dm_geocom_api_request_set_search_area Subroutine

public pure subroutine dm_geocom_api_request_set_search_area(request, center_hz, center_v, range_hz, range_v, enabled)

Request of AUT_SetSearchArea procedure. Creates request for setting the PowerSearch window.

The function sets the position and dimensions of the PowerSearch window, and activates it. The API call is valid for all instruments, but has effects only for those equipped with PowerSearch (requires GeoCOM robotic licence).

The instrument returns the following responses:

  • grc – GeoCOM return code.
Property Values
Instruments TPS1100, TPS1200, TM30/TS30, TS16
ASCII request %R1Q,9043:<center_hz>,<center_v>,<range_hz>,<range_v>,<enabled>
ASCII response %R1P,0,0:<grc>


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(request_type), intent(out) :: request

Prepared request.

real(kind=r8), intent(in) :: center_hz

Search area center Hz angle [rad].

real(kind=r8), intent(in) :: center_v

Search area center V angle [rad].

real(kind=r8), intent(in) :: range_hz

Search area range Hz angle [rad].

real(kind=r8), intent(in) :: range_v

Search area range V angle [rad].

logical, intent(in) :: enabled

Enable search area.


proc~~dm_geocom_api_request_set_search_area~~CallsGraph proc~dm_geocom_api_request_set_search_area dm_geocom_api_request_set_search_area proc~dm_btoi dm_btoi proc~dm_geocom_api_request_set_search_area->proc~dm_btoi proc~dm_geocom_api_request dm_geocom_api_request proc~dm_geocom_api_request_set_search_area->proc~dm_geocom_api_request interface~dm_present dm_present proc~dm_btoi->interface~dm_present