.. _api-return-projects: Return Projects =============== The API call returns all project ids. URL --- :: /api/v1/projects/ Method ------ ``GET`` Request Fields -------------- The server either returns project ids in JSON or CSV format. Select output format by setting the accept header. ``Accept: application/json`` | ``Accept: text/csv`` Success Response ---------------- Requesting project ids in JSON format: * **Request:** ``GET`` * **Request Fields:** ``Accept: application/json`` * **Code:** 200 OK * **Response Fields:** ``Content-Type: application/json`` * **Content:** :: [ "d9d3cc1b44c046edbc3ec53573f6a81d", "60b8ab8b2aa74404a3d8914a4c505515", "28b8752974f54e6cb635f42b4b2a3e91" ] Requesting project ids in CSV format: * **Request:** ``GET`` * **Request Fields:** ``Accept: text/csv`` * **Code:** 200 OK * **Response Fields:** ``Content-Type: text/csv`` * **Content:** :: d9d3cc1b44c046edbc3ec53573f6a81d 60b8ab8b2aa74404a3d8914a4c505515 28b8752974f54e6cb635f42b4b2a3e91 Error Response -------------- No project ids in database: * **Request:** ``GET`` * **Request Fields:** ``Accept: application/json`` * **Code:** 200 OK * **Response Fields:** ``Content-Type: application/json`` * **Content:** ``[]`` Sample Call ----------- cURL ^^^^ :: $ curl -X GET -u user:password -H "Accept: application/json" -G "http://localhost/api/v1/projects/"