modules package


modules.database module

Connectivity modules for various NoSQL databases.

class modules.database.CouchDriver(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

CouchDriver provides connectivity for Apache CouchDB. Observations send to a CouchDriver instance will be cached and then stored in the database defined the configuration. TinyDB is used for caching (either file-based or in-memory).

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • server (str) – FQDN or IP address of CouchDB server.

  • path (str) – Additional CouchDB instance path or blank.

  • port (int) – Port number of CouchDB server.

  • user (str) – User name.

  • password (str) – Password.

  • db (str) – Database name.

  • tls (bool) – Use TLS encryption (default: False).

  • cacheFile (str) – Optional file name of local cache database (e.g., cache.json). If not set, an in-memory database will be used instead.

has_cached_observation_data() → bool

Returns whether or not a cached observation exists in the local cache database.


True if cached observation exists, False if not.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Processes an observation object. Will be overridden by actual worker.


obs – Observation object.


The processed observation object.

run() → None

Inserts cached observation data into CouchDB database.

start() → None

Starts the module.

class modules.database.TinyDriver(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

TinyDriver stores observations in a TinyDB document store.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:


path (str) – Path to the database file.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Processes an observation object. Will be overridden by actual worker.


obs – Observation object.


The processed observation object.

modules.export module

Module for the export of observations.

class modules.export.CloudExporter(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

CloudExporter sends observation data to an OpenADMS Server instance. Observations are cached locally in case the service is temporary not reachable and then send again. Caching can be done either in-memory or file-based. In-memory is faster and requires less I/O operations, but cached observations do not persist over restarts (data loss may be occur).

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • server – FQDN of the OpenADMS Server instance.

  • user – User name for OpenADMS Server (HTTP Basic Auth).

  • password – Password for OpenADMS Server (HTTP Basic Auth).

  • db – Path to the cache database file (e.g.: cache.json).

  • cache – Caching type (either file or memory).


The configuration may be:

    "server": "",
    "user": "test",
    "password": "secret",
    "db": "cache.json",
    "cache": "file"
has_cached_observation() → bool

Returns whether or not a cached observation exists in the database.


True if cached observation exists, False if not.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Caches observation object locally.


obs – Observation object.


The observation object.

run() → None

Sends cached observation to RESTful service.

start() → None

Starts the module.

class modules.export.FileExporter(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

FileExporter writes sensor data to a flat file in CSV format.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • dateTimeFormat (str) – Format of date and time (see arrow library).

  • fileExtension (str) – Extension of the file (.txt or .csv).

  • fileName (str) – File name with optional placeholders {{date}}, {{target}}, {{name}}, {{port}}.

  • fileRotation (str) – Either none, daily, monthly, or yearly.

  • paths (List[str]) – Paths to save files to (multiple paths possible).

  • separator (str) – Separator between values within the CSV file.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Appends data to a flat file in CSV format.


obsObservation object.


The Observation object.

class modules.export.FileRotation

Bases: enum.Enum

Enumeration of file rotation times of flat files.

NONE = 0
class modules.export.RealTimePublisher(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

RealTimePublisher forwards incoming Observation objects by MQTT to a list of receivers.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

“realTimePublisher”: {

“enabled”: true, “topics”: [





  • enabled (bool) – Turns processing of observations on or off.

  • topics (List) – List of topics to send the observations to.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Processes an observation object. Will be overridden by actual worker.


obs – Observation object.


The processed observation object.

modules.notification module

Module for notifications and alerting.

class modules.notification.AlertMessageFormatter(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

AlertMessageFormatter caches and formats alerts. They are then forwarded to other modules for further processing and transmission.

  • messageCollectionEnabled (bool) – If true, cache alert messages.

  • messageCollectionTime (float) – Time to cache messages before sending.

  • properties (Dict) – Additional properties to add to the message.

  • receiver (str) – Name of the receiving module.

  • templates (Dict) – Templates for header, body, and footer.

