Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
dm_ansi_color | dm_ansi | Subroutine | Changes foreground to |
dm_ansi_reset | dm_ansi | Subroutine | Resets colours. Writes to |
dm_api_status_equals | dm_api_status | Function | Returns |
dm_api_status_from_string | dm_api_status | Function | Reads API status type from given string. Only keys found in the string are overwritten in the derived type. No error is returned if the string does not contain any of the keys. |
dm_api_status_to_string | dm_api_status | Function | Returns string representation of given API status type. The string contains new-line characters. |
dm_arg_get | dm_arg | Interface | Returns argument value. |
dm_arg_has | dm_arg | Function | Returns |
dm_arg_help | dm_arg | Subroutine | Prints command-line arguments to standard output if |
dm_arg_parse | dm_arg | Function | Parses command-line for given arguments. Error messages are printed
to standard error by default, unless |
dm_arg_read | dm_arg | Function | Reads all arguments from command-line and prints error message if one is missing. Returns the error code of the first invalid argument. |
dm_arg_type_is_valid | dm_arg | Function | Returns |
dm_arg_validate | dm_arg | Function | Validates given argument. Arguments of type |
dm_array_has | dm_util | Interface | Returns whether array contains an integer value. |
dm_ascii_escape | dm_ascii | Function | Escapes given character string by replacing ASCII control characters
by an escape string. For instance, character |
dm_ascii_is_alpha | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is alpha letter. |
dm_ascii_is_alpha_numeric | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is alpha-numeric. |
dm_ascii_is_blank | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is space or tabular. |
dm_ascii_is_control | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is control character. |
dm_ascii_is_digit | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is digit. |
dm_ascii_is_hex_digit | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is hex digit. |
dm_ascii_is_lower | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is lower-case. |
dm_ascii_is_octal_digit | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is an octal digit. |
dm_ascii_is_printable | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is printable. |
dm_ascii_is_upper | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is upper-case. |
dm_ascii_is_white_space | dm_ascii | Function | Returns whether character is white space (either |
dm_ascii_unescape | dm_ascii | Function | Returns unescaped string of given string with escaped ASCII characters. |
dm_atof | dm_util | Function | Converts string to 8-byte real. |
dm_atoi | dm_util | Function | Converts string to 4-byte integer. |
dm_atom_from_logs | dm_atom | Subroutine | Returns log messages in Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287). |
dm_base64_encode | dm_base64 | Subroutine | Encodes given input string in base64. |
dm_beat_equals | dm_beat | Function | Returns |
dm_beat_is_valid | dm_beat | Function | Returns |
dm_beat_out | dm_beat | Subroutine | Prints beat to standard output or given file unit. |
dm_block_from | dm_block | Interface | Generic derived type to block converter. |
dm_block_write | dm_block | Interface | Generic derived type to block writer. |
dm_btoa | dm_util | Function | Returns either argument |
dm_btoi | dm_util | Function | Converts logical (boolean) to 4-byte integer. The result is either 0
or 1, unless argument |
dm_c_f_logical | dm_c | Function | Converts C logical value to Fortran representation. |
dm_camera_capture | dm_camera | Function | Captures a single frame from a V4L2 device or RTSP stream with
FFmpeg, and optionally adds a timestamp with GraphicsMagick. If the
input is an RTSP stream, the URL must start with |
dm_camera_device_from_name | dm_camera | Function | Returns device enumerator from name. On error, the result is
dm_camera_device_is_valid | dm_camera | Function | Returns |
dm_cgi_auth_basic | dm_cgi | Function | Returns |
dm_cgi_content | dm_cgi | Function | Reads HTTP request body (POST method). We have to rely on read(2)
as Fortran cannot read unformatted content from standard input. On
error, the string |
dm_cgi_decode | dm_cgi | Function | Unwinds percent-encoding in given input string. |
dm_cgi_env | dm_cgi | Subroutine | Reads CGI environment variables and writes values into |
dm_cgi_form | dm_cgi | Subroutine | Returns HTTP form data from standard input
( |
dm_cgi_get | dm_cgi | Interface | Generic interface to CGI get functions. |
dm_cgi_has | dm_cgi | Function | Returns whether key exists in |
dm_cgi_has_value | dm_cgi | Function | Returns whether key exists in |
dm_cgi_header | dm_cgi | Subroutine | Writes HTTP header. A sane HTTP server converts the status code passed in the header to a real HTTP status code, as we cannot return it in any other way with CGI. Default HTTP status is 200. |
dm_cgi_key | dm_cgi | Function | Returns key at index |
dm_cgi_out | dm_cgi | Subroutine | Prints content to standard output, returning it to the web server. |
dm_cgi_parse | dm_cgi | Subroutine | Decodes and parses given character string containing new-line
separated key-values pairs, and returns CGI parameters in |
dm_cgi_query | dm_cgi | Subroutine | Returns CGI GET parameters from environment variable |
dm_cgi_router_add | dm_cgi_router | Function | Adds route to router. |
dm_cgi_router_create | dm_cgi_router | Function | Creates a new router with given maximum number of routes in the routes hash table. |
dm_cgi_router_destroy | dm_cgi_router | Subroutine | Finalises router. |
dm_cgi_router_dispatch | dm_cgi_router | Subroutine | Searches the router hash table for path in CGI environment variable
dm_cgi_router_get | dm_cgi_router | Function | Returns route of associated path from internal hash table. The passed path string has to be trimmed. |
dm_cgi_router_set | dm_cgi_router | Function | Creates a new router and adds routes to endpoints. |
dm_cgi_size | dm_cgi | Function | Returns the current number of elements in the given (opaque) CGI parameter type. |
dm_cgi_value | dm_cgi | Function | Returns value at index |
dm_config_close | dm_config | Subroutine | Closes configuration file. |
dm_config_field | dm_config | Function | Loads field value on to Lua stack. |
dm_config_get | dm_config | Interface | Generic interface to return configuration value by name. |
dm_config_open | dm_config | Function | Opens configuration file and optionally loads the table of the given name if the argument has been passed. |
dm_config_remove | dm_config | Subroutine | Removes last stack element. |
dm_config_size | dm_config | Function | Returns size of configuration table. |
dm_crypto_md4 | dm_crypto | Function | MD4 cryptographic hash function with a 128 bit output. |
dm_crypto_md5 | dm_crypto | Function | MD5 cryptographic hash function with a 128 bit output. |
dm_crypto_ripemd160 | dm_crypto | Function | RIPEMD-160 cryptographic hash function with a 160 bit output. |
dm_crypto_sha1 | dm_crypto | Function | SHA-1 cryptographic hash function with a 160 bit output. |
dm_crypto_sha224 | dm_crypto | Function | SHA-2 cryptographic hash function with a 224 bit output. |
dm_crypto_sha256 | dm_crypto | Function | SHA-2 cryptographic hash function with a 256 bit output. |
dm_crypto_sha384 | dm_crypto | Function | SHA-2 cryptographic hash function with a 384 bit output. |
dm_crypto_sha512 | dm_crypto | Function | SHA-2 cryptographic hash function with a 512 bit output. |
dm_csv_from | dm_csv | Interface | Generic derived type to CSV serialisation function. |
dm_csv_header_beat | dm_csv | Function | Returns header string of CSV representation of the beat type as allocatable string. |
dm_csv_header_data_point | dm_csv | Function | Returns header string of CSV representation of the data point type as allocatable string. |
dm_csv_header_log | dm_csv | Function | Returns header string of CSV representation of the log type as allocatable string. |
dm_csv_header_node | dm_csv | Function | Returns header string of CSV representation of the node type as allocatable string. |
dm_csv_header_observ | dm_csv | Function | Returns CSV header string of CSV representation of the observation type as allocatable string. |
dm_csv_header_observ_view | dm_csv | Function | Returns CSV header string of CSV representation of the observation view type as allocatable string. |
dm_csv_header_sensor | dm_csv | Function | Returns header string of CSV representation of the sensor type as allocatable string. |
dm_csv_header_target | dm_csv | Function | Returns header string of CSV representation of the target type as allocatable string. |
dm_csv_read | dm_csv | Interface | Generic derived type from CSV reader. |
dm_csv_write | dm_csv | Interface | Generic derived type to CSV writer. |
dm_db_attach | dm_db | Function | Attaches the database at |
dm_db_backup | dm_db | Function | Creates online backup of given database. The functions assumes 500 steps and a sleep time of 250 msec by default, if the arguments are not passed. |
dm_db_begin | dm_db | Interface | Starts a transaction. Public alias for |
dm_db_bind | dm_db | Interface | Generic bind function. |
dm_db_close | dm_db | Function | Closes connection to SQLite database. Optimises the database if
argument |
dm_db_column | dm_db | Interface | Generic column function. |
dm_db_column_is_float | dm_db | Function | |
dm_db_column_is_integer | dm_db | Function | |
dm_db_column_is_text | dm_db | Function | |
dm_db_commit | dm_db | Function | Ends transaction and commits changes to database. On error, does a
rollback automatically. Returns |
dm_db_count_beats | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_logs | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_nodes | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_observs | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_receivers | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_requests | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_responses | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_sensors | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_sync_logs | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_sync_nodes | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_sync_observs | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_sync_sensors | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_sync_targets | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_count_targets | dm_db | Function | Returns number of rows in table |
dm_db_delete_beat | dm_db | Function | Deletes heartbeat from database. |
dm_db_delete_log | dm_db | Function | Deletes log from database. |
dm_db_delete_node | dm_db | Function | Deletes node from database. |
dm_db_delete_observ | dm_db | Function | Deletes observation from database. The function expects the SQLite
trigger |
dm_db_delete_sensor | dm_db | Function | Deletes sensor of given id from database. |
dm_db_delete_target | dm_db | Function | Deletes target from database. |
dm_db_detach | dm_db | Function | Detaches database from the current connection. If no name is passed
for the attached database, the name is assumed to be |
dm_db_error | dm_db | Function | Returns last database error as DMPACK error code, optionally the
SQLite error code in argument |
dm_db_error_message | dm_db | Function | Returns last SQLite error message. |
dm_db_exec | dm_db | Function | Executes given query, and returns optional error message if |
dm_db_finalize | dm_db | Function | Finalises given database statement. Returns |
dm_db_get_application_id | dm_db | Function | Returns application id of database in |
dm_db_get_data_version | dm_db | Function | Returns data version in |
dm_db_get_foreign_keys | dm_db | Function | Returns status of foreign keys contraint in |
dm_db_get_journal_mode | dm_db | Function | Returns journal mode of database in |
dm_db_get_query_only | dm_db | Function | Returns status of query-only pragma in |
dm_db_get_schema_version | dm_db | Function | Returns user version of database in |
dm_db_has_log | dm_db | Function | Returns |
dm_db_has_node | dm_db | Function | Returns |
dm_db_has_observ | dm_db | Function | Returns |
dm_db_has_sensor | dm_db | Function | Returns |
dm_db_has_target | dm_db | Function | Returns |
dm_db_init | dm_db | Function | Initialises SQLite backend. Returns |
dm_db_insert | dm_db | Interface | Generic database insert function. |
dm_db_insert_beat | dm_db | Function | Adds the given heartbeat to database. The beat data is validated by default. |
dm_db_insert_beats | dm_db | Function | Adds array of beats to database. A transaction is used unless
dm_db_insert_log | dm_db | Function | Adds the given log to database. The log data is validated by default. |
dm_db_insert_node | dm_db | Function | Adds the given node to database. The node data is validated by default. |
dm_db_insert_observ | dm_db | Function | Adds single observation to database, including receivers, requests, and responses. If the insert query fails, the transaction will be rolled back, i.e., no part of the observation is written to the database on error. The observation data is validated by default. |
dm_db_insert_observs | dm_db | Function | Adds array of observations to database. A transaction is used unless
dm_db_insert_sensor | dm_db | Function | Adds given sensor to database. The sensor data is validated by default. |
dm_db_insert_sync | dm_db | Function | Wrapper function that inserts or replaces given sync data into database. Sync data must have a valid type. |
dm_db_insert_sync_log | dm_db | Function | Inserts or replaces given log sync data into database. |
