Module | Source File | Description |
dm_ansi | ../../dm_ansi.f90 | ANSI escape sequences for coloured terminal output. |
dm_api_status | ../../dm_api_status.f90 | HTTP-RPC API status message. |
dm_arg | ../../dm_arg.f90 | Procedures for command-line argument parsing. |
dm_ascii | ../../dm_ascii.f90 | ASCII encoding/decoding procedures and predefined ASCII characters. |
dm_atom | ../../dm_atom.f90 | Generator for the Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287), to create a web feed of log messages in XML format, with optional XSLT style sheet. |
dm_base64 | ../../dm_base64.f90 | Base64 encoding for poor people. |
dm_beat | ../../dm_beat.f90 | Heartbeat message type. |
dm_block | ../../dm_block.f90 | Module to serialise derived types into ASCII block format. |
dm_c | ../../dm_c.f90 | Utility procedures for C interoperability. |
dm_cgi | ../../dm_cgi.f90 | Common Gateway Interface (CGI) utility procedures. |
dm_cgi_router | ../../dm_cgi_router.f90 | Basic URI router for CGI. Depending on the path in the CGI environment
variable |
dm_config | ../../dm_config.f90 | Module for loading Lua-based configuration files. |
dm_const | ../../dm_const.f90 | Definitions of mathematical constants. |
dm_crypto | ../../dm_crypto.f90 | Cryptographic hash functions from OpenSSL: |
dm_csv | ../../dm_csv.f90 | Contains subroutines to convert various derived types to CSV format. |
dm_db | ../../dm_db.f90 | Database abstraction layer over SQLite 3. The SQL statements are stored in
module |
dm_dp | ../../dm_dp.f90 | X/Y data point type declaration that stores a single set of a time series. |
dm_env | ../../dm_env.f90 | Module for reading environment variables. |
dm_error | ../../dm_error.f90 | Error codes, error messages, and utility routines. |
dm_fcgi | ../../dm_fcgi.f90 | FastCGI interface bindings and procedures. |
dm_fifo | ../../dm_fifo.f90 | Abstraction layer for named pipe (FIFO) access on Unix. |
dm_file | ../../dm_file.f90 | File access utility routines. |
dm_format | ../../dm_format.f90 | Serialisation format definitions. |
dm_geocom | ../../dm_geocom.f90 | Object-oriented GeoCOM API for Fortran. |
dm_geocom_api | ../../dm_geocom_api.f90 | Procedures for GeoCOM protocol handling. The routines in this module only prepare requests and responses for GeoCOM API calls. |
dm_geocom_error | ../../dm_geocom_error.f90 | GeoCOM return codes and return code messages. GeoCOM return codes have
the prefix |
dm_geocom_type | ../../dm_geocom_type.f90 | GeoCOM API types and enumerators. The GeoCOM named parameters start with
prefix |
dm_geojson | ../../dm_geojson.f90 | Contains subroutines to convert derived types to GeoJSON format (RFC 7946). |
dm_hash | ../../dm_hash.f90 | Non-cryptographic hash functions (DJB2, DJB2a, FNV-1, FNV-1a). |
dm_hash_table | ../../dm_hash_table.f90 | Very basic hash table implementation for a modest number of elements that stores only pointers to values. |
dm_hdf5 | ../../dm_hdf5.f90 | Abstraction layer around HDF5. Has to be linked against |
dm_html | ../../dm_html.f90 | HyperText Markup Language (HTML) generator procedures for (mostly) classless HTML5 syntax. |
dm_http | ../../dm_http.f90 | HTTP status codes. |
dm_id | ../../dm_id.f90 | ID string verification. |
dm_image | ../../dm_image.f90 | Module for handling images of IP cameras and webcams. |
dm_jabber | ../../dm_jabber.f90 | Jabber/XMPP abstraction module, based on libstrophe. |
dm_job | ../../dm_job.f90 | Observation job and job list. Access to job lists is not thread-safe. |
dm_json | ../../dm_json.f90 | Contains subroutines to convert derived types to JSON format. |
dm_jsonl | ../../dm_jsonl.f90 | Contains subroutines to convert derived types to JSON Lines or Newline Delimited JSON format. |
dm_kind | ../../dm_kind.f90 | ISO Fortran Environment imports and additional kind definitions. |
dm_la | ../../dm_la.f90 | Fortran 95 wrapper routines around LAPACK (double precision), ported from LAPACK95. |
dm_log | ../../dm_log.f90 | Log type and log level declaration. |
dm_logger | ../../dm_logger.f90 | Object-oriented logger that outputs logs and optionally forwards them via POSIX message queue. |
dm_lua | ../../dm_lua.f90 | Lua abstraction layer that provides procedures for reading from and writing to the Lua stack. |
