dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_lock_mode Subroutine

public pure subroutine dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_lock_mode(request, enabled)

Request of AUS_SetUserLockState procedure. Creates request for setting the status of the Lock state.

The function activates or deactivates the Lock mode (GeoCOM robotic licence required). If enabled is .true., Lock mode is activated. In order to lock and follow a moving target, call API function AUT_LockIn. If enabled is .false., Lock mode is deactivated. Tracking of a moving target will be aborted, and the manual drive wheel is activated.

The instrument returns the following responses:

  • grc – GeoCOM return code.
Property Values
Instruments TPS1100, TPS1200, TM30/TS30, TS16
ASCII request %R1Q,18007:<enabled>
ASCII response %R1P,0,0:<grc>


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(request_type), intent(out) :: request

Prepared request.

logical, intent(in) :: enabled

Enable Lock mode.


proc~~dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_lock_mode~~CallsGraph proc~dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_lock_mode dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_lock_mode proc~dm_btoi dm_btoi proc~dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_lock_mode->proc~dm_btoi proc~dm_geocom_api_request dm_geocom_api_request proc~dm_geocom_api_request_set_user_lock_mode->proc~dm_geocom_api_request interface~dm_present dm_present proc~dm_btoi->interface~dm_present