dm_db_insert_sync_node | dm_db | Function | Inserts or replaces given node sync data into database. |
dm_db_insert_sync_observ | dm_db | Function | Inserts or replaces given observation sync data into database. |
dm_db_insert_sync_sensor | dm_db | Function | Inserts or replaces given sensor sync data into database. |
dm_db_insert_sync_target | dm_db | Function | Inserts or replaces given target sync data into database. |
dm_db_insert_target | dm_db | Function | Adds given target to database. The target data is validated by default. |
dm_db_is_connected | dm_db | Function | Returns |
dm_db_is_read_only | dm_db | Function | Returns |
dm_db_is_threadsafe | dm_db | Function | Returns true if SQLite 3 was compiled threadsafe. |
dm_db_log | dm_db | Subroutine | Sends log message to SQLite error log handler. The callback has to
be set through |
dm_db_open | dm_db | Function | Opens connection to the SQLite database at |
dm_db_optimize | dm_db | Function | Attempts to optimise the database. All schemas are optimised. |
dm_db_prepare | dm_db | Function | Prepares database statement. Returns |
dm_db_query_add_double | dm_db_query | Subroutine | Adds double precision parameter to query. Returns |
dm_db_query_add_int | dm_db_query | Subroutine | Adds 32-bit integer parameter to query. Returns |
dm_db_query_add_int64 | dm_db_query | Subroutine | Adds 64-bit integer parameter to query. Returns |
dm_db_query_add_text | dm_db_query | Subroutine | Adds text parameter to query. Returns |
dm_db_query_build | dm_db_query | Function | Returns SQL string from query. |
dm_db_query_destroy | dm_db_query | Subroutine | Resets query. |
dm_db_query_set_limit | dm_db_query | Subroutine | Sets |
dm_db_query_set_order | dm_db_query | Subroutine | Sets |
dm_db_rollback | dm_db | Function | Rolls a transaction back. Returns |
dm_db_select | dm_db | Interface | Generic database select function. |
dm_db_select_beat | dm_db | Function | Returns heartbeat associated with given node id in |
dm_db_select_beats | dm_db | Interface | Generic beats select function. |
dm_db_select_data_points | dm_db | Interface | Generic data points select function. |
dm_db_select_json_beat | dm_db | Function | Returns heartbeat associated with given node id as allocatable
character |
dm_db_select_json_beats | dm_db | Interface | Generic JSON logs select function. |
dm_db_select_json_log | dm_db | Function | Returns log associated with given id as allocatable character in
JSON format in |
dm_db_select_json_logs | dm_db | Interface | Generic JSON logs select function. |
dm_db_select_json_node | dm_db | Function | Returns node associated with given node id as allocatable character
dm_db_select_json_nodes | dm_db | Interface | Generic JSON nodes select function. |
dm_db_select_log | dm_db | Function | Returns log associated with given id in |
dm_db_select_logs | dm_db | Interface | Generic logs select function. |
dm_db_select_node | dm_db | Function | Returns node data associated with given id in |
dm_db_select_nodes | dm_db | Interface | Generic nodes select function. |
dm_db_select_observ | dm_db | Function | Returns observation referenced by the given id from database. |
dm_db_select_observ_ids | dm_db | Function | Returns observation ids in |
dm_db_select_observ_views | dm_db | Function | Returns observation views of the given time range from database. |
dm_db_select_observs | dm_db | Interface | Generic observations select function. |
dm_db_select_observs_by_id | dm_db | Function | Returns observations of a given id range in |
dm_db_select_observs_by_time | dm_db | Function | Returns observations of a given time span in |
dm_db_select_sensor | dm_db | Function | Returns sensor data associated with given sensor id from database. |
dm_db_select_sensors | dm_db | Interface | Generic sensors select function. |
dm_db_select_sync_log | dm_db | Function | Returns log synchronisation data (oldest not transmitted log). |
dm_db_select_sync_logs | dm_db | Function | Returns log synchronisation data. |
dm_db_select_sync_node | dm_db | Function | Returns node synchronisation data (oldest not transmitted node). |
dm_db_select_sync_nodes | dm_db | Function | Returns node synchronisation data. |
dm_db_select_sync_observ | dm_db | Function | Returns observation synchronisation data (oldest not transmitted observation). |
dm_db_select_sync_observs | dm_db | Function | Returns observation synchronisation data. |
dm_db_select_sync_sensor | dm_db | Function | Returns sensor synchronisation data (oldest not transmitted sensor). |
dm_db_select_sync_sensors | dm_db | Function | Returns sensor synchronisation data. |
dm_db_select_sync_target | dm_db | Function | Returns target synchronisation data (oldest not transmitted target). |
dm_db_select_sync_targets | dm_db | Function | Returns sensor synchronisation data. |
dm_db_select_target | dm_db | Function | Returns target data associated with given target id from database. |
dm_db_select_targets | dm_db | Interface | Generic targets select function. |
dm_db_set_application_id | dm_db | Function | Set the 32-bit signed big-endian “Application ID” integer located at offset 68 into the database header. |
dm_db_set_auto_vacuum | dm_db | Function | Auto-vacuuming is only possible if the database stores some additional information that allows each database page to be traced backwards to its referrer. Therefore, auto-vacuuming must be turned on before any tables are created. It is not possible to enable or disable auto-vacuum after a table has been created. |
dm_db_set_busy_callback | dm_db | Function | Sets SQLite busy callback that is invoked whenever the database is busy. |
dm_db_set_busy_timeout | dm_db | Function | Sets SQLite busy timeout in msec. Returns |
dm_db_set_foreign_keys | dm_db | Function | Sets foreign keys constraint. |
dm_db_set_journal_mode | dm_db | Function | Sets journal mode. |
dm_db_set_log_callback | dm_db | Function | Sets SQLite error log callback. The dummy argument |
dm_db_set_query_only | dm_db | Function | Sets query-only pragma. |
dm_db_set_schema_version | dm_db | Function | Sets database schema version. |
dm_db_set_update_callback | dm_db | Function | Sets SQLite error log callback. The dummy argument |
dm_db_shutdown | dm_db | Function | Finalises SQLite handle. Returns |
dm_db_size | dm_db | Function | Returns SQLite database size in bytes. |
dm_db_sleep | dm_db | Subroutine | Delays execution for given duration in msec. |
dm_db_step | dm_db | Function | Steps rows. Returns |
dm_db_stmt_is_prepared | dm_db_stmt | Function | Returns |
dm_db_table_create_beats | dm_db_table | Function | Creates beats table in given database. |
dm_db_table_create_logs | dm_db_table | Function | Creates logs table in given database. |
dm_db_table_create_observs | dm_db_table | Function | Initialises a connected SQLite 3 database by creating all necessary tables if they do not exist already. The function also creates additional indices and triggers on the tables. |
dm_db_table_has | dm_db_table | Function | Returns |
dm_db_table_has_beats | dm_db_table | Function | Returns |
dm_db_table_has_logs | dm_db_table | Function | Returns |
dm_db_table_has_observs | dm_db_table | Function | Returns |
dm_db_table_select | dm_db_table | Function | Returns an array containing the names of all tables in the given database. |
dm_db_update | dm_db | Interface | Generic database update function. |
dm_db_update_node | dm_db | Function | Updates the given node in database. The node data is validated by default. |
dm_db_update_sensor | dm_db | Function | Updates given sensor in database. The sensor data is validated by default. |
dm_db_update_target | dm_db | Function | Updates the given target in database. The target data is validated by default. |
dm_db_vacuum | dm_db | Function | Vacuums database schema |
dm_db_validate | dm_db | Function | Validates an opened DMPACK database. The application id must match
the constant |
dm_db_version | dm_db | Function | Returns SQLite 3 library version as allocatable string. |
dm_deg_to_gon | dm_util | Function | Converts angle from degrees to gon. |
dm_deg_to_rad | dm_util | Function | Converts angle from degrees to radiants. |
dm_dp_to_string | dm_dp | Function | Returns data point as 58 characters long string. The attributes |
dm_env_get | dm_env | Interface | Generic environment variable access. |
dm_env_has | dm_env | Function | Returns |
dm_equals | dm_util | Interface | Returns whether two real numbers are approximately the same. |
dm_error_is_valid | dm_error | Function | Returns whether given error code is (likely) valid. |
dm_error_message | dm_error | Function | Returns error message of given error code |
dm_error_out | dm_error | Subroutine | Prints error description to |
dm_f_c_logical | dm_c | Function | Converts Fortran logical value to C representation. |
dm_fcgi_accept | dm_fcgi | Function | Accepts new FastCGI connection (blocking). The function returns
dm_fcgi_content | dm_fcgi | Function | Reads HTTP request body (POST method). The the content length is 0,
the argument |
dm_fcgi_header | dm_fcgi | Subroutine | Writes HTTP header. A sane HTTP server converts the status code in the header to a real HTTP status code, as we cannot return it in any other way with FastCGI. The default HTTP status code is 200. |
dm_fcgi_out | dm_fcgi | Subroutine | Writes given content as response. The argument will be null-terminated. |
dm_fifo_close | dm_fifo | Subroutine | Closes named pipe. |
dm_fifo_create | dm_fifo | Subroutine | Creates new named pipe. |
dm_fifo_open | dm_fifo | Subroutine | Opens named pipe. |
dm_fifo_read | dm_fifo | Function | Reads from named pipe and returns number of bytes read. The read
string is returned in |
dm_file_delete | dm_file | Subroutine | Deletes file at given file path. Returns |
dm_file_exists | dm_file | Function | Returns |
dm_file_line_count | dm_file | Function | Returns number of lines in given file by counting new lines. Sets
dm_file_read | dm_file | Subroutine | Reads file contents as byte stream into allocatable character string. |
dm_file_size | dm_file | Function | Returns file size in file storage units (usually, bytes). On error,
size is 0 and the error code |
dm_file_status | dm_file | Function | Returns status of file at given path in |
dm_file_touch | dm_file | Subroutine | Creates empty file at given file path. Returns |
dm_file_write | dm_file | Subroutine | Writes content to given file (ASCII or binary). |
dm_format_from_name | dm_format | Function | Returns format enumerator from given name. If the argument is not a
valid format, the function returns |
dm_format_is_valid | dm_format | Function | Returns |
dm_from_real64 | dm_util | Interface | Converts 8-byte real to type (for response values). |
dm_ftoa | dm_util | Interface | Generic real to string converter. |
dm_geocom_api_request | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Prepares a DMPACK request type by setting request command, response pattern, response delimiter, and response definition array. |
dm_geocom_api_request_abort_download | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of FTR_AbortDownload procedure. Creates request to abort or end the file download command. |
dm_geocom_api_request_abort_list | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of FTR_AbortList procedure. Creates request to abort or end the file list command. |
dm_geocom_api_request_beep_alarm | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BMM_BeepAlarm procedure. Creates request to output an alarm signal (triple beep). |
dm_geocom_api_request_beep_normal | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BMM_BeepNormal procedure. Creates request to output an alarm signal (single beep). |
dm_geocom_api_request_beep_off | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of IOS_BeepOff procedure. Creates request to stop an active beep signal. |
dm_geocom_api_request_beep_on | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of IOS_BeepOn procedure. Creates request for continuous beep signal of given intensity. |
dm_geocom_api_request_change_face | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_ChangeFace procedure. Creates request for turning the telescope to the other face. |
dm_geocom_api_request_delete | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of FTR_Delete procedure. Creates request for deleting one or more files. |
dm_geocom_api_request_do_measure | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_DoMeasure procedure. Creates request for trying a distance measurement. This command does not return any values. |
dm_geocom_api_request_download | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of FTR_Download procedure. Creates request to get a single block of data. The FTR_SetupDownload command has to be called first. |
