dm_ve Module

VE.Direct (TTL) protocol abstraction layer, for Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) solar charge controllers and battery monitors made by Victron Energy. This module supports:

  • BlueSolar MPPT series,
  • SmartSolar MPPT series,
  • SmartShunt.

The following VE.Direct fields are captured:

Name Unit Description MPPT Shunt
Alarm Alarm condition active (on/off).
AR Alarm reason (decimal).
CE mAh Consumed amp hours.
CS State of operation.
DM Mid-point deviation of the battery bank.
ERR Error code.
FW Firmware version (16 bit).
H1 mAh Depth of the deepest discharge.
H2 mAh Depth of the last discharge.
H3 mAh Depth of the average discharge.
H4 Number of charge cycles.
H5 Number of full discharges.
H6 mAh Cumulative amp hours drawn.
H7 mV Minimum main (battery) voltage.
H8 mV Maximum main (battery) voltage.
H9 sec Number of seconds since last full charge.
H10 Number of automatic synchronisations.
H11 Number of low main voltage alarms.
H12 Number of high main voltage alarms.
H15 mV Minimum auxiliary (battery) voltage.
H16 mV Maximum auxiliary (battery) voltage.
H17 kWh/100 Amount of produced energy.
H18 kWh/100 Amount of consumed energy.
H19 kWh/100 Yield total (user resettable counter).
H20 kWh/100 Yield today.
H21 W Maximum power today.
H22 kWh/100 Yield yesterday.
H23 W Maximum power yesterday.
HSDS Day sequence number (0 to 364).
I mA Main or channel 1 battery current.
IL mA Load current.
LOAD Load output state (on/off).
MON DC monitor mode.
MPPT Tracker operation mode.
OR Off reason.
P W Instantaneous power.
PID Product ID.
PPV W Panel power.
Relay Relay state (on/off).
SOC State-of-charge.
T °C Battery temperature.
TTG min Time-to-go.
V mV Main or channel 1 (battery) voltage.
VM mV Mid-point voltage of the battery bank.
VPV mV Panel voltage.
VS mV Auxiliary (starter) voltage.

The TTY has to be configured to these serial port parameters:

Parameter Value
Baud rate 19200
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Flow control

The device transmits blocks of data at 1 second intervals. Each field is sent using the following format:


The identifiers are defined as:

Identifier Description
<Newline> A carriage return followed by a line feed (0x0D, 0x0A).
<Field-Label> An arbitrary length label that identifies the field.
<Tab> A horizontal tab (0x09).
<Field-Value> The ASCII formatted value of this field.

The statistics are grouped in blocks with a checksum appended. The last field in a block will always be Checksum. The value is a single byte, and will not necessarily be a printable ASCII character. The modulo 256 sum of all bytes in a block will equal 0 if there were no transmission errors. Multiple blocks are sent containing different fields.


Description of fields returned by MPPT chargers and SmartShunt.


This shows the buzzer alarm state of the BMV. During normal operation, this will be OFF. When a buzzer alarm occurs the value will change to ON.

This refers to the value of the alarm condition, and not the buzzer itself. This means that once a condition has occurred, the value will be ON until all alarm conditions have cleared; regardless of whether or not a button has been pressed to silence the buzzer.


Alarm reason; this field describes the cause of the alarm. Since multiple alarm conditions can be present at the same time the values of the separate alarm conditions are added. The value total is sent in decimal notation.

Value Description
1 low voltage
2 high voltage
4 low SOC
8 low starter voltage
16 high starter voltage
32 low temperature
64 high temperature
128 mid voltage


The state of the MPPT operation.

Value Description
0 off
2 fault
3 bulk
4 absorption
5 float
7 equalise (manual)
245 starting-up
247 auto-equalise/recondition
252 external control


The error code of the device, relevant when the device is in fault state.

Error 19 can be ignored, this condition regularly occurs during start-up or shutdown of the MPPT charger. Since version 1.15 this error will no longer be reported.

