charger. This field describes why a unit is switched off.
Value Reason 1
no input power
switched off (power switch)
switched off (device mode register)
remote input
protection active
pay-as-you-go (PAYGo)
engine shutdown detection
analysing input voltage
Command-Line Options
Option | Short | Default | Description |
– |
Path to configuration file. |
off |
Forward log messages of level debug (if logger is set). |
– |
Type of connected device ( |
– |
Path of file or named pipe to dump received raw data to. |
– |
Print available command-line arguments and quit. |
60 |
Observation emit interval in seconds. |
– |
Optional name of logger. If set, sends logs to dmlogger process of given name. |
Name of instance and table in configuration. |
– |
Optional node id. |
– |
Path to TTY device (for example, |
– |
Name of observation receiver/message queue. |
– |
Sensor id. |
– |
Target id. |
off |
Print log messages to stderr. |
– |
Print version information and quit. |
For a connected SmartSolar MPPT charger, create a configuration file
, set the device to mppt
and the path to the TTY path, for
example /dev/ttyUSB0
if a Victron Energy USB adapter cable is used. Change
node id, sensor id, and target id to your setup:
-- dmved.conf
dmved = {
logger = "", -- No log forwarding.
device = "mppt", -- Device is MPPT.
node = "dummy-node", -- Node id.
sensor = "dummy-sensor", -- Sensor id.
target = "dummy-target", -- Target id.
path = "/dev/ttyUSB0", -- Path of serial device.
dump = "", -- No dump file.
receiver = "dmrecv", -- Name of receiver.
interval = 60, -- Forward observations every minute.
debug = false, -- Disable forwarding of debug messages.
verbose = true -- Print logs to standard error.
Start dmved to read and forward status data from the connected MPPT every 60 seconds:
$ dmved --name dmved --config /usr/local/etc/dmpack/dmved.conf 2025-02-11T14:13:27.587013+00:00 [INFO] dmved - started dmved 2025-02-11T14:13:28.371825+00:00 [INFO] dmved - connected to Victron Energy SmartSolar MPPT 250|60 rev2 ...
Start dmrecv to receive observations and output them to stdout in JSONL format:
$ dmrecv --name dmrecv --type observ --format jsonl
dmweb is a CGI-based web user interface for DMPACK database access on client and server. The web application has to be executed through a CGI-compatible web server. It is recommended to run lighttpd(1). Any other server must be able to pass environment variables to the CGI application. gnuplot(1) is required for the plotting back-end (no-X11 flavour is sufficient).
The web application provides the following pages:
- Dashboard
Lists heartbeats, logs, and observations that have been added to the databases most recently.
- Nodes
Lists all sensor nodes, and allows to add new ones.
- Sensors
Lists all sensors, and allows to add new ones.
- Targets
Lists all targets, and allows to add new ones.
- Observations
Lists observations in database, selected by filter.
- Plots
Creates plots in SVG format from observation responses in database.
- Logs
Lists log messages stored in database, with optional filter.
- Beats
Lists received heartbeat messages, sorted by node id. The beat view shows the time the heartbeat was sent and received, as well as the time passed since then, additionally in Swatch Internet Time.
- Map
Displays nodes, sensors, and targets inside an interactive map.
The style sheet of dmweb is based on missing.css. It can be replaced with any other classless CSS theme. For best experience, the IBM Plex font family should be installed locally.
If gnuplot(1) is installed under a name other than gnuplot
, for example,
, create a symbolic link or add an alias to the global profile
alias gnuplot="gnuplot-nox"
On FreeBSD, it might be necessary to add the environment variable GDFONTPATH
to the path of the font directory:
export GDFONTPATH="/usr/local/share/fonts/webfonts/"
Environment Variable | Description |
Path to heartbeat database (server). |
Path to log database (client, server). |
Path to observation database (client, server). |
Set to |
URL of tile server. |
The map view requires a URL to the tile server in environment variable
. For example, set the variable to{z}/{x}/{y}.png
to use OpenStreetMap as
the backend.
Copy the directory /usr/local/share/dmpack/dmweb
manually to the WWW root
directory, or create a symlink. Environment variables are used to configure
dmweb. Transport security and authentication have to be managed by the web
server. See section Web UI for an example configuration.
Web Applications
dmapi | dmweb | |
Description |
Web UI |
Base Path |
Protocol |
FastCGI |
Location |
server |
client, server |
Configuration |
environment variables |
environment variables |
Authentication |
HTTP Basic Auth |
HTTP Basic Auth |
Content Types |
CSV, JSON, JSON Lines, Namelist, Text |
HTTP Methods |
Database |
SQLite 3 |
SQLite 3 |
Read-Only Mode |
✓ |
✓ |
The following web applications are part of DMPACK:
Both applications may be served by the same web server. It is recommended to run them in lighttpd(1). On FreeBSD, install the package with:
# pkg install www/lighttpd
The web server is configured through /usr/local/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
See the lighttpd wiki
on how to configure the web server. In the listed examples, the DMPACK
executables are assumend to be in /usr/local/bin/
, but you may copy the
programs to /var/www/cgi-bin/
or any other directory. Set an appropriate
owner, such as the one the server is running as.
The HTTP-RPC API and the web interface will be publicly accessible if the web
server is not configured to manage user authentication. HTTP Basic Auth is a
simple method to authenticate users by name and password. The lighttpd(1) web
server includes an
auth module
with various back-ends. In the web server configuration, set
to the path of the file that contains the
credentials. You can run openssl(1) to add one or more user accounts with
hashed password (SHA-512) to the htpasswd file, in this case
# read AUTH_USR # read AUTH_PWD # printf "%s:%s\n" $AUTH_USR `openssl passwd -6 "$AUTH_PWD"` \ >> /usr/local/etc/lighttpd/htpasswd
Enter the user name and the associated password after the read
commands. As
an alternative to storing the credentials in a flat file, we can select a
different authentication back-end, for example, LDAP, PAM, or database. See the
documentation of the module for further instructions. In the web server
configuration, load module mod_authn_file
, select the back-end, and enable
authentication globally or for specific routes:
# Load authentication module.
server.modules += ( "mod_authn_file" )
# Authentication back-end and path of user file.
auth.backend = "htpasswd"
auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "/usr/local/etc/lighttpd/htpasswd"
# Protected routes.
auth.require = (
"/api/v1" => (
"method" => "basic",
"realm" => "dmpack",
"require" => "valid-user"
"/dmpack" => (
"method" => "basic",
"realm" => "dmpack",
"require" => "valid-user"
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
If the HTTP-RPC API will be accessed by a client-side application running in the
browser, the web server has to be configured to send the appropriate
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
(CORS) headers. By default, asynchronous JavaScript requests are forbidden by
the same-origin security policy. Refer to the documentation of the web server on
how to set the Access-Control-*
headers. For lighttpd(1), load the module
and add response headers for OPTION requests:
$HTTP["request-method"] =~ "^(OPTIONS)$" {
setenv.add-response-header = (
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers" =>
"accept, origin, x-requested-with, content-type, x-transmission-session-id",
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers" => "X-Transmission-Session-Id",
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods" => "GET, POST, OPTIONS"
If the web server is behind a reverse proxy, CORS headers should be set by the proxy instead.
The databases are expected to be in directory /var/dmpack/
. Change the
environment variables in the web server configuration to the actual paths. The
observation, log, and beat databases the web applications will access must be
created and initialised beforehand:
# dminit --type observ --database /var/dmpack/observ.sqlite --wal # dminit --type log --database /var/dmpack/log.sqlite --wal # dminit --type beat --database /var/dmpack/beat.sqlite --wal
Make sure the web server has read and write access to the directory and all databases inside:
# chown -R www:www /var/dmpack
Change www:www
to the user and the group the web server is running as.
RPC Server
The snippet in this section may be added to the lighttpd(1) configuration to run the dmapi service. The lighttpd(1) web server does not require an additional FastCGI spawner. The following server modules have to be imported:
(HTTP Basic Auth) -
(real IP, only if the server is behind a reverse proxy) -
Add the IP address of the proxy server to the list of trusted forwarders to have
access to the real IP of a client. The following example configuration may be
appended to your lighttpd.conf
# Listen on all network interfaces.
$SERVER["socket"] == "" { }
# Load lighttpd modules.
server.modules += (
# Real IP of client in case the server is behind a reverse proxy. Set one or
# more trusted proxies.
# extforward.headers = ( "X-Real-IP" )
# extforward.forwarder = ( "<PROXY IP>" => "trust" )
# Set authentication back-end and path of user file.
auth.backend = "htpasswd"
auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "/usr/local/etc/lighttpd/htpasswd"
# Protected routes.
auth.require = ( "/api/v1" => (
"method" => "basic",
"realm" => "dmpack",
"require" => "valid-user"
# FastCGI configuration. Run 4 worker processes, and pass the database paths
# through environment variables.
fastcgi.server = (
"/api/v1" => ((
"socket" => "/var/lighttpd/sockets/dmapi.sock",
"bin-path" => "/usr/local/bin/dmapi",
"max-procs" => 4,
"check-local" => "disable",
"bin-environment" => (
"DM_DB_BEAT" => "/var/dmpack/beat.sqlite",
"DM_DB_LOG" => "/var/dmpack/log.sqlite",
"DM_DB_OBSERV" => "/var/dmpack/observ.sqlite",
"DM_READ_ONLY" => "0"
The FastCGI socket will be written to /var/run/lighttpd/sockets/dmapi.sock
Change max-procs
to the desired number of FastCGI processes. Set the
environment variables to the locations of the databases. The databases must
exist prior start. On FreeBSD, add the service to the system rc file
and start the server manually:
# sysrc lighttpd_enable="YES" # service lighttpd start
On Linux, enable and start the service:
# systemctl enable lighttpd.service # systemctl start lighttpd.service
If served locally, access the RPC API at
Web UI
The lighttpd(1) web server has to be configured to run the CGI application
under base path /dmpack
. The following server modules are required:
(URL rewrites) -
(HTTP Basic Auth) -
(Common Gateway Interface) -
(CGI environment variables)
The example configuration may be appended to your lighttpd.conf
# Listen on all network interfaces.
$SERVER["socket"] == "" { }
# Load lighttpd modules.
server.modules += (
# Set maximum number of concurrent connections and maximum
# HTTP request size of 8192 KiB (optional).
server.max-connections = 32
server.max-request-size = 8192
# Pass the database paths through environment variables.
setenv.add-environment = (
"DM_DB_BEAT" => "/var/dmpack/beat.sqlite",
"DM_DB_LOG" => "/var/dmpack/log.sqlite",
"DM_DB_OBSERV" => "/var/dmpack/observ.sqlite",
"DM_READ_ONLY" => "0",
"DM_TILE_URL" => "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
# Set authentication back-end and path of user file.
auth.backend = "htpasswd"
auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "/usr/local/etc/lighttpd/htpasswd"
# Protected routes.
auth.require = ( "/dmpack" => (
"method" => "basic",
"realm" => "dmpack",
"require" => "valid-user"
# URL routing.
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/dmpack/" {
# Map URL to CGI executable.
alias.url += ( "/dmpack" => "/usr/local/bin/dmweb" )
# CGI settings. Do not assign file endings to script interpreters,
# execute only applications with execute bit set, enable write and
# read timeouts of 30 seconds.
cgi.assign = ( "" => "" )
cgi.execute-x-only = "enable"
cgi.limits = (
"write-timeout" => 30,
"read-timeout" => 30,
"tcp-fin-propagate" => "SIGTERM"
Copy the directory dmweb
from /usr/local/share/dmpack
) to the WWW root directory, in this case, /var/www
, or
simply create a symlink:
# ln -s /usr/local/share/dmpack/dmweb /var/www/dmweb
If the files have to be served from a path other than the root path, add a
rewrite rule or alias to the web server configuration. On FreeBSD, add the
service to the system rc file /etc/rc.conf
and start the web server manually:
# sysrc lighttpd_enable="YES" # service lighttpd start
On Linux, enable and start the service:
# systemctl enable lighttpd.service # systemctl start lighttpd.service
If served locally, access the web application at
The DMPACK programs use three distinct databases to store deformation monitoring entity records:
- Observation Database
Stores nodes, sensors, targets, observations, observation receivers, observation requests, and observation responses, with optional synchronisation tables for all record types.
- Log Database
Stores all log messages in single table.
- Beat Database
Stores heartbeat messages by unique node id.
The databases are usually located in directory /var/dmpack
The sqlite3(1) program is stand-alone command-line shell for SQLite database access that allows the user to execute arbitrary SQL statements. Third-party programs provide an additional graphical user interface:
- DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S)
A spreadsheet-like visual interface for Linux, Unix, macOS, and Windows. (MPLv2, GPLv3)
- HeidiSQL
A free database administration tool for MariaDB, MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. For Windows only. (GPLv2)
- phpLiteAdmin
A web front-end for SQLite database administration written in PHP. (GPLv3)
- SQLiteStudio
A free, open source, and multi-platform SQLite database manager written in C++ that is based on the Qt framework. (GPLv3)
- SQLite Web
A web-based SQLite database browser in Python. (MIT)
Entity–Relationship Model
Write all schemas of an observation database to file schema.sql
, using the
sqlite3(1) command-line tool:
$ sqlite3 /var/dmpack/observ.sqlite ".schema" > schema.sql
To dump an observation database as raw SQL to observ.sql
$ sqlite3 /var/dmpack/observ.sqlite ".dump" > observ.sql
Dump only table logs
of a log database:
$ sqlite3 /var/dmpack/log.sqlite ".dump 'logs'" > log.sql
Sensor Control
This section covers the configuration and initialisation of DMPACK for sensor
data collection. Basic knowledge of regular expressions and familiarity with the
Lua syntax are recommended. The sensor control examples are written for Linux
and assume DMPACK to be installed to /opt
. The path /opt/bin
must be added
to the global PATH
Humidity Sensor (RS-232)
The DKRF400 is a temperature and humidity probe made by Driesen + Kern GmbH. The standard probe DKRF400 can be used at temperatures between –40 … +80 °C, with an accuracy of ±0.3 °C at 25 °C. The probe is suitable for the range of 0 … 100 % relative humidity and has an accuracy of ±1.8 % in the range of 20 … 80 %. The sensor returns the following measured parameters:
temperature [°C],
relative humidity [%],
absolute humidity [g/m3],
dew point [°C],
wet-bulb temperature [°C].
The DKRF400 is available with analog and digital output signals (RS-232, USB,
RS-485). This section is based on the digital version with RS-232 interface. Use
an USB serial adapter if the sensor node does not provide a distinct COM port.
By default, the digital DKRF400 starts sending values over the serial line once
the sensor is connected to the host. We can change from stream to
request/response mode through a basic ASCII protocol: the command s\r
the continuous output of reponses and the command Meter\r
returns a single
response (\r
is carriage return).
Name |
DKRF400 |
Vendor |
Driesen + Kern GmbH |
Interface |
RS-232 |
Protocol |
Connector |
D-sub (DE-9) |
Baud rate |
9600 |
Byte size |
8 |
Parity |
none |
Stop bits |
2 |
enabled |
enabled |
The serial connection can be tested with minicom(1).