dm_geocom_api_request_fine_adjust | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_FineAdjust procedure. Creates request for automatic target positioning. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_angle | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetAngle5 procedure. Creates request for returning a simple angle measurement. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_angle_complete | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetAngle1 procedure. Creates request for returning a complete angle measurement. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_angle_correction | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetAngSwitch procedure. Creates request for getting the angular correction status. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_atmospheric_correction | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetAtmCorr procedure. Creates request for getting the atmospheric correction parameters. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_atmospheric_ppm | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetAtmPpm procedure. Creates request for getting the atmospheric ppm correction factor. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_atr_error | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_IfDataAzeCorrError procedure. Creates request for getting the ATR error status. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_atr_setting | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_GetATRSetting procedure. Creates request for getting the current ATR Low-Vis mode. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_binary_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of COM_GetBinaryAvailable procedure. Creates request for getting the binary attribute of the server. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_config | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of SUP_GetConfig procedure. Creates request for getting
the power management configuration status. The power timeout
specifies the time after which the device switches into the mode
indicated by |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_coordinate | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetCoordinate procedure. Creates request for getting the coordinates of a measured point. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_date_time | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of CSV_GetDateTime procedure. Creates request for getting
the current date and time of the instrument. A possible response may
look like |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_date_time_centi | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of CSV_GetDateTimeCentiSec procedure. Creates request for getting the current date and time of the instrument, including centiseconds. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_device_config | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of CSV_GetDeviceConfig procedure. Creates request for getting the instrument configuration. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_double_precision | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of COM_GetDoublePrecision procedure. Creates request for getting the double precision setting – the number of digits to the right of the decimal point – when double floating-point values are transmitted. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_edm_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetEdmMode procedure. Creates request for getting the EDM measurement mode. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_egl_intensity | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of EDM_GetEglIntensity procedure. Creates request for getting the value of the intensity of the electronic guide light (EGL). |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_face | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetFace procedure. Creates request for getting the face of the current telescope position. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_fine_adjust_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_GetFineAdjustMode procedure. Creates request for getting the fine adjustment positioning mode. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_full_measurement | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetFullMeas procedure. Creates request to query angle, inclination, and distance measurement values. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_geocom_version | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of COM_GetSWVersion procedure. Creates request for getting the GeoCOM server software version. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_geometric_ppm | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GeoPpm procedure. Creates request for getting the geometric ppm correction factor. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_height | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetHeight procedure. Creates request for getting the current reflector height. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_image_config | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of IMG_GetTccConfig procedure. Creates request to read
the current image configuration. The response |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_inclination_correction | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetInclineSwitch procedure. Creates request for getting the dual-axis compensator status. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_inclination_error | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_IfDataIncCorrError procedure. Creates request for getting the inclination error status. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_instrument_name | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of CSV_GetInstrumentName procedure. Creates request for getting the Leica-specific instrument name. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_instrument_number | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of CSV_GetInstrumentNo procedure. Creates request for getting the factory defined instrument number. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_internal_temperature | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of CSV_GetIntTemp procedure. Creates request for getting the internal temperature of the instrument, measured on the mainboard side. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_lock_status | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of MOT_ReadLockStatus procedure. Creates request for returning the condition of the Lock-In control. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_measurement_program | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_GetMeasPrg procedure. Creates request for getting the distance measurement program of the instrument. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_power | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of CSV_CheckPower procedure. Creates request for checking the available power. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_prism_constant | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetPrismCorr procedure. Creates request for getting the prism constant. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_prism_definition | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_GetPrismDef procedure. Creates request for getting the default prism definition. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_prism_type | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetPrismType procedure. Creates request for getting the default prism type. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_prism_type_v2 | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetPrismType2 procedure. Creates request for getting the default or user prism type. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_quick_distance | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_QuickDist procedure. Creates request for returning the slope distance and both angles. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_reduced_atr_fov | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_GetRedATRFov procedure. Creates request for getting the reduced ATR field of view. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_reflectorless_class | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of CSV_GetReflectorlessClass procedure. Creates request for getting the RL type. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_refraction_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetRefractiveMethod procedure. Creates request for getting the refraction model. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_search_area | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_GetSearchArea procedure. Creates request for getting the dimensions of the PowerSearch window. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_signal | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetSignal procedure. Creates request for getting the EDM signal intensity. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_simple_coordinates | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetSimpleCoord procedure. Creates request for returning cartesian coordinates. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_simple_measurement | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetSimpleMea procedure. Creates request for returning the values of the angle and distance measurement. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_slope_distance_correction | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetSlopeDistCorr procedure. Creates request for getting the total ppm and prism correction. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_software_version | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of CSV_GetSWVersion procedure. Creates request for getting the system software version of the instrument. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_station | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_GetStation procedure. Creates request for getting the station coordinates of the instrument. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_target_type | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_GetTargetType procedure. Creates request for getting the EDM type. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_timeout | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_ReadTimeout procedure. Creates request for getting the timeout for positioning. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_tolerance | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_ReadTol procedure. Creates request for getting the positioning tolerances. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_user_atr_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUS_GetUserAtrState procedure. Creates request for getting the status of the ATR mode. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_user_lock_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUS_GetUserLockState procedure. Creates request for getting the status of the Lock mode. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_user_prism_definition | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_GetUserPrismDef procedure. Creates request for getting the user prism definition. |
dm_geocom_api_request_get_user_spiral | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_GetUserSpiral procedure. Creates request for getting the user-defined search spiral. |
dm_geocom_api_request_list | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of FTR_List procedure. Creates request for listing file information. |
dm_geocom_api_request_lock_in | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_LockIn procedure. Creates request for starting the target tracking. |
dm_geocom_api_request_measure_distance_angle | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_MeasDistanceAngle procedure. Creates request for measuring Hz, V angles and a single distance. |
dm_geocom_api_request_null | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of COM_NullProc procedure. Creates request for checking the communication. |
dm_geocom_api_request_ps_enable_range | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_PS_EnableRange procedure. Creates request for enabling the PowerSearch window and range. |
dm_geocom_api_request_ps_search_next | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_PS_SearchNext procedure. Creates request for searching for the next target. |
dm_geocom_api_request_ps_search_window | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_PS_SearchWindow procedure. Creates request for starting PowerSearch. |
dm_geocom_api_request_ps_set_range | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_PS_SetRange procedure. Creates request for setting the PowerSearch range. |
dm_geocom_api_request_search | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_Search procedure. Creates request for performing an automatic target search. |
