.. _api-return-log-message: Return Log Message ================== Returns the log message of the given id, containing log id, project id, node id, timestamp, OpenADMS Node module name, log level, and log message. The log id is a numeric value. The log message is either returned in JSON or CSV format. URL --- :: /api/v1/logs// Method ------ ``GET`` Request Fields -------------- ``Accept: application/json`` | ``Accept: text/csv`` Success Response ---------------- In JSON format: * **Request:** ``GET`` * **Request Fields:** ``Accept: application/json`` * **Code:** 200 OK * **Response Fields:** ``Content-Type: application/json`` * **Content:** :: { "id": 8, "pid": "4a2e8b9d87d849e38bb6911b9f2364ea", "nid": "21bcf8c16a664b17bbc9cd4221fd8541", "dt": "2020-03-21T04:18:05+01:00", "module": "errorGenerator", "level": "warning", "message": "AUTO GENERATED WARNING #1" } In CSV format: * **Request:** ``GET`` * **Request Fields:** ``Accept: text/csv`` * **Code:** 200 OK * **Response Fields:** ``Content-Type: text/csv`` * **Content:** :: 8,4a2e8b9d87d849e38bb6911b9f2364ea,21bcf8c16a664b17bbc9cd4221fd8541,2020-03-21 04:18:05+01,errorGenerator,warning,AUTO GENERATED WARNING #1 Error Response -------------- Wrong or missing credentials: * **Request:** ``GET`` * **Request Fields:** ``Content-Type: application/json`` * **Code:** 401 * **Content:** ``{ "code": 401, "message": "Unauthorized." }`` Sample Call ----------- cURL ^^^^ Requesting a log message in JSON format: :: $ curl -X GET -u user:password -H "Accept: application/json" \ http://localhost/api/v1/logs/142/ Requesting a log message in CSV format: :: $ curl -X GET -u user:password -H "Accept: text/csv" \ http://localhost/api/v1/logs/142/