Installation of OpenADMS Node

The following dependencies have to be installed at first in order to run OpenADMS Node:

Quick Start

You can run OpenADMS Node by following these steps:

  1. Download and install Python 3.6 or higher.

  2. Download and unpack OpenADMS Node. For the most recent version, clone the master branch of the GitHub repository.

  3. Install pipenv with pip3 install --user pipenv.

  4. Inside the OpenADMS Node directory, run pipenv lock and then pipenv sync.

  5. Write a configuration file for OpenADMS Node (see directory config/examples/ for examples).

  6. Run pipenv run ./ --config config/config.json --with-mqtt-broker --debug in the command-line or start the graphical launcher with launcher.bat (Microsoft Windows) or (Unix-like).

Source Code

The release versions of OpenADMS Node are hosted on GitHub. If you like to download the latest version, you can clone the master branch of the GitHub repository using the Git version control system:

$ git clone

The master branch is available as a Zip archive for those who do not want to use Git.


OpenADMS Node is written in Python. A recent Python 3 interpreter is required to run the software. CPython 3.6 (or higher) and PyPy3.5 (or higher) are supported. Interpreters are available for all modern operating systems.

Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/10

Download the latest release from the Python website and execute the installer. Please refer to the official installation notes of the Python documentation. It is strongly recommended to add Python to the PATH variable of the system (see Fig. 2).

Linux and Unix

Install Python 3.6 or higher by using your favourite package managing system or compile it from source.


The latest version of Python is also available for download on the Python website.


Install QPython3 from the Google Play Store.

Add Python to the ``PATH`` variable of Microsoft Windows

Fig. 2 Add Python to the PATH variable of Microsoft Windows


The dependencies can be installed with the Python package manager pipenv. If not installed already, run:

$ pip3 install --user pipenv

Create a virtual environment with all required Python packages by running pipenv inside the directory openadms-node/:

$ pipenv lock
$ pipenv sync

Development packages can be installed additionally with:

$ pipenv sync --dev

On Microsoft Windows, the batch file install.bat can be executed to install all dependencies.


Copy the OpenADMS Node directory to qpython3/scripts3/ on you Android device. Start the QPython3 app and select QPYPI. Open the Pip console and enter:

-->pip3 install -r scripts3/openadms-node/requirements.txt

This will install all dependencies. The uptime package may not be available on QPYPI. You can ignore any warnings.

Message Broker

The MQTT protocol is used for the internal and external message exchange in OpenADMS Node. Therefore, it is necessary to install and run an MQTT message broker before starting the monitoring system. Many implementations of message brokers are available (list of servers), some of them are open-source, for example:

HBMQTT is installed as a dependency automatically. The broker will be started by OpenADMS Node if the command-line argument --with-mqtt-broker is added. If the internal HBMQTT is used, a 3rd party message broker is not required. The HBMQTT server can be started manually from command line with:

$ pipenv run hbmqtt


For testing only, the public sandbox broker of Eclipse IoT can be used. The server supports MQTT and WebSockets, both plain and TLS secured. Access the server using the hostname and port 1883. For encryption, use port 8883. MQTT over WebSockets runs on the ports 80 and 443.

System Service

Microsoft Windows


This section is still under construction.


In case you are running a Linux distribution with the systemd init system, you can use the provided unit file to start OpenADMS as a daemon. Copy and rename the file services/openadms.systemd to /etc/systemd/system/openadms.service. OpenADMS must be installed in /usr/local/sbin/openadms/. The configuration will be loaded from /usr/local/etc/openadms/config.json. You can alter these values in the service file.

Be aware that no MQTT message broker will be started by this service. You may want to use an external broker, like Eclipse Mosquitto, or append the parameter -m to ExecStart in the service file to enable the internal broker.

The OpenADMS unit has to be loaded with:

$ systemctl daemon-reload

Enable the unit to run OpenADMS as a service:

$ systemctl enable openadms

Start the OpenADMS unit manually:

$ systemctl start openadms

Stop the OpenADMS unit manually:

$ systemctl stop openadms

Show the status of the OpenADMS unit, including whether it is running or not:

$ systemctl status openadms

For more information regarding systemd, see the Arch Linux Wiki.


The rc.d script services/openadms.freebsd) is provided for FreeBSD to start OpenADMS Node automatically at boot time. The script has to be copied and renamed to /usr/local/etc/rc.d/openadms. OpenADMS starts with the privileges of user openadms. You can add the user with:

$ useradd -m -G dialer openadms
$ passwd openadms

Then, add the following line to your /etc/rc.conf:


You can alter the default configuration of the daemon by adding the following lines to /etc/rc.conf:

openadms_user="openadms" ➊
openadms_config="/usr/local/etc/openadms/openadms.json" ➋
openadms_path="/usr/local/sbin/openadms/" ➌
openadms_log="/var/log/openadms.log" ➍
openadms_args="" ➎
  1. User to run OpenADMS Node as.