dm_geocom_api_request_search_target | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_SearchTarget procedure. Creates request for searching a target. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_angle_correction | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_SetAngSwitch procedure. Creates request for turning angle corrections on or off. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_atmospheric_correction | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_SetAtmCorr procedure. Creates request for setting the atmospheric correction parameters. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_atmospheric_ppm | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_SetAtmPpm procedure. Creates request for setting the atmospheric ppm correction factor. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_atr_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_SetATRSetting procedure. Creates request for setting the ATR low-vis mode. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_binary_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of COM_SetBinaryAvailable procedure. Creates request for setting the binary attribute of the server. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_config | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of SUP_SetConfig procedure. Creates request for setting the power management configuration. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_date_time | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of CSV_SetDateTime procedure. Creates request for setting the date and time of the instrument. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_distance | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_SetHandDist procedure. Creates request for setting the slope distance and height offset. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_double_precision | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of COM_SetDoublePrecision procedure. Creates request for setting the double precision. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_edm_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_SetEdmMode procedure. Creates request for setting the EDM measurement mode. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_egl_intensity | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of EDM_SetEglIntensity procedure. Creates request for setting the intensity of the electronic guide light. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_fine_adjust_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_SetFineAdjustMode procedure. Creates request for setting the fine adjust positioning mode. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_geometric_ppm | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_SetGeoPpm procedure. Creates request for setting the geometric ppm correction factor. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_height | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_SetHeight procedure. Creates request for setting a new reflector height. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_image_config | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of IMG_SetTccConfig procedure. Creates request for setting the image configuration. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_inclination_correction | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_SetInclineSwitch procedure. Creates request for turning the dual-axis compensator on or off. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_laser_pointer | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of EDM_Laserpointer procedure. Creates request for turning the laser pointer on or off. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_measurement_program | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_SetMeasPrg procedure. Creates request for setting the distance measurement program. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_orientation | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_SetOrientation procedure. Creates request for orientating the instrument in horizontal direction. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_position | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_MakePositioning procedure. Creates request for turning the telescope to a specified position. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_positioning_timeout | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_SetTimeout procedure. Creates request for setting the timeout for positioning. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_prism_constant | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_SetPrismCorr procedure. Creates request for setting the prism constant. The API function BAP_SetPrismType overwrites this setting. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_prism_type | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_SetPrismType procedure. Creates request for setting the default prism type. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_prism_type_v2 | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_SetPrismType2 procedure. Creates request for setting the default or user prism type. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_reduced_atr_fov | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_SetRedATRFov procedure. Creates request for setting the reduced ATR field of view. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_refraction_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_SetRefractiveMethod procedure. Creates request for setting the refraction model. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_search_area | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_SetSearchArea procedure. Creates request for setting the PowerSearch window. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_station | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of TMC_SetStation procedure. Creates request for setting the station coordinates of the instrument. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_target_type | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_SetTargetType procedure. Creates request for setting the EDM type. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_tolerance | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_SetTol procedure. Creates request for setting the positioning tolerances. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_atr_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUS_SetUserAtrState procedure. Creates request for setting the status of the ATR state. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_lock_mode | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUS_SetUserLockState procedure. Creates request for setting the status of the Lock state. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_prism_definition | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of BAP_SetUserPrismDef procedure. Creates request for setting a user prism definition. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_spiral | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of AUT_SetUserSpiral procedure. Creates request for setting the ATR search window. |
dm_geocom_api_request_set_velocity | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of MOT_SetVelocity procedure. Creates request for driving the instrument with constant speed. |
dm_geocom_api_request_setup_download | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of FTR_SetupDownload procedure. Creates request for setting up a file download. |
dm_geocom_api_request_setup_list | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of FTR_SetupList procedure. Creates request for setting up file listing. |
dm_geocom_api_request_start_controller | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of MOT_StartController procedure. Creates request for starting the motor controller. |
dm_geocom_api_request_stop_controller | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of MOT_StartController procedure. Creates request for stopping the motor controller. |
dm_geocom_api_request_switch_off | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of COM_SwitchOffTPS procedure. Creates request for turning the instrument off. |
dm_geocom_api_request_switch_on | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of COM_SwitchOnTPS procedure. Creates request for turning the instrument on. |
dm_geocom_api_request_take_image | dm_geocom_api | Subroutine | Request of IMG_TakeTccImage procedure. Creates request for capturing a telescope image. |
dm_geocom_error_message | dm_geocom_error | Function | Returns message associated with given GeoCOM (error) code. |
dm_geocom_is_error | dm_geocom_error | Function | Returns |
dm_geocom_is_ok | dm_geocom_error | Function | Returns |
dm_geocom_type_validated | dm_geocom_type | Function | Parameterisation function for GeoCOM enumeration types. |
dm_geojson_feature_point | dm_geojson | Subroutine | Returns GeoJSON feature point of given DMPACK type, longitude,
latitude, altitude, and type data in JSON. The output string
dm_geojson_from | dm_geojson | Interface | Generic derived type to GeoJSON serialisation functions. |
dm_geojson_write | dm_geojson | Interface | Generic derived type to GeoJSON writer. |
dm_gm_add_text_box | dm_gm | Function | Draws text camera image file, using GraphicsMagick. By default, the text box is drawn to the bottom-left corner of the image. If no text box is passed, the default values of the derived type are used. |
dm_gm_create | dm_gm | Function | Creates image file of given dimensions and color with GraphicsMagick. |
dm_gm_get_dimensions | dm_gm | Function | Uses GraphicsMagick to determine the dimensions of the image at given path. On error, width and height are 0. |
dm_gm_get_directory | dm_gm | Function | Uses GraphicsMagick to return the directory part of the image path.
On error, the string |
dm_gm_get_file_extension | dm_gm | Function | Uses GraphicsMagick to read the image file extension ( |
dm_gm_get_file_format | dm_gm | Function | Uses GraphicsMagick to determine the image file format ( |
dm_gm_get_file_name | dm_gm | Function | Uses GraphicsMagick to return the file name part of the image path.
On error, the string |
dm_gm_get_mime | dm_gm | Function | Determines the MIME type of the image through file format. The
following file formats are recognised: GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG. On
error, the string |
dm_gon_to_deg | dm_util | Function | Converts angle from gon to degrees. |
dm_gon_to_rad | dm_util | Function | Converts angle from gon to radiants. |
dm_hash_djb2 | dm_hash | Function | Dan Bernstein’s DJB2 non-cryptographic hash algorithm. |
dm_hash_djb2a | dm_hash | Function | Dan Bernstein’s DJB2a (XOR) non-cryptographic hash algorithm. |
dm_hash_fnv1 | dm_hash | Function | 32-bit Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function (FNV-1). Uses a 64-bit signed integer to store the unsigned 32-bit hash. |
dm_hash_fnv1a | dm_hash | Function | 32-bit Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function (FNV-1a). Uses a 64-bit signed integer to store the unsigned 32-bit hash. |
dm_hash_table_create | dm_hash_table | Function | Create a new hash table with maximum number of entries. |
dm_hash_table_destroy | dm_hash_table | Subroutine | Finalises hash table. If the hash table items contain allocatable data types, you have to deallocate them manually beforehand. |
dm_hash_table_get | dm_hash_table | Interface | Generic interface to hash table get functions. |
dm_hash_table_is_allocated | dm_hash_table | Function | Returns |
dm_hash_table_set | dm_hash_table | Function | Adds element to hash table, or replaces existing value. This function does not resolve hash collisions. |
dm_hash_table_size | dm_hash_table | Subroutine | Returns cursor position in |
dm_hdf5_close | dm_hdf5 | Interface | Generic HDF5 close function. |
dm_hdf5_destroy | dm_hdf5 | Function | Destroys HDF5 Fortran interface. Returns |
dm_hdf5_file_free | dm_hdf5 | Function | Returns amount of free space within a file in argument |
dm_hdf5_file_is_valid | dm_hdf5 | Function | Returns |
dm_hdf5_file_path | dm_hdf5 | Function | Returns file path of given HDF5 file in |
dm_hdf5_group_exists | dm_hdf5 | Function | Returns |
dm_hdf5_has_filter | dm_hdf5 | Function | Returns the status of the given filter. The following filters are supported: |
dm_hdf5_init | dm_hdf5 | Function | Initialises HDF5 Fortran interface. The function returns |
dm_hdf5_open | dm_hdf5 | Interface | Generic HDF5 open function. |
dm_hdf5_read | dm_hdf5 | Interface | Generic HDF5 read function. |
dm_hdf5_version | dm_hdf5 | Function | Returns HDF5 library version as allocatable string. |
dm_hdf5_version_number | dm_hdf5 | Function | Returns version numbers of HDF5 library. The function returns
dm_hdf5_write | dm_hdf5 | Interface | Generic HDF5 write function. |
dm_html_anchor | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML anchor tag. Address and inner HTML of the anchor element are encoded by default. |
dm_html_beat | dm_html | Function | Returns table of single beat in HTML format. |
dm_html_beats | dm_html | Function | Returns table of heartbeats in HTML format. If argument |
dm_html_button | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML button element. An invalid button type will be replaced
with |
dm_html_cgi_env | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML table of CGI environment variables. |
dm_html_comment | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML comment. The given string is enclosed by |
dm_html_data_uri | dm_html | Function | Returns base64-encoded data URI of given data and MIME type. |
dm_html_decode | dm_html | Function | Reverses HTML encoding. |
dm_html_encode | dm_html | Function | Returns encoded input string, with some HTML special characters
replaced ( |
dm_html_error | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML of (encoded) error description. |
dm_html_figure | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML figure. The content should end with a newline. The caption will be HTML encoded. |
dm_html_footer | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML footer. The content will not be HTML encoded. |
dm_html_header | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML header with DOCTYPE and optional CSS. Links to the style sheet files and internal CSS can be added. |
dm_html_heading | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML heading of given level |
dm_html_image | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML image tag. This function does not encode the arguments. |
dm_html_input | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML input element. |
dm_html_label | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML label element. This function does not encode the arguments. |
dm_html_link | dm_html | Function | Returns link element. Link address and text will be trimmed and encoded. |
dm_html_log | dm_html | Function | Returns log as HTML table. The input data will be trimmed and encoded. |
dm_html_logs | dm_html | Function | Returns table of logs in HTML format. If argument |
dm_html_mark | dm_html | Function | Returns |
dm_html_nav | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML navigation element with unordered list of links.