  • type (str) – Type of the message to be send (email, sms, etc.).

handle_alert_message(header: Dict[str, Any], payload: Dict[str, Any]) → None

Handles messages of type alert and either caches them or forwards them to the process_alert_messages() method.

  • header – The alert header.

  • payload – The alert payload.

process_alert_messages(receiver: str, alerts: List[Dict[str, str]]) → None

Parses a template and fills values of an alert message into header, body, and footer. The parsed template is forwarded to an agent (e-mail, SMS, …).

  • receiver – The receiver of the alert.

  • alerts – The list of alert messages.

run() → None

Processes the cached alert messages.

start() → None

Starts the worker.

class modules.notification.Alerter(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

Alerter is used to send warning and error messages to other modules.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • enabled (bool) – If true, alerter is enabled.

  • modules (Dict) – Modules to send alert messages to.

fire(record: logging.LogRecord) → None
run() → None
start() → None

Starts the worker.

class modules.notification.Camera(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

Camera captures pictures using an attached digital camera or webcam and forwards them to a given MQTT topic.

run() → None
start() → None

Starts the worker.

class modules.notification.CloudAgent(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

Sends logs messages to OpenADMS Server instances.

  • host (str) – URL or IP address of OpenADMS Sever instance.

  • user (str) – OpenADMS Server user name.

  • password (str) – OpenADMS Server password.

handle_alert_message(header: Dict[str, Any], payload: Dict[str, Any]) → None

Caches messages of type alert.

  • header – The alert header.

  • payload – The alert payload.

run() → None

Processes the cached alert messages.

start() → None

Starts the worker.

class modules.notification.Heartbeat(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

Heartbeat sends heartbeat messages (“pings”) to OpenADMS Server instances. A HTTP PUT request is made to <host>/api/v1/heartbeats/.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • host (str) – IP address or FQDN of OpenADMS Server instance.

  • user (str) – User name (HTTP BasicAuth).

  • password (str) – Password (HTTP BasicAuth).

  • frequency (int) – Heartbeat frequency in seconds.

run() → None
start() → None

Starts the worker.

class modules.notification.IrcAgent(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

IrcAgent sends alert messages to the Internet Relay Chat. This module acts as a simple IRC bot which connects to an IRC server and sends text messages to a channel or user. Only a few commands of RFC 1459 are implemented.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • channel (str) – IRC channel to join (e.g.: #test).

  • host (str) – FQDN or IP address of IRC server.

  • port (int) – Port number of IRC server.

  • tls (bool) – If true, use TLS encryption.

  • nickname (str) – Nickname to use (default: openadms).

  • password (str) – Password of registered nickname (optional).

  • target (str) – IRC channel or user to send messages to.

handle_irc(header: Dict[str, Any], payload: Dict[str, Any]) → None

Handles messages of type irc and puts alert message on a queue.

  • header – The message header.

  • payload – The message payload.

run() → None

Connects to IRC server, enters channel, and sends messages. Reacts to PING messages by the server.

start() → None

Starts the worker.

class modules.notification.MailAgent(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

MailAgents sends e-mails via SMTP.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • retryDelay (float) – Time to wait before resending after failure.

  • charset (str) – Character set of the email.

  • defaultSubject (str) – Default subject if no subject is given.

  • host (str) – FQDN or IP address of the SMTP server.

  • startTls (bool) – If true, use StartTLS encryption.

  • tls (bool) – If true, use TLS encryption.

  • port (int) – Port number of the SMTP server.

  • userMail (str) – Email address of the sender.

  • userName (str) – SMTP user name.

  • userPassword (str) – SMTP user password.

handle_mail(header: Dict[str, Any], payload: Dict[str, Any]) → None

Handles messages of type email and forwards them to the process_mail() method.

  • header – The message header.

  • payload – The message payload.

process_mail(mail_from: str, mail_to: str, mail_subject: str, mail_message: str) → None

Sends e-mails by SMTP.

  • mail_from – The sender of the email.

  • mail_to – The recipient of the email.

  • mail_subject – The subject of the email.