Error 21 can be ignored for 5 minutes, this condition regularly occurs during start-up or shutdown of the MPPT charger. Since version 1.16 this warning will no longer be reported when it is not persistent.

Value Description
0 No error.
2 Battery voltage too high.
17 Charger temperature too high.
18 Charger over current.
19 Charger current reversed.
20 Bulk time limit exceeded.
21 Current sensor issue (sensor bias/sensor broken).
26 Terminals overheated.
28 Converter issue (dual converter models only).
33 Input voltage too high (solar panel).
34 Input current too high (solar panel).
38 Input shutdown (due to excessive battery voltage).
39 Input shutdown (due to current flow during off mode).
65 Lost communication with one of devices.
66 Synchronised charging device configuration issue.
67 BMS connection lost.
68 Network misconfigured.
116 Factory calibration data lost.
117 Invalid/incompatible firmware.
119 User settings invalid.


The firmware version of the device. The version is reported as a whole number, e.g. 208 for firmware version 2.08.


The day sequence number in range 0 to 364. A change in this number indicates a new day. This implies that the historical data has changed.


The tracker operation mode.

Value Description
0 off
1 voltage or current limited
2 MPPT active


The off reason of the charger. This field describes why a unit is switched off.

Value Description
0x00000001 no input power
0x00000002 switched off (power switch)
0x00000004 switched off (device mode register)
0x00000008 remote input
0x00000010 protection active
0x00000020 pay-as-you-go (PAYGo)
0x00000040 BMS
0x00000080 engine shutdown detection
0x00000100 analysing input voltage


During normal operation of the MPPT charger, the relay is OFF. If there is a battery low voltage condition, the value will change to ON.


The serial number of the device. The notation is LLYYMMSSSSS, where LL is the location code, YYWW is the production date stamp (year, week), and SSSSS is a unique part of the serial number.

The field is not supported by DMPACK and should be ignored.


The snipped reads a single VE.Direct block from sequentially passed character byte, adds it to a frame, and converts the frame to a response type once finished:

integer             :: rc
logical             :: eor, finished, valid
type(ve_frame_type) :: frame
type(response_type) :: response

call dm_ve_frame_next(frame, byte, eor, finished, valid)

if (finished) then
    if (valid) then
        print '("Record is valid")'
        print '("Record is invalid")'
    end if

    call dm_ve_frame_reset(frame)
end if

if (eor) then
    call dm_ve_frame_read(frame, response)
    print '("Label: ", a, " Value: ", a)',    frame%label, trim(frame%value)
    print '("Name:  ", a, " Value: ", f8.1)', response%name, response%value
end if



  • module~~dm_ve~~UsesGraph module~dm_ve dm_ve module~dm_error dm_error module~dm_ve->module~dm_error module~dm_kind dm_kind module~dm_ve->module~dm_kind module~dm_response dm_response module~dm_ve->module~dm_response module~dm_tty dm_tty module~dm_ve->module~dm_tty module~dm_error->module~dm_kind module~dm_ascii dm_ascii module~dm_error->module~dm_ascii iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env module~dm_kind->iso_fortran_env module~dm_response->module~dm_error module~dm_response->module~dm_kind module~dm_id dm_id module~dm_response->module~dm_id module~dm_util dm_util module~dm_response->module~dm_util module~dm_tty->module~dm_error module~dm_tty->module~dm_kind iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~dm_tty->iso_c_binding module~dm_file dm_file module~dm_tty->module~dm_file module~dm_string dm_string module~dm_tty->module~dm_string module~dm_file->module~dm_error module~dm_file->module~dm_kind module~dm_string->module~dm_error module~dm_string->module~dm_kind module~dm_util->module~dm_error module~dm_util->module~dm_kind

Used by

  • module~~dm_ve~~UsedByGraph module~dm_ve dm_ve module~dmpack dmpack module~dmpack->module~dm_ve


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public, parameter :: VE_DEVICE_NONE = 0

No device (invalid).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_DEVICE_MPPT = 1

BlueSolar and SmartSolar MPPT.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_DEVICE_SHUNT = 2