If optional array |
dm_html_node | dm_html | Function | Returns sensor node as HTML table. Input data will be trimmed and encoded. |
dm_html_nodes | dm_html | Function | Returns sensor nodes as HTML table. Input data will be trimmed and encoded. |
dm_html_observ | dm_html | Function | Returns observation as HTML table. Input data will be trimmed and encoded. |
dm_html_observs | dm_html | Function | Returns table of observs in HTML format. If argument |
dm_html_p | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML paragraph. This function does not encode the argument
dm_html_pre | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML preformatted text, with optional |
dm_html_request | dm_html | Function | Returns request as HTML table. Input data will be trimmed and encoded. |
dm_html_responses | dm_html | Function | Returns responses as HTML table. Input data will be trimmed and encoded. |
dm_html_script | dm_html | Function | Returns |
dm_html_select | dm_html | Function | Returns HTML select element with option values. This function does not encode or trim the arguments. |
dm_html_select_create | dm_html | Subroutine | Allocates memory for arrays in select type. Returns |
dm_html_select_destroy | dm_html | Subroutine | Deallocates arrays in select type. |
dm_html_select_set | dm_html | Subroutine | Sets option name and value in select type. |
dm_html_sensor | dm_html | Function | Returns sensor as HTML table. Input data will be trimmed and encoded. |
dm_html_sensors | dm_html | Function | Returns table of sensors in HTML format. If argument |
dm_html_small | dm_html | Function | Returns |
dm_html_span | dm_html | Function | Returns |
dm_html_target | dm_html | Function | Returns target as HTML table. |
dm_html_targets | dm_html | Function | Returns table of targets in HTML format. If argument |
dm_html_td | dm_html | Function | Returns |
dm_html_th | dm_html | Function | Returns |
dm_html_time | dm_html | Function | Returns |
dm_http_status_string | dm_http | Function | Returns allocatable string of HTTP status. Returns an empty string if the passed status is unknown. |
dm_id_is_valid | dm_id | Function | Returns |
dm_im_connect | dm_im | Function | Connects to XMPP server. |
dm_im_create | dm_im | Function | Creates IM context. Logging to standard error is disabled by default
or if |
dm_im_create_iq_error | dm_im | Function | Returns C pointer to new error iq stanza. |
dm_im_create_iq_http_upload | dm_im | Function | Returns C pointer to new http upload iq stanza. |
dm_im_create_iq_ping | dm_im | Function | Returns C pointer to new ping iq stanza. |
dm_im_create_iq_result | dm_im | Function | Returns C pointer to new result iq stanza. |
dm_im_destroy | dm_im | Subroutine | Destroys XMPP context and an closes the connection if still open. |
dm_im_disconnect | dm_im | Subroutine | Disconnects from server and releases connection. |
dm_im_init | dm_im | Subroutine | Initialises XMPP backend (libstrophe). |
dm_im_is_connected | dm_im | Function | Returns |
dm_im_preserve_stream_management_state | dm_im | Subroutine | Saves current XMPP stream management state to Jabber context. |
dm_im_run | dm_im | Subroutine | Starts XMPP event loop. |
dm_im_send_presence | dm_im | Subroutine | Creates and sends presence to XMPP server. |
dm_im_send_stanza | dm_im | Subroutine | Sends stanza to server and releases it by default. |
dm_im_shutdown | dm_im | Subroutine | Shuts down XMPP backend (libstrophe). |
dm_im_stop | dm_im | Subroutine | Stops event loop (libstrophe). |
dm_inc | dm_util | Interface | Returns increased integer value. |
dm_init | dmpack | Subroutine | Initialises DMPACK. Shall be executed once before any DMPACK routines are called to initialise the PRNG. |
dm_int32_to_real64 | dm_util | Function | Converts 4-byte integer to 8-byte real. |
dm_int32_to_uint16 | dm_c | Function | Converts signed 4-byte integer to unsigned 2-byte integer. |
dm_int64_to_real64 | dm_util | Function | Converts 8-byte integer to 8-byte real. |
dm_int64_to_uint32 | dm_c | Function | Converts signed 8-byte integer to unsigned 4-byte integer. |
dm_is_error | dm_error | Function | Returns |
dm_is_ok | dm_error | Function | Returns |
dm_itoa | dm_util | Interface | Generic integer to string converter. |
dm_job_list_add | dm_job | Function | Adds job to job list at the next free index in job array. |
dm_job_list_any | dm_job | Function | Returns |
dm_job_list_count | dm_job | Function | Returns number of (enabled) jobs in job list. |
dm_job_list_destroy | dm_job | Subroutine | Deallocates job list. |
dm_job_list_init | dm_job | Function | Initialises job list. The function returns |
dm_job_list_next | dm_job | Function | Returns copy of next enabled job. If |
dm_job_list_size | dm_job | Function | Returns size of job list array. |
dm_json_escape | dm_json | Function | Escapes passed character string by replacing each occurance of |
dm_json_from | dm_json | Interface | Generic derived type to JSON converter. |
dm_json_write | dm_json | Interface | Generic derived type to JSON writer. |
dm_jsonl_from | dm_jsonl | Interface | Generic derived type to JSON Lines converter. |
dm_jsonl_write | dm_jsonl | Interface | Generic derived type to JSON Lines writer. |
dm_la_dgels | dm_la | Subroutine | LA_GELS computes the minimum-norm least squares solution to one or more real or complex linear systems of the form Ax = b, A^Tx = b or A^H*x = b using a QR or LQ factorization of A. Matrix A is rectangular assumed to be of full rank. The vectors b and corresponding solution vectors x are the columns of matrices denoted B and X, respectively. |
dm_la_dgels1 | dm_la | Subroutine | LAPACK95 interface driver routine (version 3.0) -- UNI-C, Denmark; Univ. of Tennessee, USA; NAG Ltd., UK September, 2000 |
dm_la_dgelsd | dm_la | Subroutine | LA_GELSS and LA_GELSD compute the minimum-norm least squares solution to one or more real or complex linear systems A*x = b using the singular value decomposition of A. Matrix A is rectangular and may be rank-deficient. The vectors b and corresponding solution vectors x are the columns of matrices denoted B and X, respectively. |
dm_la_dgelsd1 | dm_la | Subroutine | |
dm_la_gels | dm_la | Interface | Generic LAPACK |
dm_la_gelsd | dm_la | Interface | Generic LAPACK |
dm_log_equals | dm_log | Function | Returns |
dm_log_is_valid | dm_log | Function | Returns |
dm_log_level_from_name | dm_log | Function | Returns log level from string argument |
dm_log_level_from_string | dm_log | Function | Return log level from string, either level name or numeric level. |
dm_log_level_is_valid | dm_log | Function | Returns |
dm_log_out | dm_log | Subroutine | Prints log to standard output or given file unit. |
dm_logger_get_default | dm_logger | Function | Returns pointer to global logger. The function allocates the logger if it does not exist yet. |
dm_logical_to_real64 | dm_util | Function | Converts logical to 8-byte real ( |
dm_lower | dm_string | Interface | Alias for procedure. |
dm_lua_api_deg2gon | dm_lua_api | Function | Lua function |
dm_lua_api_deg2rad | dm_lua_api | Function | Lua function |
dm_lua_api_gon2deg | dm_lua_api | Function | Lua function |
dm_lua_api_gon2rad | dm_lua_api | Function | Lua function |
dm_lua_api_rad2deg | dm_lua_api | Function | Lua function |
dm_lua_api_rad2gon | dm_lua_api | Function | Lua function |
dm_lua_api_register | dm_lua_api | Function | This function exports parameters and procedures of the DMPACK API to
the given Lua environment |
dm_lua_call | dm_lua | Function | Calls Lua function on top of stack. |
dm_lua_destroy | dm_lua | Subroutine | Closes Lua. |
dm_lua_dump_stack | dm_lua | Subroutine | Dumps stack to standard output or file unit. |
dm_lua_error | dm_lua | Function | Converts Lua error code to DMPACK error code. |
dm_lua_error_message | dm_lua | Function | Returns last error message as allocatable character string or an empty string if no message is available. |
dm_lua_escape | dm_lua | Function | Escapes passed character string by replacing each occurance of |
dm_lua_eval | dm_lua | Function | Executes Lua command passed in character string |
dm_lua_exec | dm_lua | Function | Executes Lua script. |
dm_lua_field | dm_lua | Interface | Pushes table element on stack and optionally returns value. |
dm_lua_from | dm_lua | Interface | Converts derived types to Lua table on stack. |
dm_lua_geocom_register | dm_lua_geocom | Function | Registers all GeoCOM API procedures and type parameters in given Lua
environment |
dm_lua_get | dm_lua | Interface | Pushes table index on stack and optionally returns value. |
dm_lua_init | dm_lua | Function | Initialises Lua interpreter and opens libraries, unless |
dm_lua_is_function | dm_lua | Function | Returns |
dm_lua_is_nil | dm_lua | Function | Returns |
dm_lua_is_opened | dm_lua | Function | Returns |
dm_lua_is_table | dm_lua | Function | Returns |
dm_lua_open | dm_lua | Function | Opens Lua script and executes it by default. The function returns the following error codes: |
dm_lua_pop | dm_lua | Subroutine | Pops element on stack. |
dm_lua_read | dm_lua | Interface | Pushes global variable on stack and optionally returns value. |
dm_lua_register | dm_lua | Subroutine | Registers a new Lua command. |
dm_lua_set | dm_lua | Interface | |
dm_lua_table | dm_lua | Function | Loads global table of given name. The function returns the following error codes: |
dm_lua_table_size | dm_lua | Function | Returns size of table on stack. Returns |
dm_lua_to | dm_lua | Interface | Converts Lua table to Fortran derived type. |
dm_lua_to_int32 | dm_lua | Function | Returns 4-byte integer from Lua stack at position |
dm_lua_to_int64 | dm_lua | Function | Returns 8-byte integer from Lua stack at position |
dm_lua_to_logical | dm_lua | Function | Returns 8-byte integer from Lua stack at position |
dm_lua_to_real32 | dm_lua | Function | Returns 4-byte real from Lua stack at position |
dm_lua_to_real64 | dm_lua | Function | Returns 8-byte real from Lua stack at position |
dm_lua_to_string | dm_lua | Function | Returns allocatable character string from Lua stack at position |
dm_lua_unescape | dm_lua | Function | Unescapes passed character string by replacing each occurance of
dm_lua_version | dm_lua | Function | Returns Lua version as allocatable string of the form |
dm_lua_version_number | dm_lua | Subroutine | Returns Lua version number. |
dm_mail_address | dm_mail | Interface | Generic function that returns formatted addresses. |
dm_mail_create | dm_mail | Interface | Generic function to create mail or server data type. |
dm_mail_create_mail | dm_mail | Function | Creates new mail type and inserts passed values. The function return
dm_mail_create_server | dm_mail | Function | Returns SMTP server type. Argument |
dm_mail_error | dm_mail | Function | Converts cURL easy stack error code to DMPACK error code. |
dm_mail_error_message | dm_mail | Function | Return message associated with given cURL error code as allocatable character string. |
dm_mail_init | dm_mail | Function | Initialises SMTP backend. The function returns |
dm_mail_out | dm_mail | Interface | Generic routine to print mail and server type. |
dm_mail_read_callback | dm_mail | Function | Callback function to upload payload passed via |
dm_mail_send | dm_mail | Function | Sends SMTP request by calling libcurl. |
dm_mail_shutdown | dm_mail | Subroutine | Cleans up SMTP backend. |
dm_mail_url | dm_mail | Function | Returns allocatable string of SMTP server URL in the form
dm_mail_write | dm_mail | Function | Returns allocatable e-mail string. This function does not verify the allocation state of the given mail type. It has been made public to simplify testing. |
dm_modbus_access_from_name | dm_modbus_type | Function | Returns access enumerator from string. Returns |
dm_modbus_access_is_valid | dm_modbus_type | Function | Returns |
dm_modbus_close | dm_modbus | Subroutine | Closes the Modbus RTU/TCP connection. |
dm_modbus_connect | dm_modbus | Function | Connects to Modbus RTU/TCP device. |
dm_modbus_create | dm_modbus | Interface | Generic function to create Modbus RTU or TCP context. |
dm_modbus_create_rtu | dm_modbus | Function | Creates a new Modbus RTU context. |
dm_modbus_create_tcp | dm_modbus | Function | Creates a new Modbus TCP context. |
dm_modbus_destroy | dm_modbus | Subroutine | Destroys the Modbus RTU/TCP context. |
dm_modbus_error_message | dm_modbus | Function | Returns error message from libmodbus. |
dm_modbus_flush | dm_modbus | Function | Flushes non-transmitted data. |
dm_modbus_get_float | dm_modbus | Function | Returns real value from two registers of given byte order in argument
dm_modbus_get_float_abcd | dm_modbus | Function | Returns real value from two registers in ABCD byte order. |
dm_modbus_get_float_badc | dm_modbus | Function | Returns real value from two registers in BADC byte order. |
dm_modbus_get_float_cdab | dm_modbus | Function | Returns real value from two registers in CDAB byte order. |
dm_modbus_get_float_dcba | dm_modbus | Function | Returns real value from two registers in DCBA byte order. |
dm_modbus_get_high_byte | dm_modbus | Function | Returns high byte from 2-byte integer. |
dm_modbus_get_int32_from_int16 | dm_modbus | Function | Returns 4-byte integer from two 2-byte registers. |
dm_modbus_get_int64_from_int16 | dm_modbus | Function | Returns 8-byte integer from four 2-byte registers. |
dm_modbus_get_low_byte | dm_modbus | Function | Returns low byte from 2-byte integer. |
dm_modbus_get_serial_mode | dm_modbus | Function | Gets the current Modbus RTU serial mode (RS-232 or RS-485). |
dm_modbus_get_slave | dm_modbus | Function | Gets current slave number in the Modbus context. |
dm_modbus_order_from_name | dm_modbus_type | Function | Returns byte order named parameter associated with given string.