dm_lua_api | ../../dm_lua_api.f90 | DMPACK API for Lua. |
dm_lua_geocom | ../../dm_lua_geocom.f90 | GeoCOM API for Lua. |
dm_lua_lib | ../../dm_lua_lib.f90 | Auto-registration procedure of the DMPACK Lua API. |
dm_mail | ../../dm_mail.f90 | Module for sending plain-text e-mails via SMTP, using libcurl. |
dm_mime | ../../dm_mime.f90 | MIME types. |
dm_modbus | ../../dm_modbus.f90 | Abstraction layer over libmodbus, for Modbus RTU/TCP communication. |
dm_mqtt | ../../dm_mqtt.f90 | Module for publishing messages via MQTT, using libcurl. The libcurl library must have been built with the MQTT option enabled. |
dm_mqueue | ../../dm_mqueue.f90 | Module for inter-process communication (IPC) and message passing through
POSIX message queues. Has to be linked with |
dm_mqueue_util | ../../dm_mqueue_util.f90 | Utility procedures for message queue access. |
dm_mutex | ../../dm_mutex.f90 | POSIX mutex abstraction layer. Has to be linked with |
dm_net | ../../dm_net.f90 | TCP/IP parameters. |
dm_nml | ../../dm_nml.f90 | Fortran 95 Namelist import/export of DMPACK derived types. |
dm_node | ../../dm_node.f90 | Sensor node declaration. |
dm_observ | ../../dm_observ.f90 | The observation data derived type declaration, and all associated procedures. |
dm_path | ../../dm_path.f90 | File system path utility routines. |
dm_person | ../../dm_person.f90 | Module for handling natural persons. |
dm_pipe | ../../dm_pipe.f90 | Module for basic subprocess management on Unix. Procedures with
name postfix |
dm_platform | ../../dm_platform.f90 | System platform parameters. |
dm_plot | ../../dm_plot.f90 | Abstraction layer over Gnuplot. |
dm_regex | ../../dm_regex.f90 | Abstraction layer over PCRE2. |
dm_report | ../../dm_report.f90 | Derived types for report generation. |
dm_request | ../../dm_request.f90 | The observation request data derived type declaration. |
dm_response | ../../dm_response.f90 | The observation response data derived type declaration. |
dm_rpc | ../../dm_rpc.f90 | Abstraction layer for Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) over HTTP, using libcurl. |
dm_rts | ../../dm_rts.f90 | Parameters and procedures for processing of measurement data obtained from a robotic total station (RTS) by Leica Geosystems. |
dm_sem | ../../dm_sem.f90 | Named POSIX semaphores. Has to be linked with |
dm_sensor | ../../dm_sensor.f90 | Sensor type declaration. |
dm_signal | ../../dm_signal.f90 | Auxiliary interfaces and routines for signal handling on Unix. |
dm_sql | ../../dm_sql.f90 | Predefined SQL statements as Fortran parameter strings. |
dm_string | ../../dm_string.f90 | String utility routines. |
dm_sync | ../../dm_sync.f90 | Module for keeping track of data record synchronisation status. |
dm_system | ../../dm_system.f90 | Abstraction layers over system calls. |
dm_target | ../../dm_target.f90 | Observation target declaration. |
dm_test | ../../dm_test.f90 | Basic testing framework. |
dm_thread | ../../dm_thread.f90 | Abstraction layer of POSIX threads. Has to be linked with |
dm_time | ../../dm_time.f90 | Date and time functions. |
dm_timer | ../../dm_timer.f90 | Basic timer to measure the seconds between start and stop by counting clock cycles. |
dm_transform | ../../dm_transform.f90 | Coordinate transformations (unfinished). |
dm_tty | ../../dm_tty.f90 | Serial port access (TTY/PTY) on Unix. |
dm_type | ../../dm_type.f90 | DMPACK derived type enumerators and utilities. |
dm_unit | ../../dm_unit.f90 | Unit definitions and conversion functions. |
dm_util | ../../dm_util.f90 | Type conversion functions and other utility procedures. |
dm_uuid | ../../dm_uuid.f90 | Provides a UUIDv4 generator. DMPACK uses 32 characters long UUIDv4 identifiers in hexadecimal format, without hyphens. |
dm_version | ../../dm_version.f90 | DMPACK version and auxiliary procedures. |
dm_z | ../../dm_z.f90 | Utility module for (de-)serialisation and (de-)compression (zlib, zstd) of derived types. Namelist is the only serialisation format supported. |
dm_zlib | ../../dm_zlib.f90 | Abstraction layer over zlib (deflate, inflate). |
dm_zstd | ../../dm_zstd.f90 | Abstraction layer over Zstandard (zstd). |
dmpack | ../../dmpack.f90 | The DMPACK library module. Import this module to access any DMPACK procedures: |