$ sudo apt-get install minicom
In this case, the first COM port is mapped to device /dev/ttyS0
. The user
under which minicom(1) runs must be member of group dialout
to access the
device. The command-line argument -s
is passed to display the setup menu at
$ minicom -s
Select Serial port setup to change the TTY parameters to 9600 baud and 8N2. Return and select Exit to receive sensor responses:
Welcome to minicom 2.8
Port /dev/ttyS0, 20:56:16
Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys
Enhanced Architecture HW.V. 4.0
SW.V. 4.12 build Sep 28 2010 13:49:50C 530 166
(c) Driesen+Kern GmbH Bad Bramstedt Germany
Range: -40'C .. 80'C 0% .. 100%
status: 0840 08 00 00 01 00 80 25 01
Vref: 2500.000000
26.84 'C 53.03 % 13.52 g/m3 16.46 'C 19.97 'C
26.84 'C 53.03 % 13.52 g/m3 16.46 'C 19.97 'C
26.84 'C 52.97 % 13.51 g/m3 16.44 'C 19.96 'C
The key combination CTRL
+ A
shows the options menu again, and
+ A
exits minicom(1).
Use dminit to create the observation and the log database in directory
$ cd /opt/var/dmpack/ $ dminit --database observ.sqlite --type observ --wal $ dminit --database log.sqlite --type log --wal
Create node node-1
, sensor dkrf400
, and target target-1
in database
through dmdbctl:
$ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C node --id node-1 --name "Node 1" $ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C sensor --id dkrf400 --name "DKRF400" --node node-1 $ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C target --id target-1 --name "Target 1"
On request Meter\r
, the sensor returns an ASCII response containing
temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity, dew point, and wet-bulb
21.90 'C \t 57.60 % \t 11.11 g/m3\t 13.16 'C \t 16.50 'C \t\r
The tab character 0x09
and the carriage return 0x0d
in the raw response of
the sensor will be replaced by dmserial with \t
and \r
respectively. The
program also extracts the values from the raw response and adds them to the
entries in the pre-defined responses list if a regular expression pattern has
been declared. The following pattern was made with the online tool (Figure 8) and matches the sensor
responses of the DKRF400:
The group names temp
, humrel
, humabs
, dew
, and wetbulb
within the
pattern must match the names given in the responses list. The name length is
limited to 32 characters. Optionally, the responses can be given a unit in
attribute unit
and a response type in attribute
. If no response type is set, RESPONSE_TYPE_REAL64
(double precision
number) is assumed by default.
In the configuration file, each backslash character \
has to be escaped with
an additional \
. Simply replace every occurance of \
with \\
Set the regular expression pattern as value of attribute pattern
in request
of observation meter
. The complete configuration file of
dmserial is listed below.
-- dmserial.conf
-- Global variables of identifiers used in the configuration. The values must
-- match the records added to the database.
node_id = "node-1"
sensor_id = "dkrf400"
target_id = "target-1"
-- Table of observations to be used in jobs list. The attribute `receivers`
-- contains a list of up to 16 processes to forward the observation to in
-- sequential order.
observs = {
-- List of sensor commands to be send to the DKRF400.
-- (1) Start the sensor by sending a single carriage return.
name = "start", -- Observation name (required).
target_id = target_id, -- Target id (required).
receivers = { }, -- List of receivers (up to 16).
requests = { -- List of requests (up to 8).
name = "start_sensor", -- Request name (required).
request = "\\r", -- Raw request to send to sensor.
delimiter = "\\n", -- Response delimiter.
pattern = "", -- RegEx pattern of the response.
delay = 500 -- Delay in msec to wait afterwards.
-- (2) Stop "Meter Mode". The sensor response will be ignored if no delimiter
-- is set (as the DKRF400 does not always return a response to the
-- command).
name = "stop", -- Observation name (required).
target_id = target_id, -- Target id (required).
receivers = { }, -- List of receivers (up to 16).
requests = { -- List of requests (up to 8).
name = "stop_meter", -- Request name (required).
request = "s\\r", -- Raw request to send to sensor.
delimiter = "", -- Response delimiter.
pattern = "", -- RegEx pattern of the response.
delay = 500 -- Delay in msec to wait afterwards.
-- (3) Perform single measurement.
name = "meter", -- Observation name (required).
target_id = target_id, -- Target id (required).
receivers = { "dmdb" }, -- List of receivers (up to 16).
requests = { -- List of requests (up to 8).
name = "get_values", -- Request name (required).
request = "Meter\\r", -- Raw request to send to sensor.
delimiter = "\\r", -- Response delimiter.
pattern = "^\\s*(?<temp>[-0-9.]+)\\s.C\\s+.t\\s+(?<humrel>[-0-9.]+)\\s%\\s+.t\\s+(?<humabs>[-0-9.]+)\\sg.m3.t\\s+(?<dew>[-0-9.]+)\\s.C\\s+.t\\s+(?<wetbulb>[-0-9.]+)",
delay = 0, -- Delay in msec to wait afterwards.
responses = { -- List of expected responses.
{ name = "temp", unit = "degC" }, -- Temperature (real64).
{ name = "humrel", unit = "%" }, -- Relative humidity (real64).
{ name = "humabs", unit = "g/m3" }, -- Absolute humidity (real64).
{ name = "dew", unit = "degC" }, -- Dew point (real64).
{ name = "wetbulb", unit = "degC" } -- Wet-bulb temperature (real64).
-- Settings of program dmserial. Change the name to the parameter given through
-- command-line argument `--name`.
dmserial = {
logger = "dmlogger", -- Name of logger instance (implies log forwarding).
node = node_id, -- Sensor node id (required).
sensor = sensor_id, -- Sensor id (required).
output = "", -- Path of optional output file, or `-` for stdout.
format = "", -- Output file format (`csv`, `jsonl`).
path = "/dev/ttyS0", -- TTY device path.
baudrate = 9600, -- TTY baud rate.
bytesize = 8, -- TTY byte size (5, 6, 7, 8).
parity = "none", -- TTY parity (`none`, `even`, `odd`).
stopbits = 2, -- TTY stop bits (1, 2).
timeout = 5, -- TTY timeout in seconds (max. 25).
dtr = true, -- TTY Data Terminal Ready (DTR) enabled.
rts = true, -- TTY Request To Send (RTS) enabled.
jobs = { -- List of jobs to perform.
-- (1) Start sensor.
disabled = false, -- Skip job.
onetime = true, -- Run job only once.
observation = observs[1], -- Observation to perform.
delay = 2000 -- Delay in msec to wait afterwards.
-- (2) Stop "Meter Mode".
disabled = false, -- Skip job.
onetime = true, -- Run job only once.
observation = observs[2], -- Observation to perform.
delay = 2000 -- Delay in msec to wait afterwards.
-- (3) Measure values.
disabled = false, -- Skip job.
onetime = false, -- Run job only once.
observation = observs[3], -- Observation to perform.
delay = 300 * 1000 -- Delay in msec to wait afterwards.
debug = false, -- Forward debug messages to logger.
verbose = true -- Output debug messages to console.
Save the configuration to /opt/etc/dmpack/dmserial.conf
Start the dmlogger process first:
$ dmlogger --node node-1 --database /opt/var/dmpack/log.sqlite --verbose
Then, start the dmdb database process:
$ dmdb --logger dmlogger --node node-1 --database /opt/var/dmpack/observ.sqlite --verbose
Finally, start dmserial to execute the configured jobs:
$ dmserial --config /opt/etc/dmpack/dmserial.conf
Temperature Sensor (1-Wire)
1-Wire is a half-duplex serial bus designed by Dallas Semiconductor that is typically used to communicate with low-cost digital thermometers and weather stations. This section describes the configuration of DMPACK programs to retrieve temperature values from a single 1-Wire sensor. The following hardware is required:
1-Wire temperature sensor,
USB adapter LinkUSB.
Make sure that USB power saving is disabled or the LinkUSB adapter may be detached after a while. The sensor data is read with dmfs and stored to database with dmdb. Additionally, the dmlogger program will capture log messages. The sensor has to be mounted through the virtual 1-Wire File System (OWFS).
1-Wire File System
The 1-Wire File System provides an abstraction layer to access the measurement values of attached sensors. An additional driver is required to mount the virtual file system to which sensors are mapped. On Linux, simply install the OWFS package:
$ sudo apt-get install owfs
Then, connect the temperature sensor via the USB adapter. The device path may be
or /dev/ttyU0
depending on the operating system, and will
differ if an RS-232 adapter is used instead. Mount the file system with
owfs(1) under /mnt/1wire/
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/1wire $ sudo owfs -C -d /dev/ttyUSB0 --allow_other -m /mnt/1wire
The command-line argument -C
selects output in °C. The settings can be added
to the owfs(1) configuration file /etc/owfs.conf
device = /dev/ttyUSB0 mountpoint = /mnt/1wire allow_other Celsius
The file system is mounted automatically at system start-up if owfs(1) is configured to run as a service. Read a temperature value from the connected sensor:
$ cat /mnt/1wire/10.DCA98C020800/temperature 19.12
The name of the virtual directory 10.DCA98C020800
depends on the sensor id.
Once the file system is configured, initialise the observation and log databases with dminit:
$ cd /opt/var/dmpack/ $ dminit --database observ.sqlite --type observ --wal $ dminit --database log.sqlite --type log --wal
Create node node-1
, sensor owfs
, and target target-1
in database
through dmdbctl:
$ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C node --id node-1 --name "Node 1" $ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C sensor --id owfs --name "OWFS" --node node-1 $ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C target --id target-1 --name "Target 1"
The DMPACK program dmfs will read temperature values periodically from the
OWFS and forward observations to dmdb to be saved in the database. Copy the
following dmfs configuration to /opt/etc/dmpack/dmfs.conf
-- dmfs.conf
-- Global identifiers and sensor file path used in the configuration. The
-- identifiers must match the records in the database.
node_id = "node-1"
sensor_id = "owfs"
target_id = "target-1"
file_path = "/mnt/1wire/10.DCA98C020800/temperature"
dmfs = {
logger = "dmlogger", -- Logger to send logs to.
node = node_id, -- Node id (required).
sensor = sensor_id, -- Sensor id (required).
output = "", -- Path of optional output file, or `-` for stdout.
format = "none", -- Output file format (`csv` or `jsonl`).
jobs = { -- List of jobs to perform.
disabled = false, -- Skip job.
onetime = false, -- Run job only once.
observation = { -- Observation to execute (required).
name = "get_temp", -- Observation name (required).
target_id = target_id, -- Target id (required).
receivers = { "dmdb" }, -- List of receivers (up to 16).
requests = { -- List of files to read.
request = file_path, -- File path.
pattern = "(?<temp>[-+0-9\\.]+)", -- RegEx pattern of the response.
delay = 500, -- Delay in msec to wait afterwards.
responses = {
name = "temp", -- RegEx group name (max. 32 characters).
unit = "degC", -- Response unit (max. 8 characters).
type = RESPONSE_TYPE_REAL64 -- Response value type.
delay = 10 * 1000, -- Delay in msec to wait afterwards.
debug = false, -- Forward logs of level DEBUG via IPC.
verbose = true -- Print messages to standard error.
The path /mnt/1wire/10.DCA98C020800/temperature
in variable file_path
match the actual file system path of the sensor. The job will be performed every
10 seconds and repeated indefinitely. Log messages are sent to the dmlogger
process of default name dmlogger
, and observations to the dmdb process of
default name dmdb
Start the dmlogger process first:
$ dmlogger --node node-1 --database /opt/var/dmpack/log.sqlite --verbose
Then, start the dmdb database process:
$ dmdb --logger dmlogger --node node-1 --database /opt/var/dmpack/observ.sqlite --verbose
Finally, start dmfs to execute the configured job:
$ dmfs --config /opt/etc/dmpack/dmfs.conf
UV Sensor (Modbus RTU)
The UV-Cosine is a waterproof and dirt-repellent UV sensor by sglux GmbH, with analog (4–20 mA, 0–5 V, 0–10 V) or digital (USB, Modbus RTU, CAN) output. Depending on the model, the spectral sensitivity of the sensor is calibrated for broadband UV, UVA, UVB+C, UVC, UV index, bluelight, or UV+VI.
For this section, the digital variant with Modbus interface and broadband UV sensitivity is used. See the official Programming Manual on how to programm the UV-Cosine. The sensor uses non-standard Modbus holding register addresses:
Address | Name | Type | Bytes | Access | Description |
100 |
hardware revision |
2 |
RD |
hardware revision number |
101 |
firmware revision |
2 |
RD |
firmware revision number |
104 |
serial number |
4 |
RD |
sensor serial number |
106 |
sensor address |
2 |
Modbus slave id |
107 |
sensor protocol |
2 |
baud rate, parity, stop bits |
110 |
product vendor |
16 |
RD |
vendor name ( |
118 |
product name |
16 |
RD |
product name |
126 |
sensor name |
16 |
user-defined device name |
1030 |
calibration date |
4 |
RD |
date of calibration |
1032 |
calibration 1 |
16 |
RD |
name of calibration 1 |
1040 |
calibration 2 |
16 |
RD |
name of calibration 2 (or |
1048 |
calibration 3 |
16 |
RD |
name of calibration 3 (or |
1056 |
calibration 4 |
16 |
RD |
name of calibration 4 (or |
1064 |
calibration 5 |
16 |
RD |
name of calibration 5 (or |
2000 |
cycle count |
2 |
RD |
measurement cycle counter |
2001 |
status |
2 |
RD |
status of ADC |
2002 |
timestamp |
4 |
RD |
internal timestamp [msec] |
2004 |
radiation 1 |
4 |
RD |
radiation by calibration 1 [W/m2] |
2006 |
radiation 2 |
4 |
RD |
radiation by calibration 2 [W/m2] |
2008 |
radiation 3 |
4 |
RD |
radiation by calibration 3 [W/m2] |
2010 |
radiation 4 |
4 |
RD |
radiation by calibration 4 [W/m2] |
2012 |
radiation 5 |
4 |
RD |
radiation by calibration 5 [W/m2] |
2014 |
temperature |
4 |
RD |
internal sensor temperature [°C] |
The radiation in W/m2 (calibration factor 1) is read from register 2004
the internal temperature in °C from register 2014
, both as floating-point
number in ABCD byte order. We can test the register access with dmmbctl and
output the UV radiation. If the sensor is connected through an USB adapter on
, run:
$ dmmbctl --path /dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate 115200 --bytesize 8 --parity even --stopbits 1 \ --slave 1 --read 2004 --type float --order abcd 1.87749458
The RS-485 interface is configured to the sensor default of 115200 baud (8E1).