  • mail_message – The body text of the email.

class modules.notification.MastodonAgent(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

Mastodon sends toots to the Mastodon social network. Requires the Python module

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • email (str) – Login email address of Mastodon account.

  • password (str) – Login password of Mastodon account.

  • url (str) – URL of the Mastodon instance (e.g.:

handle_mastodon(header: Dict[str, Any], payload: Dict[str, Any]) → None

Uses the Mastodon API to send toots to the network.

  • header – The message header.

  • payload – The message payload.

class modules.notification.RssAgent(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

RSSAgent creates an RSS 2.0 feed out of given data.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • author (str) – Author of the RSS feed.

  • description (str) – Description text of the RSS feed.

  • language (str) – Language of the RSS feed (e.g.: en-gb).

  • link (str) – URL to the RSS feed.

  • size (int) – Number of entries in the RSS feed.

  • title (str) – Title of the RSS feed.

escape(html: str) → str

Returns the given HTML with ampersands, quotes, and carets encoded.


html – String with HTML special characters.


Escaped string.

get_rss_feed(vars: Dict[str, str], items: List[Dict[str, str]]) → str

Returns a string with the RSS 2.0 feed. Feed template is hard-coded into this method. Rather quick and dirty, but does the job.

  • vars – The variables to replace in the RSS template.

  • items – The items of the RSS feeds.


The RSS 2.0 feed as a string.

handle_rss(header: Dict[str, Any], payload: Dict[str, Any]) → None

Handles messages of type rss and forwards them to the process_rss() method.

  • header – The message header.

  • payload – The message payload.

parse(template: str, **kwargs) → str

Substitutes placeholders in the template with variables from the given arguments.

  • template – The template.

  • kwargs – The key-value pairs.


String with parsed template.

rfc_822(date: str = None) → str

Returns a date string formatted as RFC 822. If no date is given, the current date is used.


date – A string with date and time in UTC.


A string with of date and time as RFC 822.

write(file_path: pathlib.Path, contents: str) → None

Writes string to file.

class modules.notification.ShortMessageAgent(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

ShortMessageAgent uses a socket connection to a GSM modem to send SMS.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • host (str) – FQDN or IP address of the SMS server.

  • port (int) – Port number of the SMS server.

handle_short_message(header: Dict[str, Any], payload: Dict[str, Any]) → None

Handles messages of type sms.

  • header – The message header.

  • payload – The message payload.

process_short_message(number: str, message: str) → None

Sends an SMS to a socket server.

  • number – The number of the recipient (e.g., “+49 176 123456”).

  • message – The message text.

class modules.notification.StatusPublisher(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

StatusPublisher sends retained messages to a given topic of the MQTT server. The messages include project, node, and system information, as well as current uptime, loaded modules and sensors, and current timestamp.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • topic (str) – MQTT topic to publish to.

  • interval (int) – Interval of status messages.

run() → None
start() → None

Starts the worker.

modules.port module

Module for sensor communication.

class modules.port.BluetoothPort(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

BluetoothPort is used for RFCOMM serial communication. It initiates a socket connection to a sensor by using the native Bluetooth support of Python 3.3. At the moment, the class is not very useful and needs further testing.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • port (str) – Port name.

  • serverMacAddress (str) – MAC address of the server.

close() → None

Closes the socket connection.

get_mac_address(s: str) → Optional[str]

Re-formats a given MAC address.


s – String with MAC address.


String with valid MAC address or None if address is invalid.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → Optional[core.observation.Observation]

Sends a request to the attached sensor and forwards the response.


obs – Observation object.


The extended observation object or None if connection failed.

sanitize(s: str) → str

Escapes some non-printable characters in a given string.


s – String to sanitize.


Sanitized string.

class modules.port.FileSystemPort(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

This module has nothing to configure.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → Optional[core.observation.Observation]

Processes an observation object. Open files in file system and adds values to the observation.


obs – The observation object.


