This page lists open-source software and web sites related to geodesy and surveying.
Adjustment Computation
- DynAdjust – Least-squares adjustment software written in C++.
- GNU Gama – Software package for adjustment of surveying networks.
- Java Applied Geodesy 3D (JAG3D) – Least-squares adjustment software in Java for geodetic sciences.
- Surveyor’s Applications for Least Squares Adjustment (SALSA) – Rigorous 3-D geodetic least-squares adjustment software package developed by Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin.
Deformation Monitoring
- 52°North Sensor Observation Service – Reference implementation of the OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS) in Java, by 52°North Spatial Information Research GmbH.
- Fraunhofer Open Source SensorThings (FROST) – Reference implementation of the OGC SensorThings API in Java, developed by Fraunhofer-Institut für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung (IOSB), Karlsruhe.
- Global Sensor Networks – Java-based software middleware designed to facilitate the deployment and programming of sensor networks, by Distributed Information Systems Laboratory (EPFL), Switzerland.
- istSOS2 – Server implementation of the OGC Sensor Observation Service in Python, for managing and dispatching observations from monitoring sensors, by Istituto Scienze della Terra, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland.
- OpenSensorHub – Java-based Sensor Web middleware based on OGC standards from the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) initiative.
- Project Mjolnir – Client–server IoT architecture for scientific sensor networks written in Python, by University of Alabama in Huntsville and NASA.
- TSDSystem – Framework to collect, archive and share time series of volcanological observatories from sensor networks at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo, Italy.
- Ulyxes – Python-based open-source project to control robotic total stations (RTS) and other sensors, and to publish observation results on web based maps. Developed at the Department of Geodesy and Surveying of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
- Ginan – Toolkit for precise point positioning (PPP) analysis and correction, by Geoscience Australia.
- GNSS-RTK – Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and Real Time Kinematics (RTK) in Rust .
- PRIDE-PPPAR – Software for Multi-GNSS PPP ambiguity resolution.
- RTKLIB – Program package for standard and precise positioning with GNSS.
- GEO-Forum – German online community for geodesy and surveying.
- IN DUBIO PRO GEO – Browser-based spatial calculations and geodetic research paper archive, by HTW Dresden.