  2. File path of the configuration.

  3. File path of the Python script.

  4. File path of the log file.

  5. Additional command-line arguments.

OpenADMS Node can be started manually with:

$ service openadms onestart

To stop it, run:

$ service openadms onestop

Please note, that an MQTT message broker, like Mosquitto, has to be started first. Add the following line to your /etc/rc.conf to start Mosquitto automatically:


The daemon can be started manually with:

$ service mosquitto onestart

Instead of using an external MQTT message broker, you can also enable the internal broker by adding the appropriate command-line argument to openadms_args in /etc/rc.conf:



For NetBSD, the rc.d script services/openadms.netbsd can be used to start OpenADMS Node as a service. The script has to be copied and renamed to /etc/rc.d/openadms. OpenADMS must be installed to /usr/sbin/openadms/. The configuration is expected to be in /usr/etc/openadms/openadms.json and the log file will be located at /var/log/openadms.log. OpenADMS starts with the privileges of user openadms. You can add the user with:

$ useradd -m -G dialer openadms
$ passwd openadms

Enable OpenADMS in /etc/rc.conf:


Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to alter the default configuration:

openadms_user="openadms" ➊
openadms_path="/usr/sbin/openadms/" ➋
openadms_config="/usr/etc/openadms/openadms.json" ➌
openadms_log="/var/log/openadms.log" ➍
  1. User to run OpenADMS Node as.

  2. File path of the configuration file.

  3. Path of the OpenADMS Node directory.

  4. File path of the log file.

Start OpenADMS manually with:

$ service openadms onestart

To stop it, run:

$ service openadms onestop

Stand-Alone Executables for Microsoft Windows

OpenADMS can be compiled to a stand-alone executable (.exe file) that does not depend on a globally installed Python interpreter by using either PyInstaller, cx_Freeze, or Nuitka.


PyInstaller is capable of creating executables for many operating systems, including Microsoft Windows. In order to use PyInstaller, Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package and the Python module itself have to be installed at first. PyInstaller can be obtained with pip:

> pipenv install --dev PyInstaller

Build OpenADMS Node by running:

> pipenv run pyinstaller --clean --noconfirm --icon="extra\dabamos.ico" --hidden-import "modules.database" --hidden-import "modules.export" --hidden-import "modules.notification" --hidden-import "modules.port" --hidden-import "modules.processing" --hidden-import "modules.prototype" --hidden-import "modules.schedule" --hidden-import "modules.server" --hidden-import "modules.testing" --hidden-import "modules.totalstation" --hidden-import "modules.virtual"

Build the graphical launcher with:

> pipenv run pyinstaller --clean --windowed --noconfirm --icon="extra\dabamos.ico" --hidden-import "gooey" --hidden-import "openadms" --hidden-import "modules.database" --hidden-import "modules.export" --hidden-import "modules.notification" --hidden-import "modules.port" --hidden-import "modules.processing" --hidden-import "modules.prototype" --hidden-import "modules.schedule" --hidden-import "modules.server" --hidden-import "modules.testing" --hidden-import "modules.totalstation" --hidden-import "modules.virtual" openadms-launcher.pyw

The binaries will be located in the sub-folder dist. Copy the folders data, config, core, modules, schemes, and sensors into dist. Furthermore, copy folder C:\Python36\Lib\site-packages\gooey to dist\openadms-launcher\. Execute openadms-launcher.exe to start the OpenADMS graphical launcher.


Like PyInstaller, cx_Freeze is cross platform library to create executables of Python scripts. Install it with pip at first:

> pipenv install --dev cx_Freeze appdirs packaging

Create a file with the following contents:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.6

"""Setup for cx_Freeze

This script creates executables for Microsoft Windows by using cx_Freeze.
Just run::

    $ python build

All files will be stored under ``dist/``."""

import sys

from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

from core.version import *

build_exe_options = {
    'build_exe': 'dist',
    'packages': ['asyncio',
    'excludes': ['tkinter'],
    'include_files': [
    'silent': True

base = None

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    base = 'Win32GUI'

executables = [
    Executable('', base=base),
    Executable('openadms-launcher.pyw', base=base)

setup(name='OpenADMS Node',
      description='OpenADMS Node',
          'build_exe': build_exe_options

Build OpenADMS Node by running:

> pipenv run ./ build

You can then start the graphical launcher openadms-launcher.exe in directory dist/.


Nuitka is a Python compiler that translates Python code into a C program that is linked against libpython to execute it in the same way as CPython does. Before OpenADMS Node can be compiled, install:

  • Python 3.6 or higher,

  • Python 2.7 (for SCons),

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (and pywin32) or MinGW-w64,

  • Nuitka for Python 3.6.

If you prefer MinGW over Visual Studio, install it to C:\MinGW64 and set the Windows environment variable CC to C:\MinGW64\mingw64\bin\gcc.exe.

Build OpenADMS Node with:

> nuitka3 --standalone --python-version=3.6 --recurse-all --recurse-plugins=core --recurse-plugins=modules --recurse-not-to=modules.tests --recurse-not-to=modules.rpi --recurse-not-to=modules.unix --show-progress --windows-icon=extra/dabamos.ico
> nuitka3 --standalone --python-version=3.6 --recurse-all --recurse-plugins=core --recurse-plugins=modules --recurse-not-to=modules.tests --recurse-not-to=modules.rpi --recurse-not-to=modules.unix --show-progress --windows-disable-console --windows-icon=extra/dabamos.ico openadms-launcher.pyw

The compilation may take some time.