The processed observation.

sanitize(s: str) → str

Escapes some non-printable characters in a given string.

class modules.port.SerialPort(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

SerialPort does I/O on a given serial port. The port can be used in either active or passive mode. In active mode, the communication with the sensor is based on request/response. In passive mode, the port just listens for incoming data without sending any requests.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • port (str) – Name of the port (e.g.: COM1 or /dev/tty0).

  • baudRate (int) – Baud rate (e.g.: 4800, 9600, or 115200).

  • byteSize (int) – Start bits, either 5, 6, 7, or 8.

  • stopBits (float) – Stop bits, either 1, 1.5, or 2.

  • parity (str) – Parity, either odd, even, or none.

  • softwareFlowControl (bool) – XON/XOFF flow control.

  • hardwareFlowControl (bool) – RTS/CTS flow control.

  • maxAttempts (int) – Maximum number of attempts to access the port.

  • timeout (float) – Timeout in seconds.

close() → None
listen(obs_draft: core.observation.Observation) → None

Threaded method for passive mode. Reads incoming data from serial port. Used for sensors which start streaming data without prior request.


obs_draft – The observation draft with the response pattern.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → Optional[core.observation.Observation]

Processes an observation object. Sends request to sensor and stores response.


obs – The observation object.


The processed observation.

sanitize(s: str) → str

Escapes some non-printable characters in a given string.

class modules.port.SerialPortConfiguration(port: str, baudrate: int, bytesize: int, stopbits: float, parity: str, timeout: float, xonxoff: bool, rtscts: bool)

Bases: object

SerialPortConfiguration saves a serial port configuration.

  • port – Name of the port (e.g.: COM1 or /dev/tty0).

  • baudrate – Baud rate (e.g.: 4800, 9600, or 115200).

  • bytesize – Start bits, either 5, 6, 7, or 8.

  • stopbits – Stop bits, either 1, 1.5, or 2.

  • parity – Parity, either none, even, odd, mark, or space.

  • timeout (float) – Timeout in seconds.

  • xonxoff – Software flow control.

  • rtscts – Hardware flow control.

property baudrate
property bytesize
property parity
property port
property rtscts
property stopbits
property timeout
property xonxoff

modules.processing module

Module for data processing (pre-processing, atmospheric corrections, transformations, and so on).

class modules.processing.PreProcessor(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

PreProcessor extracts values from the raw responses of a given observation and converts them to the defined data types.

This module has nothing to configure.

is_float(value: str) → bool

Returns whether a value is float or not.


value – The value string.


True if value is float, false if not.

is_int(value: str) → bool

Returns whether a value is int or not. Float values are seen as int.


value – The value string.


True if value is integer, false if not.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Extracts the values from the raw responses of the observation using regular expressions.


obs – The observation object.


The observation object with extracted and converted responses.

sanitize(s: str) → str

Escapes some non-printable characters in a given string.


s – String to sanitize.


Sanitized string.

to_float(raw_value: str) → Optional[float]

Converts string to float.


raw_value – The raw string.


Float number if string can be converted, otherwise None.

to_int(raw_value: str) → Optional[int]

Converts string to int.


raw_value – The raw string.


Integer number if string can be converted, otherwise None.

class modules.processing.ResponseValueInspector(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

ResponseValueInspector checks if response values in observations are within defined thresholds and creates critical log messages if not.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:


observations (Dict) – Observations to inspect.


The configuration may be:

    "observations": {
        "getDistance": {
            "slopeDist": {
                "min": 2.0,
                "max": 300.0
is_number(value: str) → bool

Returns whether a value is a number or not.


value – The value variable.


True of value is a number, false if not.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Checks, if responses are inside defined bounds.


obs – The observation object.


The untouched observation object.

class modules.processing.ReturnCodeInspector(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

ReturnCodeInspector inspects the return code in an observation sent by sensors of Leica Geosystems and creates an appropriate log message.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • responseSets (List) – Names of response sets to inspect.

  • retries (int) – Number of retries in case of an error.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Processes an observation object. Will be overridden by actual worker.


obs – Observation object.


