dm_rts_height_difference Function

public pure elemental function dm_rts_height_difference(slope_dist, v, k) result(diff)

Returns height difference [m] from slope distance slope_dist [m] and vertical angle v [rad]. The default mean refraction coefficient k is 0.13.

Earth curvature (1 / EARTH_RADIUS) and mean refraction coefficient (k) are automatically taken into account by Leica instruments when calculating the height difference if enabled in the settings.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=r8), intent(in) :: slope_dist

Slope distance [m].

real(kind=r8), intent(in) :: v

Vertical cycle reading [rad].

real(kind=r8), intent(in), optional :: k

Mean refraction coefficient.

Return Value real(kind=r8)


proc~~dm_rts_height_difference~~CallsGraph proc~dm_rts_height_difference dm_rts_height_difference interface~dm_present dm_present proc~dm_rts_height_difference->interface~dm_present