The Modbus monitoring program dmmb will read radiation and internal
temperature from the sensor. The observations are written to
in JSONL format, without any database storage for
simplicity. Copy the dmdb configuration to /opt/etc/dmpack/dmmb.conf
-- dmmb.conf
dmmb = {
logger = "",
node = "node-1",
sensor = "uv-cosine",
output = "/tmp/timeseries.jsonl",
format = "jsonl",
mode = "rtu",
rtu = {
path = "/dev/ttyUSB0",
baudrate = 115200,
bytesize = 8,
parity = "even",
stopbits = 1
tcp = {
address = "",
port = 502
jobs = {
disabled = false,
onetime = false,
delay = 10 * 1000,
observation = {
name = "get_values",
target_id = "target-1",
receivers = { },
requests = {
name = "get_radiation",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=2004,type=float,order=abcd",
responses = {{ name = "radiation", unit = "W/m2" }}
name = "get_internal_temperature",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=2014,type=float,order=abcd",
responses = {{ name = "temperature", unit = "degC" }}
debug = false,
verbose = false
Start dmmb to write the measurement values to file /tmp/timeseries.jsonl
$ dmmb --name dmmb --config /opt/etc/dmpack/dmmb.conf --verbose
Watch the output file:
$ tail -f /tmp/timeseries.jsonl
Weather Station (Modbus RTU)
This section describes the set-up of DMPACK programs to capture sensor data of the digital weather station WSC11 by Adolf Thies GmbH & Co KG. The model used in this example is connected through Modbus RTU to the sensor node. The input registers will be read by the Modbus control program dmmb. All observations are forwarded to dmdb for database storage.
The weather station is offered with RS-485 (ASCII, Modbus RTU) or KNX interface. Depending on the hardware variant, the following values are measured:
wind speed and direction;
global radiation, twilight, and brightness (north, east, south, west);
precipitation status, intensity (option) and amount (option);
ice/frost/snow detection (option);
temperature and dew point;
absolute and relative humidity;
absolute air pressure and air pressure at sea level (QNH);
sun position, elevation, azimuth;
longitude, latitude, and elevation;
date and time.
By default, the RS-485 interface of the WSC11 is set to 9600 baud (8N1) with
Modbus slave id 1. Change parameter slave
in the request strings of the
dmdb configuration to the actual slave id.
In order to store any observations or logs, initialise the databases with dminit first:
$ cd /opt/var/dmpack/ $ dminit --database observ.sqlite --type observ --wal $ dminit --database log.sqlite --type log --wal
Create node node-1
, sensor thies-wsc11
, and target target-1
in database
through dmdbctl:
$ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C node --id node-1 --name "Node 1" $ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C sensor --id thies-wsc11 --name "Thies WSC11" --node node-1 $ dmdbctl -d observ.sqlite -C target --id target-1 --name "Target 1"
Optionally, set the sensor type to meteo
(for meteorological sensors) with
argument --type
. Alternatively, the entities can be added with dmweb
In this example, the weather station is connected via a WaveShare
RS-232/RS-485/TTL converter on /dev/ttyUSB0
. The Modbus connection may be
tested with dmmbctl first. For instance, read input register 34601
output the current date in format YYYYMMDD
$ dmmbctl --path /dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate 9600 --bytesize 8 --parity none --stopbits 1 \ --slave 1 --read 34601 --type uint32 20250305
As each observation may contain a maximum of eight requests, reading the input
registers is split into multiple observations. Unwanted measurement jobs can
simply be disabled. See the
user manual
(PDF) for an overview of all Modbus registers. The register values are
automatically scaled and converted to response type RESPONSE_TYPE_REAL64
. The
last job does not contain an observation and only causes the program to wait
for 60 seconds before the next cycle starts.
The target and the receivers of all observations are declared globally at the
top of the file. Copy the dmmb configuration to /opt/etc/dmpack/dmmb.conf
if DMPACK is installed to /opt
-- dmmb.conf
target_id = "target-1"
receivers = { "dmdb" }
dmmb = {
logger = "dmlogger",
node = "node-1",
sensor = "thies-wsc11",
output = "",
format = "",
mode = "rtu",
rtu = {
path = "/dev/ttyUSB0",
baudrate = 9600,
bytesize = 8,
parity = "none",
stopbits = 1
tcp = {
address = "",
port = 502
jobs = {
-- (1) Get wind speed and direction.
disabled = false,
onetime = false,
delay = 0,
observation = {
name = "get_wind",
target_id = target_id,
receivers = receivers,
requests = {
name = "get_wind_speed",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30001,type=uint32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "wind_speed", unit = "m/s" }}
name = "get_wind_speed_avg",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30003,type=uint32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "wind_speed_avg", unit = "m/s" }}
name = "get_wind_dir",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30201,type=uint32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "wind_dir", unit = "deg" }}
name = "get_wind_dir_avg",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30203,type=uint32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "wind_dir_avg", unit = "deg" }}
-- (2) Get temperature, humidity, and air pressure.
disabled = false,
onetime = false,
delay = 0,
observation = {
name = "get_temp_hum_press",
target_id = target_id,
receivers = receivers,
requests = {
name = "get_temperature",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30401,type=int32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "temperature", unit = "degC" }}
name = "get_internal_temperature",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30403,type=int32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "internal_temperature", unit = "degC" }}
name = "get_relative_humidity",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30601,type=uint32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "rel_humidity", unit = "%rh" }}
name = "get_absolute_humidity",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30603,type=uint32,scale=100",
responses = {{ name = "abs_humidity", unit = "g/m3" }}
name = "get_dew_point",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30605,type=int32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "dew_point", unit = "degC" }}
name = "get_absolute_pressure",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30801,type=uint32,scale=100",
responses = {{ name = "abs_pressure", unit = "hPa" }}
name = "get_relative_pressure",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=30803,type=uint32,scale=100",
responses = {{ name = "rel_pressure", unit = "hPa" }}
-- (3) Get global radiation, brightness, and sun position.
disabled = false,
onetime = false,
delay = 0,
observation = {
name = "get_radiation",
target_id = target_id,
receivers = receivers,
requests = {
name = "get_global_radiation",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=31001,type=int32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "radiation", unit = "W/m2" }}
name = "get_brightness_north",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=31201,type=uint32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "bright_north", unit = "kLux" }}
name = "get_brightness_east",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=31203,type=uint32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "bright_east", unit = "kLux" }}
name = "get_brightness_south",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=31205,type=uint32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "bright_south", unit = "kLux" }}
name = "get_brightness_west",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=31207,type=uint32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "bright_west", unit = "kLux" }}
name = "get_twilight",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=31209,type=uint32,scale=1",
responses = {{ name = "twilight", unit = "Lux" }}
name = "get_sun_elevation",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=34805,type=int32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "sun_elevation", unit = "deg" }}
name = "get_sun_azimuth",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=34807,type=int32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "sun_azimuth", unit = "deg" }}
-- (4) Get GPS position (longitude, latitude, elevation in NN/NHN).
disabled = false,
onetime = false,
delay = 0,
observation = {
name = "get_position",
target_id = target_id,
receivers = receivers,
requests = {
name = "get_longitude",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=34801,type=int32,scale=1000000",
responses = {{ name = "longitude", unit = "deg" }}
name = "get_latitude",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=34803,type=int32,scale=1000000",
responses = {{ name = "latitude", unit = "deg" }}
name = "get_elevation_nn",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=34809,type=uint32,scale=1",
responses = {{ name = "elevation_nn", unit = "m" }}
name = "get_elevation_nhn",
request = "access=read,slave=1,address=34817,type=uint32,scale=10",
responses = {{ name = "elevation_nhn", unit = "m" }}
-- (5) Wait 60 seconds.
disabled = false,
onetime = false,
delay = 60 * 1000
debug = false,
verbose = false
Start the dmlogger process to store any logs:
$ dmlogger --node node-1 --database /opt/var/dmpack/log.sqlite --verbose
Start the dmdb database process to store the observations:
$ dmdb --logger dmlogger --node node-1 --database /opt/var/dmpack/observ.sqlite --verbose
Start dmmb to execute the configured jobs:
$ dmmb --name dmmb --config /opt/etc/dmpack/dmmb.conf --verbose
Digital Multimeter (RS-232)
Digital multimeters are used to measure values like voltage, resistance, current, and temperature. If equipped with a serial interface, modern devices are even programmable through protocols like SCPI.
In this example, the voltage of a 24 VDC power supply unit is monitored
using a PeakTech 4094 graphical bench multimeter. The multimeter features an
RS-232 interface and SCPI protocol support. The voltage values will be read by
dmserial, forwarded to dmrecv, and displayed as a trend graph without
additional persistence. The serial port is configured to the default parameters
of the device (11500 baud, 8N1). The 50 VDC measurement function has to be
selected using the keys on the front panel or via the SCPI command
. See the
official programming manual
(PDF) for an overview of supported SCPI commands.
The captured voltage is filtered by GNU awk first and then rendered with trend. On Linux, install the required packages first:
$ sudo apt-get install gawk trend
The multimeter is attached to /dev/ttyUSB0
. The sensor control program
dmserial will send the measurement command MEAS1?
once every second to the
PeakTech 4094 to read the voltage, then forward the observation to dmrecv for
plotting. Values are usually returned in scientific notation. Therefore, the
regular expression pattern for response extraction has to include the character
-- dmserial.conf
dmserial = {
logger = "", -- Name of logger instance (implies log forwarding).
node = "node-1", -- Sensor node id (required).
sensor = "peaktech-4094", -- Sensor id (required).
output = "", -- Path of optional output file, or `-` for stdout.
format = "", -- Output file format (`csv`, `jsonl`).
path = "/dev/ttyUSB0", -- TTY device path.
baudrate = 115200, -- TTY baud rate.
bytesize = 8, -- TTY byte size (5, 6, 7, 8).
parity = "none", -- TTY parity (`none`, `even`, `odd`).
stopbits = 1, -- TTY stop bits (1, 2).
timeout = 0, -- TTY timeout in seconds (max. 25).
dtr = false, -- TTY Data Terminal Ready (DTR) enabled.
rts = false, -- TTY Request To Send (RTS) enabled.
jobs = { -- List of jobs to perform.
disabled = false, -- Skip job.
onetime = false, -- Run job only once.
observation = { -- Observation to execute.
name = "meter", -- Observation name (required).
target_id = "target-1", -- Target id (required).
receivers = { "dmrecv" }, -- List of receivers (up to 16).
requests = {
name = "get_voltage", -- Request name (required).
request = "MEAS1?\\r\\n", -- Raw request to send to sensor.
delimiter = "\\r\\n", -- Response delimiter.
pattern = "^(?<voltage>[-+.0-9E]+)", -- RegEx pattern of the response.
delay = 0, -- Delay in msec to wait afterwards.
responses = { -- List of expected responses.
name = "voltage", -- RegEx group name (max. 32 characters).
unit = "VDC", -- Response unit (max. 8 characters).
type = RESPONSE_TYPE_REAL64 -- Response value type.
delay = 1000 -- Delay in msec to wait afterwards.
debug = false, -- Forward logs of level DEBUG via IPC.
verbose = false -- Print messages to standard error.
Additionally, we can add a job to select the measurement function via SCPI
before starting observation meter
(for instance, AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current,
frequency, or resistance).
Start dmserial and pass the path to the configuration file as a command-line argument:
$ dmserial --name dmserial --config config/dmserial.conf --verbose
The program dmrecv will print responses of name voltage
in ASCII block
format to standard output. gawk(1) then extracts the response value and pipes
it to trend(1):
$ dmrecv --name dmrecv --type observ --format block --response voltage \ | gawk '{ print $2 | "trend - 60" }'
The trend graph is rendered in real-time with OpenGL.
All database records are returned in CSV format by default, with content type
. Status and error messages are returned as
key–values pairs, with content type text/plain
The following HTTP endpoints are provided by the RPC API:
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description |
Read Service Status
Returns service status in API status format as text/plain
HTTP Methods
Status | Description |
Default response. |
Unauthorised. |
Server error. |
Return the HTTP-RPC service status:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: text/plain" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/"
Read Beats
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
integer |
Add CSV header (0 or 1). |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Status | Description |
Beats are returned. |
Unauthorised. |
No beats found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return beats of all nodes in JSON format, pretty-print the result with jq(1):
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/beats" | jq
Read Logs
Returns logs of a given node and time range in CSV, JSON, or JSON Lines format from database. Node id and time range are mandatory.
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
string |
Node id. |
string |
Start of time range (ISO 8601). |
string |
End of time range (ISO 8601). |
integer |
Add CSV header (0 or 1). |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Status | Description |
Logs are returned. |
Invalid request. |
Unauthorised. |
No logs found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return all logs of node dummy-node
and year 2023 in CSV format:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: text/comma-separated-values" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/logs?node_id=dummy-node&from=2023&to=2024"
Read Nodes
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
integer |
Add CSV header (0 or 1). |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Status | Description |
Nodes are returned. |
Unauthorised. |
No nodes found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return all nodes in database as JSON array:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/nodes"
Read Observations
Returns observations of given node, sensor, target, and time range from database, in CSV, JSON, or JSON Lines format.
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
string |
Node id. |
string |
Sensor id. |
string |
Target id. |
string |
Response name. |
string |
Start of time range (ISO 8601). |
string |
End of time range (ISO 8601). |
integer |
Max. number of results (optional). |
integer |
Add CSV header (0 or 1). |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Status | Description |
Observations are returned. |
Invalid request. |
Unauthorised. |
No observations found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return all observations related to node dummy-node
, sensor dummy-sensor
, and
target dummy-target
of a single month in JSON format, pretty-print the result
with jq(1):
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/observs?node_id=dummy-node&sensor_id=dummy-sensor\ &target_id=dummy-target&from=2023-01&to=2024-01" | jq
Read Sensors
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
integer |
Add CSV header (0 or 1). |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Status | Description |
Sensors are returned. |
Unauthorised. |
No sensors found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return all sensors of node dummy-node
in JSON format:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/sensors?node_id=dummy-node"
Read Targets
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
integer |
Add CSV header (0 or 1). |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Status | Description |
Targets are returned. |
Unauthorised. |
No targets found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return all targets in CSV format:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: text/comma-separated-values" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/targets"
Read Time Series
Returns time series as observation views or data points (X/Y records) in CSV format from database. In comparison to the observation endpoint, the time series include only a single response, selected by name.
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
string |
Node id. |
string |
Sensor id. |
string |
Target id. |
string |
Response name. |
string |
Start of time range (ISO 8601). |
string |
End of time range (ISO 8601). |
integer |
Max. number of results (optional). |
integer |
Add CSV header (0 or 1). |
integer |
Return observation views instead of data points (0 or 1). |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Status | Description |
Observations are returned. |
Invalid request. |
Unauthorised. |
No observations found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return time series of responses dummy
related to node dummy-node
, sensor
, and target dummy-sensor
, from 2023 to 2024, as X/Y data in CSV
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: text/comma-separated-values" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/timeseries?node_id=dummy-node&sensor_id=dummy-sensor\ &target_id=dummy-target&response=dummy&from=2023&to=2024"
For additional meta information, add the parameter &view=1
Read or Update Beat
On POST, adds or updates heartbeat given in Namelist format. Optionally, the payload may be deflate or zstd compressed. The API returns HTTP 201 Created if the beat was accepted.
If HTTP Basic Auth is used, the user name must match the node_id
attribute of
the beat, otherwise, the request will be rejected as unauthorised (HTTP 401).