The processed observation object.

class modules.processing.ReturnCodes

Bases: object

ReturnCodes stores a dictionary of return codes of sensors of Leica Geosystems. The dictionary is static and has the following structure:

    <return_code>: [
        <log_level> (int),
        <retry_measurement> (bool),
        <log_message> (str)

The return code numbers and messages are take from the official GeoCOM reference manual of the Leica TPS1200, TS30, and TM30 total stations. The log level can be set to these values:

2: INFO,
0: NONE.

Please choose a proper value for each return code. Please be aware that the code list is not complete yet.

codes = {2: [4, False, 'Unknown error, result unspecified'], 3: [3, False, 'Invalid result'], 4: [4, False, 'Fatal error'], 5: [4, False, 'GeoCOM command unknown (not implemented yet)'], 6: [4, False, 'Function execution timed out (result unspecified)'], 13: [4, True, 'System busy'], 514: [4, False, 'Several targets detected'], 1283: [3, False, 'Measurement without full correction'], 1284: [3, False, 'Accuracy can not be guaranteed'], 1285: [4, True, 'Only angle measurement valid'], 1288: [3, False, 'Only angle measurement valid, but without full correction'], 1292: [4, True, 'Distance measurement not done (no aim, etc.)'], 8704: [4, True, 'Position not reached'], 8708: [4, True, 'Position not exactly reached'], 8710: [4, True, 'No target detected'], 8711: [4, False, 'Multiple targets detected'], 8714: [4, False, 'Target acquisition not enabled'], 8716: [4, True, 'Target position not exactly reached']}
class modules.processing.UnitConverter(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

UnitConverter can be used to convert response values of arbitrary observations. For instance, a response in centimeters can be converted to meters by setting a scale factor.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:


<responseSetName> (Dict) – Responses to convert.


The configuration may be:

    "slopeDist": {
        "conversionType": "scale",
        "sourceUnit": "mm",
        "scalingValue": 0.01,
        "targetUnit": "m"
process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Processes an observation object. Will be overridden by actual worker.


obs – Observation object.


The processed observation object.

scale(value: float, factor: float) → float

Scales value by factor.

  • value – Value to scale.

  • factor – Scaling factor.


Scaled value.

modules.rpi module

Module for Raspberry-Pi-specific features, which are not available on other systems.

class modules.rpi.InterruptCounter(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

InterruptCounter counts GPIO interrupts on a single pin of a Raspberry Pi single-board computer by using RPi.GPIO. Works on Linux only.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • bounceTime (float) – Bounce time in ms.

  • countTime (float) – Observation time in s.

  • pin (int) – GPIO pin number of the Raspberry Pi.

  • receiver (str) – Name of the receiving module.

  • sensorName (str) – Name of the connected sensor.

init_gpio() → None

Initializes the GPIO interface.

run() → None

The counter loop. Creates a new observation at the defined interval.

start() → None

Starts the module.

modules.schedule module

Module for the scheduling of observations.

class modules.schedule.Job(name: str, port_name: str, obs: core.observation.Observation, is_enabled: bool, start_date: str, end_date: str, weekdays: Dict[str, List], uplink: Callable[[str, Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]], None])

Bases: object

Job stores an observation object and sends it to a callback function if the current date and time are within the set schedule.

  • name – Name of the job.

  • project_id – ID of the project.

  • node_id – ID of the sensor node.

  • port_name – Name of the (serial) port.

  • obs – Observation object.

  • is_enabled – If True, job is enabled.

  • start_date – Date to start the job.

  • stop_date – Date to stop the job.

  • weekdays – Dict of days and times to run this job at.

  • uplink – Callback function to send the observation to.

has_expired() → bool

Checks whether or not the job has expired.

property is_enabled
is_pending() → bool

Checks whether or not the job is within the current time frame and ready for processing.

property name
run() → None

Iterates trough the observation set and sends observations to an external callback function.

class modules.schedule.Scheduler(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

Scheduler is used to manage the monitoring process by sending observations to a sensor. Each observation is represented by a single job. Jobs are stored in a jobs list and will be executed at the given date and time. A separate scheduler is necessary for each serial port.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • port (str) – Name of the port module.