For example, the result will be |
dm_modbus_order_is_valid | dm_modbus_type | Function | Returns |
dm_modbus_parse | dm_modbus_type | Subroutine | Parses string for the following Modbus parameters and returns the
values in |
dm_modbus_read_bits | dm_modbus | Function | Reads many input bits from |
dm_modbus_read_float | dm_modbus | Function | Reads 4-byte real from input or holding register, depending on the
address, and returns result in |
dm_modbus_read_input_bits | dm_modbus | Function | Reads many input bits from |
dm_modbus_read_input_registers | dm_modbus | Function | Reads many registers from |
dm_modbus_read_int16 | dm_modbus | Function | Reads 2-byte signed integer from input or holding register, depending
on the address, and returns result in |
dm_modbus_read_int32 | dm_modbus | Function | Reads 4-byte signed integer from input or holding register, depending
on the address, and returns result in |
dm_modbus_read_registers | dm_modbus | Function | Reads many registers from |
dm_modbus_read_uint16 | dm_modbus | Function | Reads 2-byte unsigned integer from input or holding register,
depending on the address, and returns result in |
dm_modbus_read_uint32 | dm_modbus | Function | Reads 4-byte unsigned integer from input or holding register,
depending on the address, and returns result in |
dm_modbus_register_is_valid | dm_modbus_type | Function | Returns |
dm_modbus_register_out | dm_modbus_type | Subroutine | Outputs Modbus register type. |
dm_modbus_set_debug | dm_modbus | Function | Sets debug flag of the Modbus context. Returns |
dm_modbus_set_float | dm_modbus | Subroutine | Sets real value to registers of given byte order. The argument
dm_modbus_set_float_abcd | dm_modbus | Subroutine | Returns real value to registers in ABCD byte order. |
dm_modbus_set_float_badc | dm_modbus | Subroutine | Returns real value to registers in BADC byte order. |
dm_modbus_set_float_cdab | dm_modbus | Subroutine | Sets real value to registers in CDAB byte order. |
dm_modbus_set_float_dcba | dm_modbus | Subroutine | Sets real value to registers in DCBA byte order. |
dm_modbus_set_int32_to_int16 | dm_modbus | Subroutine | Sets 4-byte integer to two 2-byte registers. |
dm_modbus_set_int64_to_int16 | dm_modbus | Subroutine | Sets 8-byte integer to four 2-byte registers. |
dm_modbus_set_serial_mode | dm_modbus | Function | Sets the Modbus RTU serial mode to RS-232 or RS-485. This API function is only supported on Linux kernels 2.6.28 onwards. |
dm_modbus_set_slave | dm_modbus | Function | Sets slave number in the Modbus context. |
dm_modbus_type_from_name | dm_modbus_type | Function | Returns Modbus number type from given name. If |
dm_modbus_type_is_valid | dm_modbus_type | Function | Returns |
dm_modbus_version | dm_modbus | Function | Returns libmodbus version as allocatable string. |
dm_modbus_write_int16 | dm_modbus | Function | Writes 2-byte signed integer to |
dm_modbus_write_int32 | dm_modbus | Function | Writes 4-byte signed integer to |
dm_modbus_write_register | dm_modbus | Function | Writes register to |
dm_modbus_write_registers | dm_modbus | Function | Writes many registers to |
dm_modbus_write_uint16 | dm_modbus | Function | Writes 2-byte unsigned integer to |
dm_modbus_write_uint32 | dm_modbus | Function | Writes 4-byte unsigned integer to |
dm_mqtt_init | dm_mqtt | Function | Initialises MQTT backend. |
dm_mqtt_publish | dm_mqtt | Function | Publishes MQTT message |
dm_mqtt_shutdown | dm_mqtt | Subroutine | Cleans up MQTT backend. |
dm_mqtt_url | dm_mqtt | Function | Returns allocatable string of URL to MQTT server. Uses the URL API
of libcurl to create the URL. If |
dm_mqueue_attributes | dm_mqueue | Function | Returns message queue attributes. |
dm_mqueue_close | dm_mqueue | Function | Closes message queue. |
dm_mqueue_forward | dm_mqueue_util | Interface | Generic function to forward derived types via message queue. |
dm_mqueue_open | dm_mqueue | Interface | Generic message queue open function. |
dm_mqueue_read | dm_mqueue | Interface | Generic message queue read function. |
dm_mqueue_unlink | dm_mqueue | Function | Deletes POSIX message queue. |
dm_mqueue_write | dm_mqueue | Interface | Generic message queue write function. |
dm_msec_to_sec | dm_util | Interface | Generic seconds to milliseconds function. |
dm_msleep | dm_util | Subroutine | Pauses program execution for given time in mseconds. |
dm_mutex_create | dm_mutex | Function | Creates a new mutex. Returns |
dm_mutex_destroy | dm_mutex | Function | Destroys mutex. Returns |
dm_mutex_is_locked | dm_mutex | Function | Returns |
dm_mutex_lock | dm_mutex | Function | Locks mutex. Returns |
dm_mutex_try_lock | dm_mutex | Function | Tries to lock mutex. Returns |
dm_mutex_unlock | dm_mutex | Function | Unlocks mutex. Returns |
dm_net_ipv4_is_valid | dm_net | Function | Returns |
dm_nml_from | dm_nml | Interface | Converts type to static or allocatable namelist string. |
dm_nml_read | dm_nml | Interface | Reads namelist from file or standard input. |
dm_nml_to | dm_nml | Interface | Converts namelist string to type. |
dm_nml_write | dm_nml | Interface | Writes namelist to file or standard output. |
dm_node_equals | dm_node | Function | Returns |
dm_node_is_valid | dm_node | Function | Returns |
dm_node_out | dm_node | Subroutine | Prints node to standard output or given file unit. |
dm_observ_add_receiver | dm_observ | Function | Validates and adds receiver to observation. |
dm_observ_add_request | dm_observ | Function | Appends a request to an observation. Returns |
dm_observ_equals | dm_observ | Function | Returns |
dm_observ_index | dm_observ | Function | Searches requests array of the observation for responses of passed name
and returns the index of the first found. If no request of this name
is found, |
dm_observ_is_valid | dm_observ | Function | Returns |
dm_observ_out | dm_observ | Subroutine | Prints observation to standard output or given file unit. |
dm_observ_view_equals | dm_observ | Function | Returns |
dm_path_join | dm_path | Function | Joins paths and adds |
dm_path_parsed | dm_path | Function | Returns a parsed path or an empty string on error. The following format descriptors are allowed: |
dm_person_equals | dm_person | Function | Returns |
dm_person_has_mail | dm_person | Function | Returns |
dm_person_has_name | dm_person | Function | Returns |
dm_pipe_close | dm_pipe | Subroutine | Closes pipe to process. |
dm_pipe_close2 | dm_pipe | Subroutine | Closes pipe to process (binary). |
dm_pipe_is_connected | dm_pipe | Function | Returns |
dm_pipe_open | dm_pipe | Function | Opens a process by creating a pipe, forking, and invoking the shell.
