tty_type Derived Type

type, public :: tty_type

TTY/PTY data type that stores serial port settings (default: 9600 baud, 8N1).

Inherited by

type~~tty_type~~InheritedByGraph type~tty_type tty_type type~geocom_class geocom_class type~geocom_class->type~tty_type tty


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=FILE_PATH_LEN), public :: path = ' '

TTY/PTY path.

integer, public :: access = TTY_RDWR

Access mode (read/write).

integer, public :: baud_rate = TTY_B9600

Baud rate (9600).

integer, public :: byte_size = TTY_BYTE_SIZE8

Byte size (8).

integer, public :: stop_bits = TTY_STOP_BITS1

Stop bits (1).

integer, public :: parity = TTY_PARITY_NONE

Parity (none).

integer, public :: timeout = 5

Read timeout in seconds.

logical, public :: dtr = .false.

Data Terminal Ready.

logical, public :: rts = .false.

Request To Send.

logical, public :: blocking = .true.

Blocking read.