  • sensor (str) – Name of the sensor.

  • schedules (List[Dict]) – List of schedules.

add(job: modules.schedule.Job) → None

Appends a job to the jobs list.


job – Job to add.

load_jobs() → None

Loads all observation sets from the configurations and creates jobs to put into the jobs list.

run() → None

Threaded method to process the jobs queue.

start() → None

Starts the worker.

modules.server module

Module for network services.

class modules.server.LocalControlServer(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

LocalControlServer creates a web service for the remote control of OpenADMS. The server shows HTML page with system information and log messages. The user can start and stop modules defined in the OpenADMS Node configuration. It is recommended to run a reverse proxy in front of the LocalControlServer.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • host (str) – FQDN or IP address of the server.

  • port (int) – Port number.

run() → None

Runs HTTPServer within a thread to avoid blocking.

start() → None

Starts the server.

stop() → None

Stops the server.

class modules.server.RequestHandler(manager: core.manager.Manager, log_handler: core.logging.RingBufferLogHandler, *args)

Bases: http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler

Custom HTTP request handler.

absolute_path(path: str) → pathlib.Path
do_GET() → None

Creates the response to a GET request.

do_HEAD() → None

Creates HTTP header.

do_action_query(query: Dict) → None

Processes action query.


query – GET query to process.

get_404() → str

Returns a “file not found” page (error 404).


String with HTML page.

get_file_contents(path: pathlib.Path) → str

Opens a file and returns the contents.


path – File path.


String with file contents.

get_index(template: str) → str

Returns the index page of this module in HTML format.


template – The template.


String with the parsed index page.

get_modules_table() → str

Returns table rows with all modules of the current configuration in HTML format. Rather quick and dirty with hard-coded template, but does the job.


String with modules as HTML table rows.

get_sensors_table() → str

Returns table rows with all sensors of the current configuration in HTML format. Rather quick and dirty with hard-coded template, but does the job.


String with sensors as HTML table rows.

log_message(format: str, *args) → None

Prevents HTTP request handler from adding log messages to the root logger.

parse(template: str, **kwargs) → str

Substitutes placeholders in the template with variables from the given arguments.

  • template – The (HTML) template.

  • kwargs – The key-value pairs.


String with parsed template.

respond(opts: Dict[str, str]) → None

Responds to an HTTP request.


opts – Status code, mime type, return data.

modules.testing module

Module for testing the monitoring system.

class modules.testing.ErrorGenerator(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

ErrorGenerates creates warning, error, or critical log messages in a given interval for testing purposes.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • warning (bool) – Enable warning messages.

  • error (bool) – Enable error messages.

  • critical (bool) – Enable critical messages.

  • interval (float) – Interval to create log messages (in seconds).

run() → None

Generates log messages in the set interval.

start() → None

Starts the module.

modules.totalstation module

Module for the processing of observations of total station positioning systems (pre-processing, atmospheric corrections, transformations).

class modules.totalstation.DistanceCorrector(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

Corrects the slope distance of EDM measurements using atmospheric data.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • atmosphericCorrectionEnabled (bool) – Enables atmospheric correction.

  • seaLevelCorrectionEnabled (bool) – Enables correction to sea level.

  • distanceName (str) – Name of the response set.

  • temperature (float) – Default temperature (in °C).

  • pressure (float) – Default pressure (in hPa/mbar).

  • humidity (float) – Default humidity (0.0 … 1.0).

  • sensorHeight (float) – Height of sensor.

get_atmospheric_correction(temperature: float, pressure: float, humidity: float) → float

Calculates the atmospheric correction value in parts per million (ppm) for the reduction of distances gained by electronic distance measurement (EDM).

The formulas are taken from the official manual of the Leica TM30 robotic total station. They should be valid for all modern total stations of Leica Geosystems. For further information, please see Leica TM30 manual on page 76.

get_sea_level_correction(sensor_height: float) → float

Calculates sea level correction value.


sensor_height – Height of sensor in metres.