SmartShunt (SS).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_DEVICE_LAST = 2

Never use this

integer, public, parameter :: VE_DEVICE_NAME_LEN = 5

Max. device name length.

character(len=*), public, parameter :: VE_DEVICE_NAMES(VE_DEVICE_NONE:VE_DEVICE_LAST) = [character(len=VE_DEVICE_NAME_LEN)::'none', 'mppt', 'shunt']

Device names.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_LABEL_LEN = 8

Max. field label length (minus newline).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_NAME_LEN = RESPONSE_NAME_LEN

Max. response name length.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_UNIT_LEN = RESPONSE_UNIT_LEN

Max. field unit length.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_VALUE_LEN = 32

Max. field value length (minus tab).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_PRODUCT_NAME_LEN = 38

Max. product name length.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_TTY_ACCESS = TTY_RDONLY

Default TTY access mode.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_TTY_BAUD_RATE = TTY_B19200

Default TTY baud rate.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_TTY_BYTE_SIZE = TTY_BYTE_SIZE8

Default TTY byte size.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_TTY_PARITY = TTY_PARITY_NONE

Default TTY parity.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_TTY_STOP_BITS = TTY_STOP_BITS1

Default TTY stop bits.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_NONE = 0

None (invalid).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_ALARM = 1

[ SS ] Alarm condition active (ON/OFF).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_AR = 2

[ SS ] Alarm reason (decimal).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_CE = 3

[ SS ] Consumed amp hours.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_CS = 4

[ MPPT ] State of operation.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_DM = 5

[ SS ] Mid-point deviation of the battery bank.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_ERR = 6

[ MPPT ] Error code.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_FW = 7

[ MPPT SS ] Firmware version (16 bit).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H1 = 8

[ SS ] Depth of the deepest discharge.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H2 = 9

[ SS ] Depth of the last discharge.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H3 = 10

[ SS ] Depth of the average discharge.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H4 = 11

[ SS ] Number of charge cycles.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H5 = 12

[ SS ] Number of full discharges.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H6 = 13

[ SS ] Cumulative amp hours drawn

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H7 = 14

[ SS ] Minimum main (battery) voltage.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H8 = 15

[ SS ] Maximum main (battery) voltage.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H9 = 16

[ SS ] Number of seconds since last full charge.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H10 = 17

[ SS ] Number of automatic synchronisations.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H11 = 18

[ SS ] Number of low main voltage alarms.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H12 = 19

[ SS ] Number of high main voltage alarms.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H15 = 20

[ SS ] Minimum auxiliary (battery) voltage.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H16 = 21

[ SS ] Maximum auxiliary (battery) voltage.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H17 = 22

[ SS ] Amount of produced energy.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H18 = 23

[ SS ] Amount of consumed energy.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H19 = 24

[ MPPT ] Yield total (user resettable counter).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H20 = 25

[ MPPT ] Yield today.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H21 = 26

[ MPPT ] Maximum power today.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H22 = 27

[ MPPT ] Yield yesterday.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_H23 = 28

[ MPPT ] Maximum power yesterday.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_HSDS = 29

[ MPPT ] Day sequence number (0 to 364).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_I = 30

[ MPPT SS ] Main or channel 1 battery current.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_IL = 31

[ MPPT ] Load current.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_LOAD = 32

[ MPPT ] Load output state (ON/OFF).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_MON = 33

[ SS ] DC monitor mode.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_MPPT = 34

[ MPPT ] Tracker operation mode.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_OR = 35

[ MPPT ] Off reason (hexadecimal).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_P = 36

[ SS ] Instantaneous power.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_PID = 37

[ MPPT SS ] Product ID (hexadecimal).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_PPV = 38

[ MPPT ] Panel power.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_RELAY = 39

[ MPPT SS ] Relay state (ON/OFF).