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
string |
Node id. |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Name | Values |
Content-Encoding |
Content-Type |
Status | Description |
Beat is returned. |
Invalid request. |
Unauthorised. |
Beat not found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Status | Description |
Beat was accepted. |
Invalid request or payload. |
Unauthorised. |
Payload too large. |
Invalid payload format. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return the heartbeat of node dummy-node
in JSON format:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/beat?node_id=dummy-node"
Read or Create Log
On POST, adds log in Namelist format to database. Optionally, the payload may be deflate or zstd compressed. The API returns HTTP 201 Created if the log was accepted.
If HTTP Basic Auth is used, the user name must match the node_id
attribute of
the log, otherwise, the request will be rejected as unauthorised (HTTP 401).
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
string |
Log id (UUIDv4). |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Name | Values |
Content-Encoding |
Content-Type |
Status | Description |
Log is returned. |
Invalid request. |
Unauthorised. |
Log not found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Status | Description |
Log was accepted. |
Invalid request or payload. |
Unauthorised. |
Log exists in database. |
Payload too large. |
Invalid payload format. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return a specific log in JSON format:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/log?id=51adca2f1d4e42a5829fd1a378c8b6f1"
Read or Create Node
On POST, adds node in Namelist format to database. Optionally, the payload may be deflate or zstd compressed. The API returns HTTP 201 Created if the node was accepted.
If HTTP Basic Auth is used, the user name must match the node_id
attribute of
the node, otherwise, the request will be rejected as unauthorised (HTTP 401).
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
string |
Node id. |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Name | Values |
Content-Encoding |
Content-Type |
Status | Description |
Node is returned. |
Invalid request. |
Unauthorised. |
Node not found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Status | Description |
Node was accepted. |
Invalid request or payload. |
Unauthorised. |
Node exists in database. |
Payload too large. |
Invalid payload format. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return node dummy-node
in JSON format:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/node?node_id=dummy-node"
Read or Create Observation
On POST, adds observation in Namelist format to database. Optionally, the payload may be deflate or zstd compressed. The API returns HTTP 201 Created if the observation was accepted.
If HTTP Basic Auth is used, the user name must match the node_id
attribute of
the observation, otherwise, the request will be rejected as unauthorised (HTTP
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
string |
Observation id (UUIDv4). |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Name | Values |
Content-Encoding |
Content-Type |
Status | Description |
Observation is returned. |
Invalid request. |
Unauthorised. |
Observation not found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Status | Description |
Observation was accepted. |
Invalid request or payload. |
Unauthorised. |
Observation exists in database. |
Payload too large. |
Invalid payload format. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return a specific observation in JSON format:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/observ?id=7b98ae11d80b4ee392fe1a74d2c05809"
Read or Create Sensor
On POST, adds node in Namelist format to database. Optionally, the payload may be deflate or zstd compressed. The API returns HTTP 201 Created if the sensor was accepted.
If HTTP Basic Auth is used, the user name must match the node_id
attribute of
the sensor, otherwise, the request will be rejected as unauthorised (HTTP 401).
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
string |
Sensor id. |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Name | Values |
Content-Encoding |
Content-Type |
Status | Description |
Sensor is returned. |
Invalid request. |
Unauthorised. |
Sensor not found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Status | Description |
Sensor was accepted. |
Invalid request or payload. |
Unauthorised. |
Sensor exists in database. |
Payload too large. |
Invalid payload format. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return sensor dummy-sensor
in JSON format:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/sensor?id=dummy-sensor"
Read or Create Target
On POST, adds target in Namelist format to database. Optionally, the payload may be deflate or zstd compressed. The API returns HTTP 201 Created if the target was accepted.
HTTP Methods
Request Parameters
GET Parameter | Type | Description |
string |
Target id. |
Request Headers
Name | Values |
Accept |
Name | Values |
Content-Encoding |
Content-Type |
Status | Description |
Target is returned. |
Invalid request. |
Unauthorised. |
Target not found. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Status | Description |
Target was accepted. |
Invalid request or payload. |
Target exists in database. |
Payload too large. |
Invalid payload format. |
Server error. |
Database error. |
Return target dummy-target
in JSON format:
$ curl -s -u <username>:<password> --header "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost/api/v1/target?id=dummy-target"
The DMPACK library provides Leica GeoCOM abstraction layers for Fortran and Lua, to write distinct programs for TPS control or to load evaluable configuration files into dmserial.
DMPACK does not follow the Leica GeoCOM API for C/C++ and Visual Basic.
Instead, the API is entirely object-oriented, and methods are given more
memorable names without any sub-system prefix. Structured types have been
removed altogether. Named parameters start with prefix GEOCOM_
and return
codes with prefix GRC_
. See the
source code documentation
for an overview of the API.
The following example in Fortran 2018 opens the TTY /dev/ttyUSB0
, calls the
null procedure of the instrument (COM_NullProc
), and then prints return code,
associated error message, and last request to standard output:
! geocom.f90
program main
use :: dmpack
implicit none (type, external)
integer :: rc ! DMPACK return code.
type(geocom_class) :: geocom ! GeoCOM object.
type(request_type) :: request ! Last request.
! Initialise DMPACK.
call dm_init()
! Open connection to instrument, quit on error.
call geocom%open('/dev/ttyUSB0', GEOCOM_COM_BAUD_115200, verbose=.true., error=rc)
call dm_error_out(rc, fatal=.true.)
! Call remote procedure COM_NullProc and output result.
call geocom%null()
print '(i0, ": ", a)', geocom%code(), geocom%message()
! Output last request.
call geocom%last_request(request)
call dm_request_out(request)
! Close connection.
call geocom%close()
end program main
Make sure that the instrument is configured to 115,200 baud. Invalid parameters passed to the GeoCOM methods will be replaced with their default values, and an error message is printed in verbose mode.
If the DMPACK library and module files are installed to /opt
, build, link, and
run the example program with:
$ gfortran -I/opt/include/dmpack -o geocom geocom.f90 /opt/lib/libdmpack.a -lpcre2-8 $ ./geocom
All GeoCOM named types and enumerators supported by DMPACK start with prefix
Name | Description |
Standard intensity of beep expressed as percentage. |
Direction close-wise. |
Direction counter clock-wise. |
Name | Description |
Positioning to Hz and V angle. |
Positioning to a target in the env. of the Hz and V angle. |
Name | Description |
Fast positioning mode. |
Exact positioning mode. |
For TM30/TS30. |
Name | Description |
Reflector not defined. |
Reflector prism. |
Reflector tape. |
Name | Description |
With reflector. |
Without reflector. |
Name | Description |
ASCII protocol. |
Binary protocol. |
Name | Description |
Power source is external. |
Power source is the internal battery. |
Name | Description |
Not supported by TPS1200. |
RPC is enabled (online mode). |
Name | Description |
Power down instrument. |
Not supported by TPS1200. |
Name | Description |
Internal memory module. |
External memory card. |
Name | Description |
Undocumented (0). |
Extension wildcard: |
Name | Description |
Internal memory module. |
External memory card. |
Name | Description |
Locked out. |
Locked in. |
Prediction mode. |
Name | Description |
Slow down with current acceleration. |
Slow down by switch off power supply. |
Name | Description |
Instrument remains on. |
Turns off mechanism. |
Name | Description |
Position 1 of telescope. |
Position 2 of telescope. |
Name | Description |
Face in normal position. |
Face turned. |
Return Codes
All GeoCOM return codes start with prefix GRC_
Code | Name | Description |
0 |
Function successfully completed. |
1 |
Unknown error, result unspecified. |
2 |
Invalid parameter detected. Result unspecified. |
3 |
Invalid result. |
4 |
Fatal error. |
5 |
Not implemented. |
6 |
Function execution timed out. Result unspecified. |
7 |
Parameter setup for subsystem is incomplete. |
8 |
Function execution has been aborted. |
9 |
Fatal error (not enough memory). |
10 |
Fatal error (subsystem not initialised). |
12 |
Subsystem is down. |
13 |
System busy/already in use of another process. |
14 |
Fatal error (hardware failure). |
15 |
Execution of application has been aborted. |
16 |
Operation aborted (insufficient power supply level). |
17 |
Invalid version of file. |
18 |
Battery empty, about 1 minute remaining. |
20 |
No event pending. |
21 |
Out of temperature range. |
22 |
Instrument tilting out of range. |
23 |
Communication error. |
24 |
GRC_TYPE input (do no action) |
25 |
Instrument went into sleep mode. |
26 |
Function not successfully completed. |
27 |
Not available (licence key not available). |
28 |
Overflow error. |
29 |
System or subsystem has been stopped. |
256 |
ANG error. |
257 |
Angles and inclinations not valid. |
258 |
Inclinations not valid. |
259 |
Value accuracies not reached. |
260 |
Angle accuracies not reached. |
261 |
Inclination accuracies not reached. |
266 |
No write access allowed. |
267 |
Value out of range. |
268 |
Function aborted due to interrupt. |
269 |
Hz moved during incline measurement. |
270 |
Troubles with operation system. |
271 |
Overflow at parameter values. |
272 |
Not enough peaks. |
273 |
Reading timeout. |
274 |
Too many exposures wanted. |
275 |
Picture height out of range. |
276 |
Positive exposure dynamic overflow. |
277 |
Negative exposure dynamic overflow. |
278 |
Exposure time overflow. |
279 |
Picture under-exposured. |
280 |
Picture over-exposured. |
300 |
Too many peaks detected. |
301 |
Not enough peaks detected. |
302 |
Peak too slim. |
303 |
Peak to wide. |
304 |
Bad peak difference. |
305 |
Too low peak amplitude. |
306 |
Inhomogeneous peak amplitudes. |
307 |
No peak decoding possible. |
308 |
Peak decoding not stable. |
309 |
Not enough valid fine-peaks. |
316 |
Inclination plane out of time range. |
317 |
Inclination no plane available. |
326 |
Errors in 5 kHz and or 2.5 kHz angle. |
327 |
Errors in 5 kHz angle. |
328 |
Errors in 2.5 kHz angle. |
329 |
LVDS transfer error detected. |
330 |
LVDS transfer error detected in 5 kHz mode. |
331 |
LVDS transfer error detected in 2.5 kHz mode. |
512 |
ATR system is not ready. |
513 |
Result is not available yet. |
514 |
Several targets detected. |
515 |
Spot is too big for analyse. |
516 |
Background is too bright. |
517 |
No targets detected. |
518 |
Accuracy worse than asked for. |
519 |
Spot is on the edge of the sensing area. |
522 |
Blooming or spot on edge detected. |
523 |
ATR is not in a continuous mode. |
524 |
Not the spot of the own target illuminator. |
525 |
Communication error to sensor (ATR). |
526 |
Received Arguments cannot be decoded. |
527 |
No spot detected in Hz direction. |
528 |
No spot detected in V direction. |
529 |
Strange light in Hz direction. |
530 |
Strange light in V direction. |
531 |
On multiple ATA_SLDR_OpenTransfer. |
532 |
No ATA_SLDR_OpenTransfer happened. |
533 |
Unexpected data format received. |
534 |
Checksum error in transmitted data. |
535 |
Address out of valid range. |
536 |
Firmware file has invalid format. |
537 |
Current (loaded) firmware does not support upload. |
538 |
PowerSearch system is not ready. |
539 |
ATR system error. |
768 |
EDM error. |
769 |
Fatal EDM sensor error. |
770 |
Invalid command or unknown command. |
771 |
Boomerang error. |
772 |
Received signal too low, prism to far away, or natural barrier, bad environment, etc. |
773 |
Obsolete. |
774 |
Received signal to strong, prism to near, strange light effect. |
775 |
Timeout, measuring time exceeded (signal too weak, beam interrupted). |
776 |
Too much turbulences or distractions. |
777 |
Filter motor defective. |
778 |
Device like EGL, DL is not installed. |
779 |
Search result invalid. |
780 |
Communication ok, but an error reported from the EDM sensor. |
781 |
No service password is set. |
782 |
Communication ok, but an unexpected answer received. |
783 |
Data send error, sending buffer is full. |
784 |
Data receive error, like parity buffer overflow. |
785 |
Internal EDM subsystem error. |
786 |
Sensor is working already, abort current measuring first. |
787 |
No measurement activity started. |
788 |
Calculated checksum, resp. received data wrong. |
789 |
During start up or shut down phase an error occured. |
790 |
Red laser not available on this sensor hardware. |
791 |
Measurement will be aborted (will be used for the laser security). |
798 |
Multiple OpenTransfer calls. |
799 |
No open transfer happened. |
800 |
Unexpected data format received. |
801 |
Checksum error in transmitted data. |
802 |
Address out of valid range. |
803 |
Firmware file has invalid format. |
804 |
Current (loaded) firmware doesn’t support upload. |
808 |
Undocumented error from the EDM sensor, should not occur. |
818 |
Out of distance range (too small or large). |
819 |
Signal to noise ratio too small. |
820 |
Noise too high. |
821 |
Password is not set. |
822 |
Elapsed time between prepare and start fast measurement for ATR too long. |
823 |
Possibly more than one target (also a sensor error). |
824 |
EEPROM constants are missing. |
825 |
No precise measurement possible. |
826 |
Measured distance is too big (not allowed). |
1024 |
GMF error. |
1025 |
Wrong area definition. |
1026 |
Identical points. |
1027 |
Points on one line |
1028 |
Out of range. |
1029 |
Plausibility error. |
1030 |
Too few observations to calculate the average. |
1031 |
No solution. |
1032 |
Only one solution. |
1033 |
Second solution. |
1034 |
Intersection angle < 15 gon. |
1035 |
Invalid triangle. |
1036 |
Invalid angle unit. |
1037 |
Invalid distance unit. |
1038 |
Invalid vertical angle. |
1039 |
Invalid temperature system. |
1040 |
Invalid pressure unit. |
1041 |
Invalid radius. |
1042 |
Insufficient data (GM2). |
1043 |
Bad data (GM2). |
1044 |
Bad data distr (GM2). |
1045 |
Same tie points (GM2). |
1046 |
Station and tie point same (GM2). |
1280 |
TMC error. |
1283 |
Measurement without full correction. |
1284 |
Accuracy can not be guaranteed. |
1285 |
Only angle measurement valid. |
1288 |
Only angle measurement valid but without full correction. |
1289 |
Only angle measurement valid but accuracy can not be guaranteed. |
1290 |
No angle measurement. |
1291 |
Wrong setting of PPM or MM on EDM. |
1292 |
Distance measurement not done (no aim). |
1293 |
System is busy (no measurement done). |
1294 |
No signal on EDM (only in signal mode). |
1792 |
Motorisation is not ready. |
1793 |
Motorisation is handling another task. |
1794 |
Motorisation is not in velocity mode. |
1795 |
Motorisation is in the wrong mode or busy. |
1796 |
Motorisation is not in posit mode. |
1797 |
Motorisation is not in service mode. |
1798 |
Motorisation is handling no task. |
1799 |
Motorisation is not in tracking mode. |
1800 |
Motorisation is not in spiral mode. |
1801 |
Vertical encoder/motor error. |
1802 |
Horizontal encoder/motor error. |
1803 |
Horizontal and vertical encoder/motor error. |
2304 |
BMM error. |
2305 |
Loading process already opened. |
2306 |
Transfer not opened. |
2307 |
Unknown character set. |
2308 |
Display module not present. |
2309 |
Character set already exists. |
2310 |
Character set cannot be deleted. |
2311 |
Memory cannot be allocated. |
2312 |
Character set still used. |
2313 |
Charset cannot be deleted or is protected. |
2314 |
Attempt to copy a character block outside the allocated memory. |
2315 |
Error during release of allocated memory. |
2316 |
Number of bytes specified in header does not match the bytes read. |
2317 |
Allocated memory could not be released. |
2318 |
Max. number of character sets already loaded. |
2319 |
Layer cannot be deleted. |
2320 |
Required layer does not exist. |
2321 |
Layer length exceeds maximum. |
3072 |
Initiate Extended Runtime Operation (ERO). |
3073 |
Cannot encode arguments in client. |
3074 |
Cannot decode results in client. |
3075 |
Hardware error while sending. |
3076 |
Hardware error while receiving. |
3077 |
Request timed out. |
3078 |
Packet format error. |
3079 |
Version mismatch between client and server. |
3080 |
Cannot decode arguments in server. |
3081 |
Unknown RPC, procedure ID invalid. |
3082 |
Cannot encode results in server. |
3083 |
Unspecified generic system error. |
3085 |
Unspecified error. |
3086 |
Binary protocol not available. |
3087 |
Call interrupted. |
3090 |
Protocol needs 8 bit encoded characters. |
3093 |
TRANSACTIONS ID mismatch error. |
3094 |
Protocol not recognisable. |
3095 |
Invalid port address. |
3099 |
ERO is terminating. |
3100 |
Internal error (data buffer overflow). |
3101 |
Invalid checksum on server side received. |
3102 |
Invalid checksum on client side received. |
3103 |
Port not available. |
3104 |
Port not opened. |
3105 |
Unable to find TPS. |
3106 |
Extended Runtime Operation could not be started. |
3107 |
Att to send cons reqs. |
3108 |
TPS has gone to sleep (wait and try again). |
3109 |
TPS has shut down (wait and try again). |
3110 |
No checksum in ASCII protocol available. |
8704 |
Position not reached. |
8705 |
Positioning not possible due to mounted EDM. |
8706 |
Angle measurement error. |
8707 |
Motorisation error. |
8708 |
Position not exactly reached. |
8709 |
Deviation measurement error. |
8710 |
No target detected. |
8711 |
Multiple targets detected. |
8712 |
Bad environment conditions. |
8713 |
Error in target acquisition. |
8714 |
Target acquisition not enabled. |
8715 |
ATR calibration failed. |
8716 |
Target position not exactly reached. |
8717 |
Distance measurement has been started. |
8718 |
External supply voltage is too high. |
8719 |
Internal or external supply voltage is too low. |
8720 |
Working area not set. |
8721 |
Power search data array is filled. |
8722 |
No data available. |
12544 |
KDM device is not available. |
13056 |
File access error. |
13057 |
Block number was not the expected one. |
13058 |
Not enough space on device to proceed uploading. |
13059 |
Rename of file failed. |
13060 |
Invalid parameter as input. |
Parts of the DMPACK library are exposed to Lua through a distinct API. Log levels and error codes are registered as named parameters. The GeoCOM API includes named parameters of enumerators and return codes beside functions for request preparation. The GeoCOM functions may be called from the configuration file of dmserial to initialise jobs, for example:
jobs = {
-- Start and initialisation of station p99.