Correction value.

property humidity
property last_update
property pressure
process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Processes an observation object. Will be overridden by actual worker.


obs – Observation object.


The processed observation object.

property sensor_height
property temperature
class modules.totalstation.HelmertTransformer(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

HelmertTransformer calculates the 3-dimensional coordinates of a view point using the Helmert transformation.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • residualMismatchTransformationEnabled (bool) – If True, prorate residual mismatches.

  • fixedPoints (Dict[Dict]) – Coordinates of fixed points.

  • viewPoint (Dict) – Target name and receivers of view point.

calculate_point_coordinates(hz: float, v: float, dist: float, view_point_x: float, view_point_y: float, view_point_z: float, a: float, o: float) → Tuple[float, float, float]

Calculates Cartesian coordinates out of polar coordinates.

  • hz – Horizontal direction.

  • v – Vertical angle.

  • dist – Horizontal distance.

  • view_point_x – X coordinate of the view point.

  • view_point_y – Y coordinate of the view point.

  • view_point_z – Z coordinate of the view point.

  • a – Transformation parameter a.

  • o – Transformation parameter o.


Three-dimensional coordinates x, y, z.

get_cartesian_coordinates(hz: float, v: float, slope_dist: float) → Tuple[float, float, float]

Returns Cartesian coordinates out of horizontal direction, vertical angle, and slope distance.

  • hz – Horizontal direction in rad.

  • v – Vertical angle in rad.

  • slope_dist – Slope distance in metres.


Coordinates x, y, z.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Calculates the coordinates of the view point and further target points by using the Helmert transformation. The given observation can either be of a fixed point or of a target point. Measured polar coordinates of the fixed points are used to determine the Cartesian coordinates of the view point and the given target points.

An Observation object will be created for the view point and send to the receivers defined in the configuration.


obsObservation object.


The Observation object.

class modules.totalstation.PolarTransformer(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

PolarTransformer calculates 3-dimensional coordinates of a target using the sensor position and the azimuth position from the configuration together with the horizontal direction, the vertical angle, and the distance of a total station observation. The result (Y, X, Z) is added to the observation data set.

It is possible to use multiple fixed points in order to improve the accuracy of the horizontal directions (‘Abriss’ in German).

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • adjustmentEnabled (bool) – If True, improve horizontal directions.

  • azimuthAngle (float) – Between local and global azimuth (in gon).

  • azimuthPointName (str) – Name of azimuth.

  • fixedPoints (Dict[Dict]) – Coordinates of fixed points (X, Y, Z).

  • viewPoint (Dict) – Coordinates of view point (X, Y, Z).

get_azimuth_angle(view_point_azimuth: float, view_point_x: float, view_point_y: float, target_point_x: float, target_point_y: float) → float

Calculates the azimuth angle to a target point by using the direction and the distance measured from a given view point.

  • view_point_azimuth – Global azimuth.

  • view_point_x – X coordinate of view point.

  • view_point_y – Y coordinate of view point.

  • target_point_x – X coordinate of target point.

  • target_point_y – Y coordinate of target point.


The azimuth angle to target point.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Processes an observation object. Will be overridden by actual worker.


obs – Observation object.


The processed observation object.

transform(view_point_x: float, view_point_y: float, view_point_z: float, target_point_x: float, target_point_y: float, hz: float, v: float, dist: float) → Tuple[float, float, float]

Calculates coordinates (x, y, z) out of horizontal direction, vertical angle, and slope distance to a target point using a 3-dimensional polar transformation.

  • view_point_x – X coordinate of view point.

  • view_point_y – Y coordinate of view point.

  • view_point_z – Z coordinate of view point.

  • target_point_x – X coordinate of target point.

  • target_point_y – Y coordinate of target point.

  • hz – Horizontal direction between view point and target point.

  • v – Vertical angle between view point and target point.

  • dist – Horizontal distance between view point and target point.


