.. _api-return-observation: Return Observation ================== The API call returns a single observation by given id. The result is either a JSON array with observation data objects or plain text lines in CSV format, depending on the chosen HTTP accept header. A line in CSV format contains timestamp, project id, node id, sensor, target, and all reponse sets with name, unit, and value. URL --- :: /api/v1/observations// Method ------ ``GET`` Request Fields -------------- ``Accept: application/json`` | ``Accept: text/csv`` Success Response ---------------- On ``GET``, the server returns either a JSON array of observation data objects (``application/json``) or lines in CSV format (``text/csv``), depending on the chosen HTTP accept header (``Accept: application/json`` or ``Accept: text/csv``). * **Request:** ``GET`` * **Request Fields:** ``Accept: application/json`` * **Code:** 200 OK * **Response Fields:** ``Content-Type: application/json`` * **Content:** :: [ { "type": "observation" "id": "00ce160e5cbb49b9bc2ee6f243f87841", "nid": "2d1be5b0bd8d42eda483d44232d8ce5d", "pid": "0a5a2c9caa45405b9967584154ba1341", "sensorName": "incl", "name": "getSensorData", "type": "observation", "target": "P100", "timestamp": "2018-11-05T11:51:43.256699+00:00", "responseSets": { "x": { "type": "float", "unit": "mm", "value": "8.0141" } } } ] Return observation data in CSV format: * **Request:** ``GET`` * **Request Fields:** ``Accept: text/csv`` * **Code:** 200 OK * **Response Fields:** ``Content-Type: text/csv`` * **Content:** :: 2018-11-05T11:51:43.256699+00:00,0a5a2c9caa45405b9967584154ba1341,2d1be5b0bd8d42eda483d44232d8ce5d,00ce160e5cbb49b9bc2ee6f243f87841,P100,x,mm,8.0141 Error Response -------------- No observation for this id: * **Request:** ``GET`` * **Request Fields:** ``Accept: application/json`` * **Code:** 200 OK * **Response Fields:** ``Content-Type: application/json`` * **Content:** ``{}`` Sample Call ----------- cURL ^^^^ :: $ curl -X GET -u user:password -H "Accept: application/json" \ -G "http://localhost/api/v1/observations/00ce160e5cbb49b9bc2ee6f243f87841/"