Access mode has to be either |
dm_pipe_open2 | dm_pipe | Function | Creates three anonymous pipes for bidirectional IPC ( |
dm_pipe_read | dm_pipe | Function | Reads from pipe to buffer |
dm_pipe_write | dm_pipe | Function | Writes bytes to pipe, adds new line and null-termination. |
dm_pipe_write2 | dm_pipe | Function | Writes to pipe (binary) and returns the number of bytes written. |
dm_plot_error | dm_plot | Function | Returns Gnuplot's standard error output in allocatable character
string |
dm_plot_lines | dm_plot | Function | Plots XY data points as line chart. |
dm_plot_read | dm_plot | Function | Returns number of bytes read from Gnuplot, and plot data in |
dm_plot_terminal_from_name | dm_plot | Function | Returns Gnuplot terminal backend of given name. |
dm_plot_terminal_is_valid | dm_plot | Function | Returns |
dm_plot_version | dm_plot | Function | Returns Gnuplot version as allocatable string. This function is quite slow as Gnuplot has to be started in a new process. |
dm_present | dm_util | Interface | Returns present argument or default value. |
dm_rad_to_deg | dm_util | Function | Converts angle from radiants to degrees. |
dm_rad_to_gon | dm_util | Function | Converts angle from radiants to gon. |
dm_real64_to_int32 | dm_util | Subroutine | Converts 8-byte real to 4-byte integer. |
dm_real64_to_int64 | dm_util | Subroutine | Converts 8-byte real to 8-byte integer. |
dm_real64_to_logical | dm_util | Subroutine | Converts 8-byte real to logical. If |
dm_real64_to_real32 | dm_util | Subroutine | Converts 8-byte real to 4-byte real |
dm_regex_create | dm_regex | Function | Creates new regular expression type from given pattern. Returns
dm_regex_destroy | dm_regex | Subroutine | Destroys compiled regular expression. |
dm_regex_group | dm_regex | Function | Returns group value in given subject from compiled regular expression. |
dm_regex_match | dm_regex | Function | Returns |
dm_regex_request | dm_regex | Function | Extracts all values by group from raw response in given request type. The regular expression is compiled and destroyed by this function. The response error is set to any occuring error code. |
dm_regex_response_string | dm_regex | Function | Returns response string from raw response, extracted by group name
dm_report_is_valid | dm_report | Function | Returns |
dm_request_add | dm_request | Function | Validates and appends response to the given request. |
dm_request_equals | dm_request | Function | Returns |
dm_request_get | dm_request | Interface | Generic function to get value, unit, type, and error of a response. |
dm_request_index | dm_request | Function | Searches request for responses of passed name and returns the index of the first found. If no response of this name is found, the index is set to 0. |
dm_request_is_valid | dm_request | Function | Returns |
dm_request_out | dm_request | Subroutine | Prints request to standard output or given file unit. |
dm_request_set | dm_request | Interface | Generic function to set value, unit, type, and error of a response. |
dm_request_set_response_error | dm_request | Function | Sets error code of all responses of the given request. If argument
dm_response_equals | dm_response | Function | Returns |
dm_response_get | dm_response | Subroutine | Gets attributes of response type. |
dm_response_is_valid | dm_response | Function | Returns |
dm_response_out | dm_response | Subroutine | Prints response to standard output or given file unit. |
dm_response_set | dm_response | Subroutine | Sets attributes of response type. |
dm_response_type_is_valid | dm_response | Function | Returns |
dm_response_type_to_name | dm_response | Function | Returns allocatable string of response value type name, or |
dm_rpc_error | dm_rpc | Function | Converts cURL easy stack error code to DMPACK error code. |
dm_rpc_error_message | dm_rpc | Function | Return message associated with given cURL error code as allocatable character string. |
dm_rpc_error_multi | dm_rpc | Function | Converts cURL multi stack error code to DMPACK error code. |
dm_rpc_init | dm_rpc | Function | Initialises RPC backend. The function returns |
dm_rpc_post | dm_rpc | Interface | Generic RPC post function. |
dm_rpc_post_type | dm_rpc | Function | Sends a single derived type in Namelist format to a given URL, with optional authentication and compression. The URL has to be the API endpoint that accepts HTTP POST requests. |
dm_rpc_post_types | dm_rpc | Function | Sends multiple derived types concurrently in Namelist format to the given URL, with optional authentication and compression. The URL has to be the API endpoint that accepts HTTP POST requests. |
dm_rpc_request | dm_rpc | Interface | Generic RPC request function. |
dm_rpc_request_multi | dm_rpc | Function | Sends multiple HTTP requests by GET, POST, or PUT method, with optional deflate or zstd compression. |
dm_rpc_request_single | dm_rpc | Function | Sends single HTTP request by GET, POST, or PUT method, and with optional deflate or zstd compression. |
dm_rpc_reset | dm_rpc | Subroutine | Auxiliary destructor routine to free allocated request memory. Cleans-up the cURL handles of the request. |
dm_rpc_shutdown | dm_rpc | Subroutine | Cleans up RPC backend. |
dm_rpc_url | dm_rpc | Function | Returns allocatable string of URL to HTTP-RPC API endpoint. Uses the
URL API of libcurl to create the URL. The base path and the endpoint
must both start with a |
dm_rpc_version | dm_rpc | Function | Returns version number of libcurl an linked libreries as allocatable string. |
dm_rpc_write_callback | dm_rpc | Function | C-interoperable write callback function for libcurl. Writes the
received response chunks to |
dm_rts_correction_atmospheric | dm_rts | Function | Returns atmospheric correction value [ppm]. Multiply by 10e-6 before applying the correction value to a slope distance [m]. If no relative humidity is passed, the default 60 % of the instrument is used instead. |
dm_rts_correction_distance | dm_rts | Function | Applied atmospheric correction [ppm] and prism constant [mmm] to uncorrected slope distance [m]. |
dm_rts_correction_projection | dm_rts | Function | The magnitude of the projection distortion is in accordance with the projection system used in a particular country, for which official tables are generally available. The used formula is valid for cylindrical projections such as that of Gauss-Krüger. |
dm_rts_correction_sea_level | dm_rts | Function | Returns sea level correction value [ppm] for an EDM of the given height above sea level [m]. The value of the result is always negative. Multiply by 10e-6 before applying the correction value to a slope distance [m]. |
dm_rts_distance_horizontal | dm_rts | Function | Returns horizontal distance [m] from slope distance |
dm_rts_distance_mean | dm_rts | Function | Returns (slope) distance as arithmetic mean of all measurements. |
dm_rts_distance_std_dev | dm_rts | Interface | Generic interface to standard deviation functions. |
dm_rts_distance_std_dev_array | dm_rts | Function | Returns standard deviation of a single slope distance measurement. |
dm_rts_distance_std_dev_mean | dm_rts | Function | Returns the standard deviation of the arithmetic mean of the distance. |
dm_rts_height_difference | dm_rts | Function | Returns height difference [m] from slope distance |
dm_sec_to_msec | dm_util | Interface | Generic seconds to milliseconds function. |
dm_sem_close | dm_sem | Function | Closes named semaphore. The function returns the following error codes: |
dm_sem_destroy | dm_sem | Function | Destroys unnamed semaphore. The function returns the following error codes: |
dm_sem_init | dm_sem | Function | Initialises unnamed semaphore. The function returns the following error codes: |
dm_sem_name | dm_sem | Function | Returns the name of the semaphore. |
dm_sem_open | dm_sem | Function | Opens and optionally creates named semaphore. The given name
shall not start with a leading |
dm_sem_post | dm_sem | Interface | Post to named or unnamed sempahore. |
dm_sem_unlink | dm_sem | Function | Unlinks named semaphore. Returns |
dm_sem_value | dm_sem | Interface | Get value of named or unnamed sempahore. |
dm_sem_wait | dm_sem | Interface | Wait for named or unnamed sempahore. |
dm_sensor_equals | dm_sensor | Function | Returns |
dm_sensor_is_valid | dm_sensor | Function | Returns |
dm_sensor_out | dm_sensor | Subroutine | Prints sensor to standard output or given file unit. |
dm_sensor_type_from_name | dm_sensor | Function | Returns type enumerator from given name. |
dm_sensor_type_is_valid | dm_sensor | Function | Returns |
dm_sensor_type_to_name | dm_sensor | Function | Returns name of given type enumerator as allocatable string. |
dm_signal_name | dm_signal | Function | Returns name of signal as allocatable string. If the signal number is unknown, the numeric value is returned instead. |
dm_signal_register | dm_signal | Subroutine | Registers passed C-interoperable POSIX signal callback routine for
dm_sleep | dm_util | Subroutine | Pauses program execution for given time in seconds. |
dm_stop | dm_error | Subroutine | Stops program execution with optional exit status |
dm_string_count_char | dm_string | Function | Counts occurences of character |
dm_string_count_lines | dm_string | Function | Returns the number of line breaks in string. |
dm_string_count_substring | dm_string | Function | Returns the number of occurences of |
dm_string_from | dm_string | Interface | Generic number to string converter. |
dm_string_hex_to_int | dm_string | Interface | Converts hexadecimal number to integer. |
dm_string_is_empty | dm_string | Function | Returns |
dm_string_is_present | dm_string | Function | Returns |
dm_string_is_printable | dm_string | Function | Returns |
dm_string_lower | dm_string | Subroutine | Converts given string to lower case. |
dm_string_replace | dm_string | Subroutine | Replaces character |
dm_string_split | dm_string | Subroutine | Splits a string by a given delimiter into an array of strings. |
dm_string_starts_with | dm_string | Function | Returns |
dm_string_to | dm_string | Interface | Generic string to number converter. |
dm_string_to_lower | dm_string | Function | Returns given string in lower case. |
dm_string_to_upper | dm_string | Function | Returns given string in upper case. |
dm_string_type_allocate | dm_string | Subroutine | Allocates string type to empty character of length 0 or |
dm_string_type_destroy | dm_string | Subroutine | Deallocates allocatable character inside of string type. |
dm_string_upper | dm_string | Subroutine | Converts given string to upper case. |
dm_sync_equals | dm_sync | Function | Returns |
dm_sync_is_valid | dm_sync | Function | Returns |
dm_sync_name | dm_sync | Function | Returns name of synchronisation type. |
dm_sync_out | dm_sync | Subroutine | Prints sync type to standard output or given file unit. |
dm_sync_type_from_name | dm_sync | Function | Returns synchonisation type from given name. |
dm_sync_type_is_valid | dm_sync | Function | Returns |
dm_system_daemonize | dm_system | Function | Turns current running program into a daemon. On FreeBSD, it is probably easier to run the process through daemon(8) instead. |
dm_system_error_message | dm_system | Function | Returns system error string from strerror(3). If |
dm_system_fork | dm_system | Function | Forks process and returns PID. |
dm_system_path | dm_system | Subroutine | Returns the relative path of the executable. |
dm_system_uname | dm_system | Subroutine | Returns uname information (operating system, hostname, …). |
dm_system_uptime | dm_system | Subroutine | Returns system uptime in |
dm_system_wait | dm_system | Function | Waits for child process and returns PID. |
dm_target_equals | dm_target | Function | Returns |
dm_target_is_valid | dm_target | Function | Returns |
dm_target_out | dm_target | Subroutine | Prints target to standard output or given file unit. If not unit is passed, the target will be written to standard output. |
dm_target_state_is_valid | dm_target | Function | Returns |