X, Y, and Z coordinates of transformed target.

class modules.totalstation.RefractionCorrector(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

RefractionCorrector removes the influence of the refraction from a measured distance and corrects the Z value of an observed target.

The module has nothing to configure.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Processes an observation object. Will be overridden by actual worker.


obs – Observation object.


The processed observation object.

class modules.totalstation.SerialMeasurementProcessor(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

SerialMeasurementProcessor calculates serial measurements by using observations of one target in two faces. The two faces, consisting of horizontal directions, vertical angles, and slope distances, are averaged and stored in a new response set.

The module has nothing to configure.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Processes an observation object. Will be overridden by actual worker.


obs – Observation object.


The processed observation object.

modules.unix module

Module for BSD-specific features, which are not available on other operating systems.

class modules.unix.GpioController(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

GpioController sets single pins of the General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) interface of a Raspberry Pi single-board computer running FreeBSD, NetBSD, or OpenBSD. This module does not work on Linux.

The JSON-based configuration for this module:

  • defaultState (int) – Default state of pin (either 0 or 1).

  • duration (float) – Time span to change the state of the pin (in seconds).

  • pin (str) – Name of the GPIO pin.

handle_gpio(header: Dict[str, Any], payload: Dict[str, Any]) → None

Puts message payload in the queue.

  • header – The message header.

  • payload – The message payload.

run() → None

Waits for new messages and sets GPIO pin to high or low.

start() → None

Starts the worker.

class modules.unix.Unix

Bases: enum.Enum

Type of BSD Unix derivate, either None, FreeBSD, NetBSD, or OpenBSD.

NONE = 0

modules.virtual module

Module for virtual sensors.

class modules.virtual.VirtualDTM(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: modules.virtual.VirtualSensor

VirtualDTM simulates the STS DTM meteorological sensor.

get_pressure(request: str) → str

Returns pressure value between 980 and 1150 hPa.


request – Request string.


String with pressure value.

get_temperature(request: str) → str

Returns temperature value between -20 and 40 °C.


request – Request string.


String with temperature value.

power_on(request: str) → str

Simulates power-on.


request – Request string.


Response string.

save(request: str) → str

Simulates saving of changes.


request – Request string.


Response string.

set_command_set(request: str) → str

Simulates change of command set.


request – Request string.


Response string.

class modules.virtual.VirtualIndicatorOne(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: modules.virtual.VirtualSensor

VirtualIndicatorOne simulates the Sylvac S_Dial One digital indicator/extensometer.

get_distance(request: str) → str

Returns fake distance.


request – Request string.


Response string with distance.

class modules.virtual.VirtualSensor(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: core.prototype.Prototype

VirtualSensor is a prototype class for virtual sensors.

process_observation(obs: core.observation.Observation) → core.observation.Observation

Processes an observation object. Will be overridden by actual worker.


obs – Observation object.


The processed observation object.

sanitize(s: str) → str

Escapes some non-printable characters in a given string.


s – The string to sanitize.


The sanitized string.

class modules.virtual.VirtualTotalStationTM30(module_name: str, module_type: str, manager: core.manager.Manager)

Bases: modules.virtual.VirtualSensor

VirtualTotalStationTM30 simulates the Leica TM30 totalstation by processing GeoCOM commands.

do_complete_measurement(request: str) → str

Does a complete measurement of slope distance, horizontal direction, and vertical angle to a target. The values are randomly selected within boundaries. Just a quick and dirty approach to get fake sensor data.


request – GeoCOM request string.


GeoCOM string with encapsulated sensor data.

get_sensor_id(request: str) → str

Returns the sensor id.


request – GeoCOM request string.


GeoCOM string with encapsulated sensor id.

get_sensor_name(request: str) → str

Returns the sensor name.


request – GeoCOM request string.


GeoCOM string with encapsulated sensor name.

measure_distance(request: str) → str

Returns the return code for distance measurement.


request – GeoCOM request string.


GeoCOM string with return code.

set_direction(request: str) → str

Returns the return code for direction setting.


request – GeoCOM request string.


GeoCOM string with return code.

Module contents