-- Attribute `onetime` must be enabled!
onetime = true,
delay = 5 * 1000,
observation = {
-- Initialise RTS and send responses to dmdb.
name = "init_tps",
target_id = "p99",
receivers = { "dmdb" },
requests = {
-- Up to 8 requests are allowed per observation.
-- Single measurement of target p01 every 10 seconds.
onetime = false,
delay = 10 * 1000,
observation = {
-- Set position and start measurement, send responses to dmdb.
name = "get_p01",
target_id = "p01",
receivers = { "dmdb" },
requests = {
geocom_set_position(gon2rad(0.0), gon2rad(100.0),
geocom_get_simple_measurement(3000, GEOCOM_TMC_AUTO_INC)
The targets p01
and p99
have to exist in the observation database. The
performed observations are forwarded to dmdb.
# | Name | Level |
0 |
invalid level |
1 |
debug level |
2 |
info level |
3 |
warning level |
4 |
error level |
5 |
critical level |
6 |
user-defined level |
# | Name | Type |
0 |
8-byte signed real |
1 |
4-byte signed real |
2 |
8-byte signed integer |
3 |
4-byte signed integer |
4 |
1-byte boolean |
5 |
byte |
6 |
byte string |
The following utility functions are exported to convert units:
– Converts degrees to gradians. -
– Converts degrees to radiants. -
– Converts gradians to degrees. -
– Converts gradians to radiants. -
– Converts radiants to degrees. -
– Converts radiants to gradians.
The Lua functions may be called inside of configuration files. For testing, load
the shared library
first, for example:
-- Import the shared library ``.
-- The file must be located in the Lua search path.
-- Convert angle from [deg] to [gon]. Output: 400.0
gon = deg2gon(360.0)
The GeoCOM API for Lua is used to automate the creation of observation requests
in DMPACK configuration files. The Lua function names do not match the official
GeoCOM API names. All functions start with prefix geocom_
, all named
parameters with GEOCOM_
. The names of the requests are set to the name of the
respective function without prefix.
Lua API | GeoCOM API |
Returns request for FTR_AbortDownload procedure. Creates request to abort or end the file download command.
Returns request for FTR_AbortList procedure. Creates request to abort or end the file list command.
Returns request for BMM_BeepAlarm procedure. Creates request to output an alarm signal (triple beep).
Returns request for BMM_BeepNormal procedure. Creates request to output an alarm signal (single beep).
Returns request for IOS_BeepOff procedure. Creates request to stop an active beep signal.
(integer) – Intensity of the beep signal.
Returns request for IOS_BeepOn procedure. Creates request for continuous beep
signal of given intensity
from 0 to 100. The constant
sets the intensity to 100.
geocom_change_face(pos_mode, atr_mode)
(integer) – Position mode (GEOCOM_AUT_POSMODE). -
(integer) – ATR mode (GEOCOM_AUT_ATRMODE).
Returns request for AUT_ChangeFace procedure. Creates request for turning the telescope to the other face.
If pos_mode
, the instrument uses the current value of
the compensator. For positioning distances > 25 gon, this mode might tend to
inaccuracy. If set to GEOCOM_AUT_PRECISE
, it tries to measure the exact
inclination of the target. Tends to long positioning time.
If atr_mode
, the instrument uses conventional
positioning to other face. If set to GEOCOM_AUT_TARGET
, it tries to position
into a target in the destination area. This mode requires activated ATR.
geocom_delete(device_type, file_type, day, month, year, file_name)
(integer) – Internal memory or memory card (GEOCOM_FTR_DEVICETYPE). -
(integer) – Type of file (GEOCOM_FTR_FILETYPE). -
(integer) – Day of month (DD
). -
(integer) – Month (MM
). -
(integer) – Year (YY
). -
(string) – Name of file to delete.
Returns request for FTR_Delete procedure. Creates request for deleting one or more files. Wildcards may be used to delete multiple files. If the deletion date is valid, only files older than the deletion date are deleted.
geocom_do_measure(tmc_prog, inc_mode)
(integer) – Measurement program (GEOCOM_TMC_MEASURE_PRG). -
(integer) – Inclination measurement mode (GEOCOM_TMC_INCLINE_PRG).
Returns request for TMC_DoMeasure procedure. Creates request for trying a
distance measurement. This command does not return any values. If a distance
measurement is performed in measurement program GEOCOM_TMC_DEF_DIST
, the
distance sensor will work in the set EDM mode.
(integer) – Block number to download (0 – 65535).
Returns request for FTR_Download procedure. Creates request to get a single block of data. The geocom_setup_download() function has to be called first. The block sequence starts with 1. The download process will be aborted if the block number is set to 0. The maximum block number is 65535. The file size is therefore limited to 28 MiB. The function should not be used inside of configuration files.
geocom_fine_adjust(search_hz, search_v)
(number) – Search range, Hz axis [rad]. -
(number) – Search range, V axis [rad].
Returns request for AUT_FineAdjust procedure. Creates request for automatic target positioning.
The procedure positions the telescope onto the target prosm and measures the ATR
Hz and V deviations. If the target is not within the visible area of the ATR
sensor (field of view), a target search will be executed. The target search
range is limited by the parameter search_v
in V direction, and by parameter
in Hz direction. If no target was found, the instrument turns back
to the initial start position.
The Fine Adjust Lock-in towards a target is terminated by this procedure call. After positioning, the lock mode will be active. The timeout of the operation is set to 5 seconds, regardless of the general position timeout settings. The position tolerance depends on the previously selected find adjust mode.
The tolerance settings have no influence to this operation. The tolerance settings and the ATR precision depend on the instrument class and the used EDM mode.
(integer) – Inclination measurement mode (GEOCOM_TMC_INCLINE_PRG).
Returns request for TMC_GetAngle5 procedure. Creates request for returning a simple angle measurement. The function starts an angle measurement and returns the results.
(integer) – Inclination measurement mode (GEOCOM_TMC_INCLINE_PRG).
Returns request for TMC_GetAngle1 procedure. Creates request for returning a complete angle measurement. The function starts an angle and, depending on the configuration, an inclination measurement, and returns the results.
Returns request for TMC_GetAngSwitch procedure. Creates request for getting the angular correction status.
Returns request for TMC_GetAtmCorr procedure. Creates request for getting the atmospheric correction parameters
Returns request for TMC_GetAtmPpm procedure. Creates request for getting the atmospheric ppm correction factor.
Returns request for TMC_IfDataAzeCorrError procedure. Creates request for getting the ATR error status.
Returns request for BAP_GetATRSetting procedure. Creates request for getting the current ATR low-vis mode.
Returns request for COM_GetBinaryAvailable procedure. Creates request for getting the binary attribute of the server.
Returns request for SUP_GetConfig procedure. Creates request for getting the
power management configuration status. The power timeout specifies the time
after which the device switches into the mode indicated by response autopwr
geocom_get_coordinate(wait_time, inc_mode)
(integer) – Delay to wait for the distance measurement to finish [msec]. -
(integer) – Inclination measurement mode (GEOCOM_TMC_INCLINE_PRG).
Returns request for TMC_GetCoordinate procedure. Creates request for getting the coordinates of a measured point.
This function conducts an angle and, in dependence of the selected inc_mode
an inclination measurement, and the calculates the coordinates of the measured
point with the last distance. The argument wait_time
specifies the delay to
wait for the distance measurement to finish. Single and tracking measurements
are supported. The quality of the result is returned in the GeoCOM return code.
Returns request for CSV_GetDateTime procedure. Creates request for getting the
current date and time of the instrument. A possible response may look like
Returns request for CSV_GetDateTimeCentiSec procedure. Creates request for getting the current date and time of the instrument, including centiseconds.
Returns request for CSV_GetDeviceConfig procedure. Creates request for getting the instrument configuration.
Returns request for COM_GetDoublePrecision procedure. Creates request for getting the double precision setting – the number of digits to the right of the decimal point – when double floating-point values are transmitted.
Returns request for TMC_GetEdmMode procedure. Creates request for getting the EDM measurement mode.
Returns request for EDM_GetEglIntensity procedure. Creates request for getting the value of the intensity of the electronic guide light (EGL).
Returns request for TMC_GetFace procedure. Creates request for getting the face of the current telescope position.
Returns request for AUT_GetFineAdjustMode procedure. Creates request for getting the fine adjustment positioning mode.
geocom_get_full_measurement(wait_time, inc_mode)
(integer) – Delay to wait for the distance measurement to finish [msec]. -
(integer) – Inclination measurement mode (GEOCOM_TMC_INCLINE_PRG).
Returns request for TMC_GetFullMeas procedure. The GeoCOM function returns
angle, inclination, and distance measurement data, including accuracy and
measurement time. This command does not issue a new distance measurement. A
distance measurement has to be started in advance. If the distance is valid, the
function ignores wait_time
and returns the results immediately. If no valid
distance is available, and the measurement unit is not activated, the angle
measurement result is returned after the waiting time.
Returns request for COM_GetSWVersion procedure. Creates request for getting the GeoCOM server software version.
Returns request for TMC_GeoPpm procedure. Creates request for getting the geometric ppm correction factor.
Returns request for TMC_GetHeight procedure. Creates request for getting the current reflector height.
(integer) – Memory device type (GEOCOM_IMG_MEM_TYPE).
Returns request for IMG_GetTccConfig procedure. Creates request to read
the current image configuration. The response subfunc
is a binary
combination of the following settings:
– Test image. -
– Automatic exposure time selection. -
– Two-times sub-sampling. -
– Four-times sub-sampling.
Returns request for TMC_GetInclineSwitch procedure. Creates request for getting the dual-axis compensator status
Returns request for TMC_IfDataIncCorrError procedure. Creates request for getting the inclination error status.
Returns request for CSV_GetInstrumentName procedure. Creates request for getting the Leica-specific instrument name.
Returns request for CSV_GetInstrumentNo procedure. Creates request for getting the factory defined instrument number.
Returns request for CSV_GetIntTemp procedure. Creates request for getting the internal temperature of the instrument, measured on the mainboard side.
Returns request for MOT_ReadLockStatus procedure. Creates request for returning the condition of the Lock-In control.
Returns request for BAP_GetMeasPrg procedure. Creates request for getting the distance measurement mode of the instrument.
Returns request for CSV_CheckPower procedure. Creates request for checking the available power.
Returns request for TMC_GetPrismCorr procedure. Creates request for getting the prism constant.
(integer) – Prism type (GEOCOM_BAP_PRISMTYPE).
Returns request for BAP_GetPrismDef procedure. Creates request for getting the default prism definition.
Returns request for TMC_GetPrismType procedure. Creates request for getting the default prism type.
Returns request for TMC_GetPrismType2 procedure. Creates request for getting the default or user prism type.
Returns request for TMC_QuickDist procedure. Creates request for returning the slope distance and both angles. The function starts an EDM tracking measurement, and waits until a distance has been measured. Then, it returns the angles and the slope distance, but no coordinates. If no distance could be measured, only angles and an error code are returned. A measurement may be aborted by calling geocom_do_measure().
Returns request for BAP_GetRedATRFov procedure. Creates request for getting the reduced ATR field of view.
Returns request for CSV_GetReflectorlessClass procedure. Creates request for getting the RL type. The function returns the class of the reflectorless and long-range distance measurement of the instrument.
Returns request for TMC_GetRefractiveMethod procedure. Creates request for getting the refraction model. The function is used to get the current refraction model. Changing the method is not indicated on the interface of the instrument.
Returns request for AUT_GetSearchArea procedure. Creates request for getting the dimensions of the PowerSearch window. This command is valid for all instruments, but has only effects for instruments equipped with PowerSearch.
