report_plot_type Derived Type

type, public :: report_plot_type

Section plots of report.


type~~report_plot_type~~InheritsGraph type~report_plot_type report_plot_type type~report_observ_type report_observ_type type~report_plot_type->type~report_observ_type observs

Inherited by

type~~report_plot_type~~InheritedByGraph type~report_plot_type report_plot_type type~report_type report_type type~report_type->type~report_plot_type plot


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
logical, public :: disabled = .false.

Generate plots.

character(len=FILE_PATH_LEN), public :: database = ' '

Path to observation database (required).

character(len=REPORT_META_LEN), public :: meta = ' '

Description text.

character(len=REPORT_TITLE_LEN), public :: title = 'Plots'

Section title.

type(report_observ_type), public, allocatable :: observs(:)

Plots to generate.