Return Log Messages

Returns a collection of log messages of the given id, optionally with time range. Each log message contains log id, project id, node id, timestamp, OpenADMS Node module name, log level, and log message. The log messages are either returned in JSON or CSV format.


/api/v1/projects/<project id>/nodes/<node id>/logs/
/api/v1/projects/<project id>/nodes/<node id>/logs/?start=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss&end=YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss



Request Fields

Accept: application/json | Accept: text/csv

Success Response

In JSON format:

  • Request: GET

  • Request Fields: Accept: application/json

  • Code: 200 OK

  • Response Fields: Content-Type: application/json

  • Content:

    "id": 83,
    "pid": "4a2e8b9d87d849e38bb6911b9f2364ea",
    "nid": "21bcf8c16a664b17bbc9cd4221fd8541",
    "dt": "2020-03-21T04:18:05+01:00",
    "module": "errorGenerator",
    "level": "warning",
    "message": "AUTO GENERATED WARNING #2"
    "id": 82,
    "pid": "4a2e8b9d87d849e38bb6911b9f2364ea",
    "nid": "21bcf8c16a664b17bbc9cd4221fd8541",
    "dt": "2020-03-21T04:18:35+01:00",
    "module": "errorGenerator",
    "level": "warning",
    "message": "AUTO GENERATED WARNING #1"

In CSV format:

  • Request: GET

  • Request Fields: Accept: text/csv

  • Code: 200 OK

  • Response Fields: Content-Type: text/csv

  • Content:

8,4a2e8b9d87d849e38bb6911b9f2364ea,21bcf8c16a664b17bbc9cd4221fd8541,2020-03-21 04:18:05+01,errorGenerator,warning,AUTO GENERATED WARNING #1

Error Response

Wrong or missing credentials:

  • Request: GET

  • Request Fields: Content-Type: application/json

  • Code: 401

  • Content: { "code": 401, "message": "Unauthorized." }

Sample Call


Requesting log messages in JSON format:

$ curl -X GET -u user:password -H "Accept: application/json" \
  http://localhost/api/v1/projects/<project id>/nodes/<node id>/logs/?start=2020-01-01T00:00:00&end=2020-06-01T23:59:59

Requesting log messages in CSV format:

$ curl -X GET -u user:password -H "Accept: text/csv" \