Returns request for TMC_GetSignal procedure. Creates request for getting the
EDM signal intensity. The function can only perform a measurement if the signal
measurement mode is activated. Start the signal measurement with
geocom_do_measure() in mode GEOCOM_TMC_SIGNAL
After the measurement, the EDM must be switched off with mode
. While measuring, there is no angle data available.
geocom_get_simple_coordinates(wait_time, inc_mode)
(integer) – Delay to wait for the distance measurement to finish [msec]. -
(integer) – Inclination measurement mode (GEOCOM_TMC_INCLINE_PRG).
Returns request for TMC_GetSimpleCoord procedure. The API function returns the
cartesian coordinates if a valid distance is set. The argument wait_time
the maximum time to wait for a valid distance. Without a valid distance, the
coordinates are set to 0.0, and an error is returned. The coordinate calculation
requires inclination results. The argument inc_mode
sets the inclination
measurement mode.
geocom_get_simple_measurement(wait_time, inc_mode)
(integer) – Delay to wait for the distance measurement to finish [msec]. -
(integer) – Inclination measurement mode (GEOCOM_TMC_INCLINE_PRG).
Returns request for TMC_GetSimpleMea procedure. The API function returns the
angles and distance measurement data. The argument wait_time
sets the maximum
time to wait for a valid distance. If a distance is available, the wait time is
Returns request for TMC_GetSlopeDistCorr procedure. The function returns the total ppm value (atmospheric ppm + geometric ppm) plus the current prism constant.
Returns request for CSV_GetSWVersion procedure. Creates request for getting the system software version of the instrument.
Returns request for TMC_GetStation procedure. Creates request for getting the station coordinates of the instrument.
Returns request for BAP_GetTargetType procedure. Creates request for getting
the EDM type. The function returns the current EDM type
) for distance measurements: reflector (IR) or
reflectorless (RL).
Returns request for AUT_ReadTimeout procedure. Creates request for getting the timeout for positioning. The function returns the maximum time to perform positioning.
Returns request for AUT_ReadTol procedure. The function returns the positioning tolerances of the Hz and V instrument axis.
Returns request for AUS_GetUserAtrState procedure. Creates request for getting the status of the ATR mode.
Returns request for AUS_GetUserLockState procedure. Creates request for getting the status of the lock mode.
(string) – Prism name.
Returns equest of BAP_GetUserPrismDef procedure. Creates request for getting the user prism definition.
Returns request for AUT_GetUserSpiral procedure. The function returns the current dimensions of the searching spiral. Requires at least a TCA instrument.
(bool) – First or next entry.
Returns request for FTR_List procedure. Creates request for listing file information.
Returns request for AUT_LockIn procedure. Creates request for starting the target tracking. The API function will start the target tracking if the lock mode has been activated through geocom_set_user_lock_mode(). The geocom_fine_adjust() call must have finished successfully before executing this function.
(integer) – Distance measurement program (GEOCOM_BAP_MEASURE_PRG).
Returns request for BAP_MeasDistanceAngle procedure. Creates request for
measuring Hz, V angles and a single distance. The API function measures angles
and a single distance depending on the distance measurement mode dist_mode
It is not suited for continuous measurements (lock mode and TRK mode), and
uses the current automation settings.
Returns request for COM_NullProc procedure. Creates request for checking the communication.
(bool) – Enable PowerSearch.
Returns request for AUT_PS_EnableRange procedure. The function enabled or
disables the predefined PowerSearch window including the PowerSearch range
limits set by API call geocom_ps_set_range()
(requires GeoCOM robotic licence). If enabled
is false
, the default range
is set to ≤ 400 m.
geocom_ps_search_next(direction, swing)
(integer) – Searching direction (GEOCOM_AUT_CLOCKWISE
). -
(bool) – Searching starts –10 gon to the given direction.
Returns request for AUT_PS_SearchNext procedure. The function executes the 360° default PowerSearch and searches for the next targets. A previously defined PowerSearch window of geocom_set_search_area() is not taken into account. Use API call geocom_ps_search_window() first.
Returns request for AUT_PS_SearchWindow procedure. Creates request for starting PowerSearch. The function starts PowerSearch in the window defined by API calls geocom_set_search_area() and geocom_ps_set_range() (requires GeoCOM robotic licence).
geocom_ps_set_range(min_dist, max_dist)
(integer) – Min. distance to prism (≥ 0) [m]. -
(integer) – Max. distance to prism (≤ 400, ≥min_dist
+ 10) [m].
Returns request for AUT_PS_SetRange procedure. Creates request for setting the PowerSearch range.
geocom_search(search_hz, search_v)
(number) – Horizontal search region [rad]. -
(number) – Vertical search region [rad].
Returns request for AUT_Search procedure. The function performs an automatic target search within the given search area (requires GeoCOM robotic licence). The search is terminated once the prism appears in the field of view of the ATR sensor. If no prism is found in the specified area, the instrument turns back into the initial position. For an exact positioning onto the prism centre, use the fine-adjust API call geocom_fine_adjust() afterwards. If the search range of the API function geocom_fine_adjust() is expanded, target search and fine positioning are done in one step.
Returns request for BAP_SearchTarget procedure. Creates request for searching a target. The function searches for a target in the ATR search window.
geocom_set_angle_correction(incline, stand_axis, collimation, tilt_axis)
(bool) – Enable inclination correction. -
(bool) – Enable standard axis correction. -
(bool) – Enable collimation correction. -
(bool) – Enable tilt axis correction.
Returns request for TMC_SetAngSwitch procedure. Creates request for turning angle corrections on or off.
geocom_set_atmospheric_correction(lambda, pressure, dry_temp, wet_temp)
(number) – Wave-length of EDM transmitter [m]. -
(number) – Atmospheric pressure [mbar]. -
(number) – Dry temperature [°C]. -
(number) – Wet temperature [°C].
Returns request for BAP_SetAtmCorr procedure. Creates request for setting the
atmospheric correction parameters. The argument lambda
should be queried with
API call
(number) – Atmospheric ppm correction factor [ppm].
Returns request for BAP_SetAtmPpm procedure. Creates request for setting the atmospheric ppm correction factor.
(integer) – ATR low-vis mode (GEOCOM_BAP_ATRSETTING).
Returns request for BAP_SetATRSetting procedure. Creates request for setting the ATR low-vis mode.
(bool) – Enable binary communication.
Returns request for COM_SetBinaryAvailable procedure. Creates request for setting the binary attribute of the server. The function sets the ability of the GeoCOM server to handle binary communication (not supported by DMPACK).
geocom_set_config(auto_power, timeout)
(integer) – Power-off mode (GEOCOM_SUP_AUTO_POWER). -
(integer) – Timeout [msec].
Returns request for SUP_SetConfig procedure. Creates request for setting the
power management configuration. The argument timeout
sets the duration after
which the instrument switches into the mode auto_power
when no user activity
occured (key press, GeoCOM communication). The value must be between 60,000 m/s
(1 min) and 6,000,000 m/s (100 min).
geocom_set_date_time(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
(integer) – Year (YYYY
). -
(integer) – Month (MM
). -
(integer) – Day of month (DD
). -
(integer) – Hour (hh
). -
(integer) – Minute (mm
). -
(integer) – Second (ss
Returns request for CSV_SetDateTime procedure. Creates request for setting the date and time of the instrument.
geocom_set_distance(slope_dist, height_offset, inc_mode)
(number) – Slope distance [m]. -
(number) – Height offset [m]. -
(integer) – Inclination measurement mode (GEOCOM_TMC_INCLINE_PRG).
Returns request for TMC_SetHandDist procedure. The function is used to set the manually measured slope distance and height offset for a following measurement. Additionally, an inclination and an angle measurement are started to determine the coordinates of the target. The vertical angle is corrected to π/2 or 3π/2, depending on the face of the instrument. The previously measured distance is cleared.
(integer) – Number of digits right to the comma.
Returns request for COM_SetDoublePrecision procedure. The function sets the
precision – the number of digits right of the decimal – when double
floating-point values are transmitted. The default precision is 15 digits. The
setting is only valid for the ASCII transmission mode. Trailing zeroes will not
be sent by the instrument. For example, if ndigits
is set to 3 and the exact
value is 1.99975, the resulting value will be 2.0.
(integer) – EDM measurement mode (GEOCOM_EDM_MODE).
Returns request for TMC_SetEdmMode procedure. Creates request for setting the
EDM measurement mode. The EDM mode set by this function is used by
geocom_do_measure() in mode GEOCOM_TMC_DEF_DIST
(integer) – EGL intensity (GEOCOM_EDM_EGLINTENSITY_TYPE).
Returns request for EDM_SetEglIntensity procedure. Creates request for setting the intensity of the electronic guide light.
(integer) – Fine adjust positioning mode (GEOCOM_AUT_ADJMODE).
Returns request for AUT_SetFineAdjustMode procedure. The function sets the
positioning tolerances relating to angle accuracy or point accuracy for the fine
adjust (requires GeoCOM robotic licence). If a target is near or held by hand,
it is recommended to set the adjust mode to GEOCOM_AUT_POINT_MODE
. The
argument adj_mode
has to be either GEOCOM_AUT_NORM_MODE
geocom_set_geometric_ppm(enabled, scale_factor, offset, height_ppm, individual_ppm)
(bool) – Enable geometric ppm calculation. -
(number) – Scale factor on central meridian. -
(number) – Offset from central meridian [m]. -
(number) – Ppm value due to height above reference. -
(number) – Individual ppm value.
Returns request for TMC_SetGeoPpm procedure. Creates request for setting the geometric ppm correction factor.
(number) – Reflector height [m].
Returns request for TMC_SetHeight procedure. Creates request for setting a new reflector height.
geocom_set_image_config(mem_type, image_number, quality, sub_function, prefix)
(integer) – Memory device type (GEOCOM_IMG_MEM_TYPE). -
(integer) – Actual image number. -
(integer) – JPEG compression factor (0 – 100). -
(integer) – Additional sub-functions to call. -
(string) – File name prefix.
Returns request for IMG_SetTccConfig procedure. Creates request for setting
the image configuration. The argument sub_function
may be a binary combination
of the following settings:
– Test image. -
– Automatic exposure-time selection. -
– Two-times sub-sampling. -
– Four-times sub-sampling.
(bool) – Enable dual-axis compensator.
Returns request for TMC_SetInclineSwitch procedure. Creates request for turning the dual-axis compensator on or off.
(bool) – Enable laser pointer.
Returns request for EDM_Laserpointer procedure. Creates request for turning the laser pointer on or off. The function is only available on models which support reflectorless distance measurement.
(integer) – Measurement program (GEOCOM_BAP_USER_MEASPRG).
Returns request for BAP_SetMeasPrg procedure. The function sets the distance measurement program, for example, for API call geocom_measure_distance_angle(). The RL EDM type programs are not available on all instruments. Changing the measurement program may change the EDM type as well (IR, RL).
(number) – Horizontal orientation [rad].
Returns request for TMC_SetOrientation procedure. Creates request for
orientating the instrument in horizontal direction. The API function is a
combination of an angle measurement to get the horizontal offset and setting the
angle offset afterwards, in order to orientate to a target. Before the new
orientation can be set, an existing distance must be cleared by calling API
function geocom_do_measure() with argument
geocom_set_position(hz, v, pos_mode, atr_mode)
(number) – Horizontal angle [rad]. -
(number) – Vertical angle [rad]. -
(integer) – Position mode (GEOCOM_AUT_POSMODE). -
(integer) – ATR mode (GEOCOM_AUT_ATRMODE).
Returns request for AUT_MakePositioning procedure. Creates request for turning the telescope to a specified position.
If pos_mode
, uses the current value of the compensator.
For positioning distances > 25 gon, this mode might tend to inaccuracy. If set
, tries to measure the exact inclination of the target
(tends to long position time).
If atr_mode
, uses conventional position to other
face. If set to GEOCOM_AUT_TARGET
, tries to position into a target in the
destination area. This mode requires activated ATR.
geocom_set_positioning_timeout(time_hz, time_v)
(number) – Timeout in Hz direction [sec]. -
(number) – Timeout in V direction [sec].
Returns request for AUT_SetTimeout procedure. This function sets the maximum
time to perform a positioning. The timeout is reset on 7 seconds after each
power on. Valid value for hz
and v
are between 7 [sec] and 60 [sec].
(number) – Prism constant [mm].
Returns request for TMC_SetPrismCorr procedure. Creates request for setting the prism constant. The API function geocom_set_prism_type() overwrites this setting.
(integer) – Prism type (GEOCOM_BAP_PRISMTYPE).
Returns request for BAP_SetPrismType procedure. Creates request for setting
the default prism type. This function sets the prism type for measurement with a
). It overwrites the prism constant set by API
call geocom_set_prism_constant().
geocom_set_prism_type_v2(prism_type, prism_name)
(integer) – Prism type (GEOCOM_BAP_PRISMTYPE). -
(string) – Prism name (required if prism type isGEOCOM_BAP_PRISM_USER
Returns request for BAP_SetPrismType2 procedure. Creates request for setting the default or user prism type. This function sets the default or the user prism type for measurements with a reflector. It overwrites the prism constant set by geocom_set_prism_constant(). The user defined prism must have been added with API call geocom_set_user_prism_definition() beforehand.
(bool) – Use reduced field of view.
Returns request for BAP_SetRedATRFov procedure. Creates request for setting
the reduced ATR field of view. If enabled
is true
, ATR uses reduced field of
view (about 1/9), full field of view otherwise.
(integer) – Refraction data method (1 or 2).
Returns request for TMC_SetRefractiveMethod procedure. Creates request for
setting the refraction model. Mode 1
means method 1 for the rest of the world,
mode 2
means method for Australia.
geocom_set_search_area(center_hz, center_v, range_hz, range_v, enabled)
(number) – Search area center Hz angle [rad]. -
(number) – Search area center V angle [rad]. -
(number) – Search area range Hz angle [rad]. -
(number) – Search area range V angle [rad]. -
(bool) – Enable search area.
Returns request for AUT_SetSearchArea procedure. The function sets the position and dimensions of the PowerSearch window, and activates it. The API call is valid for all instruments, but has effects only for those equipped with PowerSearch (requires GeoCOM robotic licence).
geocom_set_station(easting, northing, height, instr_height)
(number) – E coordinate [m]. -
(number) – N coordinate [m]. -
(number) – H coordinate [m]. -
(number) – Instrument height [m].
Returns request for TMC_SetStation procedure. Creates request for setting the station coordinates of the instrument.
(integer) – Target type (GEOCOM_BAP_TARGET_TYPE).
Returns request for BAP_SetTargetType procedure. Creates request for setting the EDM type.
The function sets the current EDM type (GEOCOM_BAP_TARGET_TYPE
) for distance
measurements: reflector (IR) or reflectorless (RL). For each EDM type, the EDM
mode used last is remembered and actived if the EDM type is changed. If EDM type
IR is selected, the automation mode used last is activated automatically. The
API function
geocom_set_measurement_program() can
also change the target type. The EDM type RL is not available on all
geocom_set_tolerance(hz, v)
(number) – Positioning tolerance in Hz direction [rad]. -
(number) – Positioning tolerance in V direction [rad].