dm_target_state_name | dm_target | Function | Returns the name of the known target state as an allocatable
character string, or |
dm_test_dummy | dm_test | Interface | Generic dummy type generator. |
dm_test_dummy_beat | dm_test | Subroutine | Generates dummy beat data type. |
dm_test_dummy_log | dm_test | Subroutine | Generates dummy log data type. |
dm_test_dummy_node | dm_test | Subroutine | Generates dummy sensor node data type. |
dm_test_dummy_observ | dm_test | Subroutine | Generates dummy observation data type. |
dm_test_dummy_request | dm_test | Subroutine | Generates dummy request data type. |
dm_test_dummy_sensor | dm_test | Subroutine | Generates dummy sensor data type. |
dm_test_dummy_target | dm_test | Subroutine | Generates dummy target data type. |
dm_test_run | dm_test | Subroutine | Runs all tests in given array |
dm_test_skip | dm_test | Function | Returns |
dm_thread_create | dm_thread | Function | Creates POSIX thread. The function returns |
dm_thread_join | dm_thread | Function | Join POSIX thread, and optionally returns value as C pointer. |
dm_time_create | dm_time | Function | Returns 32-characters long time stamp string in ISO 8601/RFC 3339 of
the form |
dm_time_delta_from_seconds | dm_time | Subroutine | Returns time delta type |
dm_time_delta_to_string | dm_time | Function | Converts |
dm_time_diff | dm_time | Function | Returns the time difference between |
dm_time_from_unix | dm_time | Interface | Converts Unix epoch to integer or string representation. |
dm_time_is_valid | dm_time | Function | Returns |
dm_time_now | dm_time | Function | Returns current date and time as 32-characters long string in ISO
8601/RFC 3339 format ( |
dm_time_rfc2822 | dm_time | Function | Returns current date and time as 31-characters long string in RFC 2822 format. |
dm_time_strings | dm_time | Subroutine | Returns current date and time values as strings in given dummy arguments. |
dm_time_strip_useconds | dm_time | Function | Strips the microseconds part of the given ISO 8601 time stamp and
returns a 25-characters long string. The function does not validate
the time stamp for performance reasons. Make sure that only a valid
32-characters long ISO 8601 time stamp is passed in |
dm_time_to_beats | dm_time | Function | Converts ISO 8601 time stamp |
dm_time_to_human | dm_time | Function | Returns time stamp as 26-characters long string in human-readable
format. Converts the given ISO 8601 time stamp |
dm_time_to_unix | dm_time | Function | Converts 32-characters long ISO 8601/RFC 3339 time stamp to Unix
time stamp (Epoch). The function calls |
dm_time_unix | dm_time | Function | Returns current time in seconds as 8-byte integer (Unix Epoch). On error, the result is 0. |
dm_time_unix_mseconds | dm_time | Function | Returns current time in mseconds as 8-byte integer (Unix Epoch). On error, the result is 0. |
dm_time_zone | dm_time | Function | Returns current time zone as five characters long string, for
example, |
dm_time_zone_iso | dm_time | Function | Returns current time zone as six characters long string (ISO format),
for example, |
dm_timer_result | dm_timer | Function | Returns elapsed time between timer start and stop in seconds as 8-byte real. The result is 0.0 if the timer has not been stopped yet. |
dm_timer_start | dm_timer | Subroutine | Starts the timer by setting clock rate and first clock count. |
dm_timer_stop | dm_timer | Subroutine | Stops the timer and optionally returns result as 8-byte real in
dm_to_lower | dm_string | Interface | Alias for procedure. |
dm_to_real64 | dm_util | Interface | Converts type to 8-byte real (for response values). |
dm_to_signed | dm_c | Interface | Converts unsigned integer to signed integer. |
dm_to_unsigned | dm_c | Interface | Converts signed integer to unsigned integer. |
dm_to_upper | dm_string | Interface | Alias for procedure. |
dm_transform_cartesian_to_polar | dm_transform | Subroutine | Transforms cartesian coordinates to polar (spherical) coordinates. |
dm_transform_coord_2d | dm_transform | Function | |
dm_transform_polar_3d | dm_transform | Function | Calculates coordinates (x, y, z) out of horizontal direction, vertical angle, and slope distance to a target point using a 3-dimensional polar transformation. |
dm_transform_polar_to_cartesian | dm_transform | Subroutine | Transforms polar (spherical) coordinates to cartesian coordinates. |
dm_tty_baud_rate_from_value | dm_tty | Function | Returns baud rate enumerator from numeric value. If the value is
invalid, returns |
dm_tty_baud_rate_is_valid | dm_tty | Function | Returns |
dm_tty_byte_size_from_value | dm_tty | Function | Returns byte size enumerator from numeric value. If the value is
invalid, returns 0 by default and sets optional argument |
dm_tty_byte_size_is_valid | dm_tty | Function | Returns |
dm_tty_close | dm_tty | Subroutine | Closes file descriptor. |
dm_tty_flush | dm_tty | Function | Flushes TTY input and output buffer. Returns |
dm_tty_is_connected | dm_tty | Function | Return |
dm_tty_open | dm_tty | Function | Opens TTY/PTS device in set access mode and applies serial port
attributes. The arguments |
dm_tty_parity_from_name | dm_tty | Function | Returns parity from character string ( |
dm_tty_parity_is_valid | dm_tty | Function | Returns |
dm_tty_read | dm_tty | Interface | Generic TTY read function. |
dm_tty_read_byte | dm_tty | Function | Reads single byte from file descriptor. |
dm_tty_read_bytes | dm_tty | Function | Reads from TTY into |
dm_tty_read_request | dm_tty | Function | Reads TTY response into request. The request delimiter is unescaped. The response is escaped before being stored in the request. |
dm_tty_set_attributes | dm_tty | Function | Sets terminal attributes. |
dm_tty_set_blocking | dm_tty | Function | Sets TTY to blocking or non-blocking. |
dm_tty_set_timeout | dm_tty | Function | Sets timeout of given TTY. A timeout of 0 results in blocking read without timeout. The minimum timeout is 0 seconds, the maximum is 25 seconds. |
dm_tty_stop_bits_from_value | dm_tty | Function | Returns stop bits enumerator from numeric value. If the value is
invalid, returns 0 by default and sets optional argument |
dm_tty_stop_bits_is_valid | dm_tty | Function | Returns |
dm_tty_timeout_is_valid | dm_tty | Function | Returns |
dm_tty_write | dm_tty | Interface | Generic TTY write function. |
dm_tty_write_bytes | dm_tty | Function | Writes given string to TTY. Returns |
dm_tty_write_request | dm_tty | Function | Writes given request to TTY. The function unescapes the request
string. The function returns |
dm_type_from_name | dm_type | Function | Returns type from given name. |
dm_type_is_valid | dm_type | Function | Returns |
dm_uint16_to_int32 | dm_c | Function | Converts unsigned 2-byte integer to signed 4-byte integer. |
dm_uint32_to_int64 | dm_c | Function | Converts unsigned 4-byte integer to signed 8-byte integer. |
dm_unit_to_deg | dm_unit | Function | Converts angle to degrees. |
dm_unit_to_gon | dm_unit | Function | Converts angle to gradians. |
dm_unit_to_rad | dm_unit | Function | Converts angle to radiants. |
dm_unit_type | dm_unit | Function | Returns unit type. |
dm_unit_value | dm_unit | Function | Returns unit value. |
dm_upper | dm_string | Interface | Alias for procedure. |
dm_usleep | dm_util | Subroutine | Pauses program execution for given time in useconds. |
dm_uuid4 | dm_uuid | Function | Generates random UUIDv4 (RFC 4122) in hexadecimal format, i.e.,
without hyphens (32 characters long). The PRNG has to be seeded
before the first invocation by calling |
dm_uuid4_hyphenize | dm_uuid | Function | Returns given UUID with hyphens, i.e., turns string
dm_uuid4_hyphens | dm_uuid | Function | Returns UUIDv4 with hyphens (36 characters long). The PRNG has to be
seeded before the first invocation by calling |
dm_uuid4_is_valid | dm_uuid | Function | Returns |
dm_ve_device_from_name | dm_ve | Function | Returns device enumerator from given name. If the argument is not a
valid device, the function returns |
dm_ve_device_is_valid | dm_ve | Function | Returns |
dm_ve_error_message | dm_ve | Function | Returns message associated with given VE.Direct error code. |
dm_ve_field_label | dm_ve | Function | Returns field label as allocatable string, or empty string if type is invalid. |
dm_ve_field_type | dm_ve | Function | Returns VE.Direct field type ( |
dm_ve_frame_next | dm_ve | Subroutine | State machine to read VE.Direct text protocol frame. Argument |
dm_ve_frame_read | dm_ve | Subroutine | Parses frame field label and returns the field as a response. The frame label and value is expected to be in upper-case. Checksum frames are ignored. |
dm_ve_frame_reset | dm_ve | Subroutine | Resets the frame to be used for the next block. |
dm_ve_is_error | dm_ve | Function | Returns |
dm_ve_is_valid_field_type | dm_ve | Function | Returns |
dm_ve_product_name | dm_ve | Function | Returns name of Victron Energy product associated with given PID in
dummy argument |
dm_version_out | dm_version | Interface | Generic DMPACK version output routine. |
dm_version_to_string | dm_version | Interface | Generic DMPACK version formatters. |
dm_z_compress | dm_z | Interface | Generic serialisation and compression function. |
dm_z_compress_type | dm_z | Function | Serialises derived |
dm_z_compress_types | dm_z | Function | Serialises derived types |
dm_z_is_valid | dm_z | Interface | Generic validation function. |
dm_z_type_from_encoding | dm_z | Function | Returns compression type enumerator from HTTP content encoding: |
dm_z_type_from_name | dm_z | Function | Returns compression type enumerator from name. The function returns
dm_z_type_is_valid | dm_z | Function | Returns |
dm_z_type_name | dm_z | Function | Returns compression type name as allocatable string. |
dm_z_type_to_encoding | dm_z | Function | Returns allocatable HTTP content type string from compression type
enumerator. The function returns an empty string for types
dm_z_uncompress | dm_z | Interface | Generic deserialisation and decompression function. |
dm_zlib_compress | dm_zlib | Function | Compresses input string using the zlib utility function. |
dm_zlib_uncompress | dm_zlib | Function | Uncompresses input string using the zlib utility function. The output
buffer must be large enough to hold the uncompressed result. Returns
dm_zstd_compress | dm_zstd | Interface | Generic Zstandard compression function. |
dm_zstd_destroy | dm_zstd | Function | Destroys Zstandard context created with |
dm_zstd_level_default | dm_zstd | Function | Returns default zstd compression level. |
dm_zstd_level_max | dm_zstd | Function | Returns maximum zstd compression level. |
dm_zstd_level_min | dm_zstd | Function | Returns minimum zstd compression level. |
dm_zstd_uncompress | dm_zstd | Interface | Generic Zstandard decompression function. |
dm_zstd_version | dm_zstd | Function | Returns zstd library version as allocatable string. |
luaopen_libdmpack | dm_lua_lib | Function | Registers the Lua parameters and interfaces of the DMPACK API,
including the GeoCOM API. This function is invoked automatically by
Lua 5.4 if library |
operator (==) | dm_person | Interface | Returns whether persons are equal. |
operator (==) | dm_observ | Interface | Returns whether observations or observation views are equal. |
operator (==) | dm_sync | Interface | Returns whether sync types are equal. |
operator (==) | dm_api_status | Interface | Returns whether api status types are equal. |
operator (==) | dm_response | Interface | Returns whether requests are equal. |
operator (==) | dm_request | Interface | Returns whether requests are equal. |
operator (==) | dm_node | Interface | Returns whether nodes are equal. |
operator (==) | dm_target | Interface | Returns whether targets are equal. |
operator (==) | dm_log | Interface | Returns whether logs are equal. |
operator (==) | dm_beat | Interface | Returns whether heartbeats are equal. |
operator (==) | dm_sensor | Interface | Returns whether sensors are equal. |