Returns request for AUT_SetTol procedure. Creates request for setting the positioning tolerances.
This function sets the position tolerances of the Hz and V instrument axes (GeoCOM robotic licence required). The tolerances must be in the range of 1 [cc] (1.57079E-06 [rad]) to 100 [cc] (1.57079E-04 [rad]).
The maximum resolution of the angle measurement system depends on the instrument accuracy class. If smaller positioning tolerances are required, the positioning time can increase drastically
(bool) – Enable ATR state.
Returns request for AUS_SetUserAtrState procedure. Creates request for setting the status of the ATR state.
The function activates or deactivates the ATR mode (requires GeoCOM robotic
licence). If enabled
is true
, ATR mode is activated, and if lock mode is
enabled while the API call is made, lock mode will change to ATR mode. If
is false
, ATR mode is deactivated, and if lock mode is enabled
then it stays enabled.
(bool) – Enable lock state.
Returns request for AUS_SetUserLockState procedure. Creates request for setting the status of the lock state.
The function activated or deactivates the lock mode (GeoCOM robotic licence
required). If enabled
is true
, lock mode is activated. In order to lock
and follow a moving target, call API function
geocom_lock_in(). If enabled
is false
, lock
mode is deactivated. Tracking of a moving target will be aborted, and the manual
drive wheel is activated.
geocom_set_user_prism_definition(prism_name, prism_const, refl_type, creator)
(string) – Prism name. -
(number) – Prism constant [mm]. -
(integer) – Reflector type (GEOCOM_BAP_REFLTYPE). -
(string) – Name of creator.
Returns request for BAP_SetUserPrismDef procedure. Creates request for setting a user prism definition.
geocom_set_user_spiral(hz, v)
(number) – ATR search window in Hz direction [rad]. -
(number) – ATR search window in V direction [rad].
Returns request for AUT_SetUserSpiral procedure. The function sets the dimensions of the ATR search window (GeoCOM robotic licence required).
geocom_set_velocity(omega_hz, omega_v)
(number) – Velocity in Hz direction [rad/sec]. -
(number) – Velocity in V direction [rad/sec].
Returns request for MOT_SetVelocity procedure. Creates request for driving the instrument with constant speed.
The function is used to set up the velocity of the motorisation (GeoCOM robotic
licence required). The API function
geocom_start_controller() must have been
called with argument GEOCOM_MOT_OCONST
The velocity in horizontal and vertical direction are in [rad/sec]. The maximum velocity is ±3.14 rad/sec for TM30/TS30, and ±0.79 rad/sec for TPS1100/TPS1200.
geocom_setup_download(device_type, file_type, file_name, block_size)
(integer) – Device type (GEOCOM_FTR_DEVICETYPE). -
(integer) – File type (GEOCOM_FTR_FILETYPE). -
(string) – File name with extension. -
(integer) – Block size.
Returns request for FTR_SetupDownload procedure. Creates request for setting
up a file download. The function has to be called before
geocom_download(). If the file type is
, an additional file path is required.
The argument device_type
must be one of the following:
– Internal memory module (path/ata1a/
). -
– External memory card (path/ata0a/
The argument file_type
. The maximum value
for block_size
geocom_setup_list(device_type, file_type, search_path)
(integer) – Device type (GEOCOM_FTR_DEVICETYPE). -
(integer) – File type (GEOCOM_FTR_FILETYPE). -
(string) – Optional search path, required for file typeGEOCOM_FTR_FILE_UNKNOWN
Returns request for FTR_SetupList procedure. Creates request for setting up file listing. The function sets up the device type, file type, and search path. It has to be called before geocom_list().
(integer) – Controller start mode (GEOCOM_MOT_MODE).
Returns request for MOT_StartController procedure. Creates request for
starting the motor controller. If this function is used in combination with API
call geocom_set_velocity(), the controller mode
The argument start_mode
must be one of the following:
– Relative positioning. -
– Constant speed. -
– Manual positioning (default setting). -
– “Lock-in” controller. -
– “Brake” controller. -
– Terminates the controller task.
(integer) – Controller stop mode (GEOCOM_MOT_STOPMODE).
Returns request for MOT_StartController procedure. Creates request for stopping the motor controller.
The argument stop_mode
must be one of the following:
– Slow down with current acceleration. -
– Slow down by switching off power supply.
(integer) – Switch-off mode (GEOCOM_COM_TPS_STOP_MODE).
Returns request for COM_SwitchOffTPS procedure. Creates request for turning the instrument off.
The argument stop_mode
has to be one of the following:
– Power down instrument. -
– Sleep mode (not supported by TPS1200).
(integer) – Switch-on mode (GEOCOM_COM_TPS_STARTUP_MODE).
Returns request for COM_SwitchOnTPS procedure. Creates request for turning the instrument on.
The argument start_mode
has to be one of the following:
– Not supported by TPS1200. -
– Online mode (RPC is enabled).
(integer) – Memory type (GEOCOM_IMG_MEM_TYPE).
Returns request for IMG_TakeTccImage procedure. Creates request for capturing a telescope image.
The memory type mem_type
has to be one of the following:
– Internal memory module. -
– External memory card.
Data Serialisation
DMPACK supports the following data serialisation formats:
- Atom XML
Export of log messages in Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287), with optional XSLT style sheet.
- Block
Export of observation responses as X/Y data points in ASCII block format, consisting of time stamp (ISO 8601) and real value.
Export and import of beat, log, node, observation, sensor, and target data, with custom field separator and quote character. A CSV header is added optionally.
Export of node, sensor, and target data as GeoJSON feature points.
- HDF5
Export and import of node, observation, sensor, and target data as HDF5 compound data types.
Export of beat, log, node, observation, sensor, and target data as JSON objects or JSON arrays.
- JSON Lines
Export of beat, log, node, observation, sensor, and target data in JSON Lines/Newline Delimited JSON format.
- Lua
Converting observations from and to Lua tables: import of observations from Lua file or stack-based data exchange between Fortran and Lua. plain text format
- Namelist
Import from and export to Fortran 95 Namelist (NML) format of single beat, log, node, observation, sensor, and target types. The syntax is case-insensitive, line-breaks are optional. Default values are assumed for omitted attributes of data in Namelist format.
- Text
Status messages of the HTTP-RPC API are returned as key–value pairs in plain text format.
The JSON Lines format equals the JSON format, except that multiple records are separated by new line. All string attributes of the derived types are 8 bit only and limited to the ASCII character set, UUIDv4 identifiers and date-time strings in ISO 8601 format are always 32 characters long.
API Status
Derived Type
Attribute | Type | Size | Description |
string |
32 |
DMPACK application version. |
string |
32 |
DMPACK library version. |
string |
32 |
Server host name. |
string |
32 |
Server software (web server). |
string |
32 |
Server date and time in ISO 8601. |
string |
32 |
Server status message. |
integer |
4 |
version=1.0.0 dmpack=1.0.0 host=localhost server=lighttpd/1.4.70 timestamp=1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00 message=online error=0
Derived Type
Attribute | Type | Size | Description |
string |
32 |
Node id ( |
string |
45 |
IPv4/IPv6 address of client. |
string |
32 |
Client software name and version. |
string |
32 |
Date and time heartbeat was sent (ISO 8601). |
string |
32 |
Date and time heartbeat was received (ISO 8601). |
integer |
4 |
Last client connection error. |
integer |
4 |
Emit interval in seconds. |
integer |
4 |
Client uptime in seconds. |
Column | Attribute | Description |
1 |
Node id. |
2 |
IP address of client. |
3 |
Client software name and version. |
4 |
Date and time heartbeat was sent. |
5 |
Date and time heartbeat was received. |
6 |
Error code. |
7 |
Emit interval in seconds. |
8 |
Client uptime in seconds. |
"node_id": "dummy-node",
"address": "",
"client": "dmbeat 1.0.0 (DMPACK 1.0.0)",
"time_sent": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
"time_recv": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
"error": 0,
"interval": 60,
"uptime": 3600
BEAT%CLIENT="dmbeat 1.0.0 (DMPACK 1.0.0)",
Data Point
Derived Type
Attribute | Type | Size | Description |
string |
32 |
X value (ISO 8601). |
double |
8 |
Y value. |
1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00 0.00000000
Column | Attribute | Description |
1 |
X value. |
2 |
Y value. |
"x": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
"y": 0.0
Derived Type
Attribute | Type | Size | Description |
string |
32 |
Log id (UUIDv4). |
integer |
4 |
integer |
4 |
string |
32 |
Date and time (ISO 8601). |
string |
32 |
Node id (optional). |
string |
32 |
Sensor id (optional). |
string |
32 |
Target id (optional). |
string |
32 |
Observation id (optional). |
string |
32 |
Log source (optional). |
string |
512 |
Log message (ASCII). |
Atom XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<generator version="1.0">DMPACK</generator>
<title>DMPACK Logs</title>
<subtitle>Log Messages Feed</subtitle>
<title>DEBUG: dummy log message</title>
<summary>DEBUG: dummy log message</summary>
<content type="xhtml">
<div xmlns="">
<tr><th>Level</th><td>DEBUG (1)</td></tr>
<tr><th>Error</th><td>dummy error (2)</td></tr>
<tr><th>Node ID</th><td>dummy-node</td></tr>
<tr><th>Sensor ID</th><td>dummy-sensor</td></tr>
<tr><th>Target ID</th><td>dummy-target</td></tr>
<tr><th>Observation ID</th><td><code>9bb894c779e544dab1bd7e7a07ae507d</code></td></tr>
<tr><th>Message</th><td>dummy log message</td></tr>
Column | Attribute | Description |
1 |
Log id. |
2 |
Log level. |
3 |
Error code. |
4 |
Date and time. |
5 |
Node id. |
6 |
Sensor id. |
7 |
Target id. |
8 |
Observation id. |
9 |
Log source. |
10 |
Log message. |
"id": "26462d27d7ff4ef1b10e0a2e921e638b",
"level": 1,
"error": 2,
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
"node_id": "dummy-node",
"sensor_id": "dummy-sensor",
"target_id": "dummy-target",
"observ_id": "9bb894c779e544dab1bd7e7a07ae507d",
"message": "dummy log message"
LOG%MESSAGE="dummy log message",
Derived Type
Attribute | Type | Size | Description |
string |
32 |
Node id ( |
string |
32 |
Node name. |
string |
32 |
Node description (optional). |
double |
8 |
Node local x (optional). |
double |
8 |
Node local y (optional). |
double |
8 |
Node local z (optional). |
double |
8 |
Node longitude (optional). |
double |
8 |
Node latitude (optional). |
double |
8 |
Node elevation (optional). |
Column | Attribute | Description |
1 |
Node id. |
2 |
Node name. |
3 |
Node description. |
7 |
Node local x. |
8 |
Node local y. |
9 |
Node local z. |
4 |
Node longitude. |
5 |
Node latitude. |
6 |
Node elevation. |
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
"properties": {
"type": "node",
"properties": {
"id": "dummy-node",
"name": "Dummy Node",
"meta": "Description",
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0,
"longitude": 0.0,
"latitude": 0.0,
"elevation": 0.0
DATASET "node_type" {
} } "id";
} } "name";
} } "meta";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "x";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "y";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "z";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "longitude";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "latitude";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "elevation";
DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 8 ) / ( 8 ) }
"id": "dummy-node",
"name": "Dummy Node",
"meta": "Description",
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0,
"longitude": 0.0,
"latitude": 0.0,
"elevation": 0.0
NODE%NAME="Dummy Node",
Derived Type
Attribute | Type | Size | Description |
string |
32 |
Observation id (UUIDv4). |
string |
32 |
Node id ( |
string |
32 |
Sensor id ( |
string |
32 |
Target id ( |
string |
32 |
Observation name ( |
string |
32 |
Date and time of observation (ISO 8601). |
string |
32 |
Observation source or name of origin ( |
string |
32 |
Device (TTY/PTY path, IP address). |
integer |
4 |
Message queue priority (>= 0). |
integer |
4 |
Observation error code. |
integer |
4 |
Cursor of receiver list (0 to 16). |
integer |
4 |
Number of receivers (0 to 16). |
integer |
4 |
Number of sensor requests (0 to 8). |
array |
16 × 32 |
Array of receiver names (16). |
array |
8 × 1764 |
Array of requests (8). |
Attribute | Type | Size | Description |
string |
32 |
Request name ( |
string |
32 |
Date and time of request (ISO 8601). |
string |
256 |
Raw request to sensor. Non-printable characters have to be escaped. |
string |
256 |
Raw response of sensor. Non-printable characters will be escaped. |
string |
8 |
Request delimiter. Non-printable characters have to be escaped. |
string |
256 |
Regular expression pattern that describes the raw response using named groups. |
integer |
4 |
Delay in mseconds to wait after the request. |
integer |
4 |
Request error code. |
integer |
4 |
Request mode (unused, for future additions). |
integer |
4 |
Number of performed retries. |
integer |
4 |
Request state (unused, for future additions). |
integer |
4 |
Request timeout in mseconds. |
integer |
4 |
Number of responses (0 to 16). |
array |
16 × 56 |
Extracted values from the raw response (16). |
Attribute | Type | Size | Description |
string |
32 |
Response name ( |
string |
8 |
Response unit. |
integer |
4 |
Response value type. |
integer |
4 |
Response error code. |
double |
8 |
Response value. |
Column | Attribute | Description |
1 |
Observation id. |
2 |
Node id. |
3 |
Sensor id. |
4 |
Target id. |
5 |
Observation name. |
6 |
Date and time of observation. |
7 |
Observation source. |
8 |
Device (TTY/PTY path). |
9 |
Message queue priority. |
10 |
Error code. |
11 |
Cursor of receiver list (0 to 16). |
12 |
Number of receivers (0 to 16). |
13 |
Number of sensor requests (0 to 8). |
14 – 29 |
Array of receiver names (16). |
14 |
Receiver 1. |
15 |
Receiver 2. |
16 |
Receiver 3. |
17 |
Receiver 4. |
18 |
Receiver 5. |
19 |
Receiver 6. |
20 |
Receiver 7. |
21 |
Receiver 8. |
22 |
Receiver 9. |
23 |
Receiver 10. |
24 |
Receiver 11. |
25 |
Receiver 12. |
26 |
Receiver 13. |
27 |
Receiver 14. |
28 |
Receiver 15. |
29 |
Receiver 16. |
30 – 773 |
Array of requests (8). |
30 – 105 |
Request 1. |
30 |
Request name. |
31 |
Date and time of request. |
32 |
Raw request to sensor. |
33 |
Raw response of sensor. |
34 |
Request delimiter. |
35 |
Regular expression pattern that describes the raw response. |
36 |
Delay in mseconds to wait after the request. |
37 |
Error code. |
38 |
Request mode. |
39 |
Number of retries performed. |
40 |
Request state. |
41 |
Request timeout in mseconds. |
42 |
Number of responses (0 to 16). |
43 – 122 |
Array of responses (16). |
43 – 47 |
Response 1. |
43 |
Response 1 name. |
44 |
Response 1 unit. |
45 |
Response 1 value type. |
46 |
Response 1 error. |
47 |
Response 1 value. |
48 – 52 |
Response 2. |
53 – 57 |
Response 3. |
58 – 62 |
Response 4. |
63 – 67 |
Response 5. |
68 – 72 |
Response 6. |
73 – 77 |
Response 7. |
78 – 82 |
Response 8. |
83 – 87 |
Response 9. |
88 – 92 |
Response 10. |
93 – 97 |
Response 11. |
98 – 102 |
Response 12. |
103 – 107 |
Response 13. |
108 – 112 |
Response 14. |
113 – 117 |
Response 15. |
118 – 122 |
Response 16. |
123 – 215 |
Request 2. |
216 – 308 |
Request 3. |
309 – 401 |
Request 4. |
402 – 494 |
Request 5. |
495 – 587 |
Request 6. |
588 – 680 |
Request 7. |
681 – 773 |
Request 8. |
The HDF5 format description for observations is omitted due to length. You can
output the format from command-line. For example, if the file observ.hdf5
contains DMPACK observations:
$ h5dump -H -A 0 observ.hdf5
"id": "9273ab62f9a349b6a4da6dd274ee83e7",
"node_id": "dummy-node",
"sensor_id": "dummy-sensor",
"target_id": "dummy-target",
"name": "dummy-observ",
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
"source": "dmdummy",
"device": "/dev/null",
"priority": 0,
"error": 0,
"next": 0,
"nreceivers": 2,
"nrequests": 1,
"receivers": [
"requests": [
"name": "dummy",
"timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
"request": "?\\n",
"response": "10.0\\n",
"delimiter": "\\n",
"pattern": "(?<sample>[-+0-9\\.]+)",
"delay": 0,
"error": 0,
"mode": 0,
"retries": 0,
"state": 0,
"timeout": 0,
"nresponses": 1,
"responses": [
"name": "sample",
"unit": "none",
"type": 0,
"error": 0,
"value": 10.0
id = "9273ab62f9a349b6a4da6dd274ee83e7",
node_id = "dummy-node",
sensor_id = "dummy-sensor",
target_id = "dummy-target",
name = "dummy-observ",
timestamp = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
source = "dmdummy",
device = "/dev/null",
error = 0,
next = 1,
priority = 0,
nreceivers = 2,
nrequests = 1,
receivers = { "dummy-receiver1", "dummy-receiver2" },
requests = {
name = "dummy",
timestamp = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000+00:00",
request = "?\\n",
response = "10.0\\n",
pattern = "(?<sample>[-+0-9\\.]+)",
delimiter = "\\n",
delay = 0,
error = 0,
mode = 0,
retries = 0,
state = 0,
timeout = 0,
nresponses = 1,
responses = {
name = "sample",
unit = "none",
type = 0,
error = 0,
value = 10.0
Derived Type
Attribute | Type | Size | Description |
string |
32 |
Sensor id ( |
string |
32 |
Node id ( |
integer |
4 |
string |
32 |
Sensor name. |
string |
32 |
Sensor serial number (optional). |
string |
32 |
Sensor description (optional). |
double |
8 |
Sensor x or easting (optional). |
double |
8 |
Sensor y or northing (optional). |
double |
8 |
Sensor z or elevation (optional). |
double |
8 |
Sensor longitude (optional). |
double |
8 |
Sensor latitude (optional). |
double |
8 |
Sensor elevation (optional). |
Column | Attribute | Description |
1 |
Sensor id. |
2 |
Node id. |
3 |
Sensor type. |
4 |
Sensor name. |
5 |
Sensor serial number. |
6 |
Sensor description. |
7 |
Sensor x or easting. |
8 |
Sensor y or northing. |
9 |
Sensor z or elevation. |
10 |
Sensor longitude. |
11 |
Sensor latitude. |
12 |
Sensor elevation. |
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
"properties": {
"type": "sensor",
"properties": {
"id": "dummy-sensor",
"node_id": "dummy-node",
"type": 3,
"name": "Dummy Sensor",
"sn": "00000",
"meta": "Description",
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0,
"longitude": 0.0,
"latitude": 0.0,
"elevation": 0.0
DATASET "sensor_type" {
} } "id";
} } "node_id";
H5T_STD_I32LE "type";
} } "name";
} } "sn";
} } "meta";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "x";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "y";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "z";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "longitude";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "latitude";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "elevation";
DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 8 ) / ( 8 ) }
"id": "dummy-sensor",
"node_id": "dummy-node",
"type": 3,
"name": "Dummy Sensor",
"sn": "00000",
"meta": "Description",
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0,
"longitude": 0.0,
"latitude": 0.0,
"elevation": 0.0
SENSOR%NAME="Dummy Sensor",
Derived Type
Attribute | Type | Size | Description |
string |
32 |
Target id ( |
string |
32 |
Target name. |
string |
32 |
Target description (optional). |
integer |
4 |
Target state (optional). |
double |
8 |
Target x or easting (optional). |
double |
8 |
Target y or northing (optional). |
double |
8 |
Target z or elevation (optional). |
double |
8 |
Target longitude (optional). |
double |
8 |
Target latitude (optional). |
double |
8 |
Target elevation (optional). |
Column | Attribute | Description |
1 |
Target id. |
2 |
Target name. |
3 |
Target description. |
4 |
Target state. |
5 |
Target x or easting. |
6 |
Target y or northing. |
7 |
Target z or elevation. |
8 |
Target longitude. |
9 |
Target latitude. |
10 |
Target elevation. |
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
"properties": {
"type": "target",
"properties": {
"id": "dummy-target",
"name": "Dummy Target",
"meta": "Description",
"state": 0,
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0,
"longitude": 0.0,
"latitude": 0.0,
"elevation": 0.0
DATASET "target_type" {
} } "id";
} } "name";
} } "meta";
H5T_STD_I32LE "state";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "x";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "y";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "z";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "longitude";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "latitude";
H5T_IEEE_F64LE "elevation";
DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 8 ) / ( 8 ) }
"id": "dummy-target",
"name": "Dummy Target",
"meta": "Description",
"state": 0,
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 0.0,
"longitude": 0.0,
"latitude": 0.0,
"elevation": 0.0
TARGET%NAME="Dummy Target",
Third-Party Software
This section covers the custom installation of third-party software.
HDFView is a Java-based visual tool for browsing and editing HDF5 and HDF4 files. Application images for Linux, macOS, and Windows are available for download on the website of The HDF Group. On FreeBSD, the program has to be compiled from source. The following build dependencies are required:
java/openjdk19 (or any other version)
The HDF4 and HDF5 libraries have to be built from source as well.
Building HDF4
Clone the HDF4 repository and compile with CMake:
$ cd /tmp/ $ git clone --depth 1 $ cd hdf4/ $ mkdir build && cd build/ $ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release \ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON -DBUILD_TESTING:BOOL=OFF \ -DHDF4_BUILD_TOOLS:BOOL=OFF -DHDF4_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF \ -DHDF4_BUILD_FORTRAN=ON -DHDF4_BUILD_JAVA=ON \ -DZLIB_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/ \ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/usr/include \ -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc .. $ cmake --build . --config Release
Change argument CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER
to ifx
and argument
to icx
if you want to build with Intel oneAPI instead.
Afterwards, copy java/src/hdf/hdflib/jarhdf-4.3.0.jar
to bin/
in the HDF4
build directory.
Building HDF5
In the next step, clone the HDF5 repository and build with CMake, too:
$ cd /tmp/ $ git clone --depth 1 $ cd hdf5/ $ mkdir build && cd build/ $ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release \ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON -DBUILD_TESTING:BOOL=OFF \ -DHDF5_BUILD_TOOLS:BOOL=OFF -DHDF5_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF \ -DHDF5_BUILD_FORTRAN=ON -DHDF5_BUILD_JAVA=ON \ -DZLIB_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/ \ -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/usr/include \ -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc .. $ cmake --build . --config Release
Change argument CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER
to ifx
and argument
to icx
if you want to build with Intel oneAPI instead.
Then, copy java/src/hdf/hdf5lib/jarhdf5-1.15.0.jar
and src/libhdf5.settings
to bin/
in the HDF5 build directory.
Building HDFView
Finally, clone the HDFView repository, set the build properties, and compile with ant(1):
$ cd /tmp/ $ git clone --depth 1 $ cd hdfview/
Set the following properties in
hdf.lib.dir = /tmp/hdf4/build/bin hdf5.lib.dir = /tmp/hdf5/build/bin hdf5.plugin.dir = /tmp/hdf5/build/bin/plugin build.debug = false
Build with ant(1):
$ ant run
The binaries are written to build/HDF_Group/HDFView/99.99.99/
. The archive
has to be replaced with the version installed system-wide:
$ cp /usr/local/share/java/classes/swt.jar build/HDF_Group/HDFView/99.99.99/
Replace the last line in build/HDF_Group/HDFView/99.99.99/
java "$JAVAOPTS" -Djava.library.path=".:/usr/local/lib" -Dhdfview.root="." \ -cp "./*" hdf.view.HDFView "$@"
To start HDFView, run:
$ cd build/HDF_Group/HDFView/99.99.99/ $ sh
If the locally available version of libcurl is too old, we can build the current version simply from source. Detailed instructions are listed on the official website. Download the latest release, in this example, version 8.12.1, unpack the archive, and create a Makefile:
$ cd /tmp/ $ curl -O -L -s $ tar xfvz curl-8.12.1.tar.gz $ cd curl-8.12.1/ $ ./configure --with-openssl --prefix=/opt
Then, build and install the library to /opt
$ make $ sudo make install $ /opt/bin/curl --version
Pass the parameter LIBCURL="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/lib -L/opt/lib -lcurl"
to the
DMPACK Makefile, for example:
$ make linux LIBCURL="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/lib -L/opt/lib -lcurl"
If a package of libmodbus is not available on the targeted Linux distribution, the latest version can be built from source. Additionally, autoconf, automake, libtool, and a C compiler must be present. Download the latest release, then generate a Makefile:
$ cd /tmp/ $ curl -O -L -s $ tar xfvz libmodbus-3.1.11.tar.gz $ cd libmodbus-3.1.11/ $ ./configure --prefix=/opt
Finally, build and install the library to /opt
$ make $ sudo make install
Pass the parameter LIBMODBUS="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/lib -L/opt/lib -lmodbus"
to the
DMPACK Makefile.
DMPACK requires the XMPP client library libstrophe 0.13.1 or newer. On Linux, build the latest version from source if a package is not available. Either expat or libxml2 must be installed, alongside OpenSSL or GnuTLS. First, download the latest release and create a Makefile:
$ cd /tmp/ $ curl -O -L -s $ tar xfvz libstrophe-0.13.1.tar.gz $ cd libstrophe-0.13.1/ $ ./configure --prefix=/opt
Then, build and install the library:
$ make $ sudo make install
Pass the parameter LIBSTROPHE="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/lib -L/opt/lib -lstrophe"
the DMPACK Makefile.
SQLite 3
DMPACK depends on SQLite 3.39.0 or newer. If only an outdated package is available in the package repository of the operating system, compile the latest release from source, in this case, version 3.49.0:
$ cd /tmp/ $ curl -O -L -s $ unzip $ cd sqlite-src-3490000/ $ ./configure --prefix=/opt
Change the prefix to the desired installation directory. Build and install SQLite 3, then test the command-line utility:
$ make $ sudo make install $ /opt/bin/sqlite3 --version
Pass the parameter LIBSQLITE3="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/lib -L/opt/lib -lsqlite3"
the DMPACK Makefile.
If the Zstandard version provided in the Linux package repository is too old to be compatible with DMPACK, we can compile the library from source. Download the latest release and build with CMake:
$ cd /tmp/ $ curl -O -L -s $ tar xfvz zstd-1.5.6.tar.gz $ cd zstd-1.5.6/build/cmake/ $ mkdir build && cd build/ $ cmake .. $ cmake --build . --config Release $ sudo cmake --install . --prefix /opt
Change the prefix to the desired installation directory. Execute the Zstandard command-line utility to verify the installation:
$ /opt/bin/zstd --version
Pass the parameter LIBZSTD="-Wl,-rpath=/opt/lib -L/opt/lib -lzstd"
the DMPACK Makefile.
Error Codes
Code | Error Name | Error Description |
0 |
No error. |
1 |
Generic error. |
2 |
Dummy error. |
3 |
Invalid input/argument. |
4 |
Input/argument missing. |
5 |
Type error. |
6 |
I/O operation failed. |
7 |
Read operation failed. |
8 |
Write operation failed. |
9 |
End of file. |
10 |
End of record. |
11 |
Memory allocation failed. |
12 |
Out of bounds error. |
13 |
Resource exists. |
14 |
Resource not found. |
15 |
System call failed. |
16 |
No memory. |
17 |
Disk full. |
18 |
No data. |
19 |
Pointer not associated. |
20 |
Limit reached. |
21 |
Timeout occured. |
22 |
Format error. |
23 |
No permission. |
24 |
Read-only access. |
25 |
Data corrupted. |
26 |
Invalid configuration. |
27 |
GeoCOM error. |
30 |
Generic database error. |
31 |
Invalid database (wrong application id). |
32 |
Database is busy. |
33 |
Database is locked. |
34 |
Database execution failed. |
35 |
Database contraint error. |
36 |
Database transaction failed. |
37 |
Database rollback failed. |
38 |
Database prepare failed. |
39 |
Database statement row (not an error). |
40 |
Database statement done (not an error). |
41 |
Database statement finalisation error. |
42 |
Database binding failed. |
43 |
Database type mismatch. |
44 |
Database step failed or no write permission. |
45 |
Database returned no rows. |
46 |
Database backup error. |
47 |
Database attach failed. |
48 |
Database detach failed. |
49 |
Database version incompatible. |
50 |
Generic command-line error. |
51 |
Argument not passed. |
52 |
Argument invalid or missing. |
53 |
Argument value missing. |
54 |
Argument type mismatch. |
55 |
Argument value length invalid. |
56 |
Argument is unknown. |
60 |
Generic message queue error. |
61 |
Empty message. |
70 |
Generic regular expression error. |
71 |
Failed to compile regular expression. |
72 |
Number of matches exceeds array size. |
73 |
No match. |
74 |
No group. |
80 |
Generic sensor error. |
90 |
Generic RPC error. |
91 |
RPC connection error. |
92 |
RPC SSL/TLS error. |
93 |
RPC API call failed. |
94 |
RPC authorisation error. |
95 |
RPC resource exists. |
96 |
RPC internal server error. |
100 |
Generic mail error. |
101 |
Mail connection error. |
102 |
Mail SSL/TLS error. |
103 |
Mail authorisation error. |
110 |
Generic MQTT error. |
120 |
Generic Lua error. |
121 |
Lua thread (coroutine) yields (not an error). |
122 |
Lua runtime error. |
123 |
Lua syntax error. |
124 |
Lua memory allocation error. |
125 |
Lua message handling error. |
126 |
Lua file I/O error. |
130 |
Generic library error. |
131 |
Modbus library error. |
132 |
HDF5 library error. |
133 |
Zlib library error. |
134 |
Zstandard library error. |
135 |
XMPP library error. |