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_SOC = 40

[ SS ] State-of-charge.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_T = 41

[ SS ] Battery temperature.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_TTG = 42

[ SS ] Time-to-go.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_V = 43

[ MPPT SS ] Main or channel 1 (battery) voltage.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_VM = 44

[ SS ] Mid-point voltage of the battery bank.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_VPV = 45

[ MPPT ] Panel voltage.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_VS = 46

[ SS ] Auxiliary (starter) voltage.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_FIELD_LAST = 46

Never use this.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_NFIELDS = VE_FIELD_LAST

Number of supported fields.

type(ve_field_type), public, parameter :: VE_FIELDS(VE_NFIELDS) = [ve_field_type('ALARM', 'alarm', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_LOGICAL), ve_field_type('AR', 'ar', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('CE', 'ce', 'mAh', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('CS', 'cs', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('DM', 'dm', '%/10', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('ERR', 'err', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('FW', 'fw', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H1', 'h1', 'mAh', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H2', 'h2', 'mAh', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H3', 'h3', 'mAh', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H4', 'h4', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H5', 'h5', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H6', 'h6', 'mAh', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H7', 'h7', 'mV', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H8', 'h8', 'mV', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H9', 'h9', 'sec', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H10', 'h10', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H11', 'h11', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H12', 'h12', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H15', 'h15', 'mV', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H16', 'h16', 'mV', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H17', 'h17', 'kWh/100', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H18', 'h18', 'kWh/100', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H19', 'h19', 'kWh/100', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H20', 'h20', 'kWh/100', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H21', 'h21', 'W', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H22', 'h22', 'kWh/100', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('H23', 'h23', 'W', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('HSDS', 'hsds', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('I', 'i', 'mA', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('IL', 'il', 'mA', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('LOAD', 'load', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_LOGICAL), ve_field_type('MON', 'mon', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('MPPT', 'mppt', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('OR', 'or', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('P', 'p', 'W', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('PID', 'pid', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('PPV', 'ppv', 'W', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('RELAY', 'relay', 'none', RESPONSE_TYPE_LOGICAL), ve_field_type('SOC', 'soc', '%/10', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('T', 't', 'degC', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('TTG', 'ttg', 'min', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('V', 'v', 'mV', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('VM', 'vm', 'mV', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('VPV', 'vpv', 'mV', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32), ve_field_type('VS', 'vs', 'mV', RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32)]

Predefined fields.

integer, public, parameter :: VE_NPRODUCTS = 150

Number of VE products.

type(ve_product_type), public, parameter :: VE_PRODUCTS(VE_NPRODUCTS) = [ve_product_type(int(z'0203'), 'BMV-700'), ve_product_type(int(z'0204'), 'BMV-702'), ve_product_type(int(z'0205'), 'BMV-700H'), ve_product_type(int(z'0300'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 70|15'), ve_product_type(int(z'A040'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 75|50'), ve_product_type(int(z'A041'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150|35'), ve_product_type(int(z'A042'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 75|15'), ve_product_type(int(z'A043'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 100|15'), ve_product_type(int(z'A044'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 100|30'), ve_product_type(int(z'A045'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 100|50'), ve_product_type(int(z'A046'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150|70'), ve_product_type(int(z'A047'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150|100'), ve_product_type(int(z'A049'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 100|50 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A04A'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 100|30 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A04B'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150|35 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A04C'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 75|10'), ve_product_type(int(z'A04D'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150|45'), ve_product_type(int(z'A04E'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150|60'), ve_product_type(int(z'A04F'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150|85'), ve_product_type(int(z'A050'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 250|100'), ve_product_type(int(z'A051'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|100'), ve_product_type(int(z'A052'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|85'), ve_product_type(int(z'A053'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 75|15'), ve_product_type(int(z'A054'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 75|10'), ve_product_type(int(z'A055'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 100|15'), ve_product_type(int(z'A056'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 100|30'), ve_product_type(int(z'A057'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 100|50'), ve_product_type(int(z'A058'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|35'), ve_product_type(int(z'A059'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|100 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A05A'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|85 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A05B'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 250|70'), ve_product_type(int(z'A05C'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 250|85'), ve_product_type(int(z'A05D'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 250|60'), ve_product_type(int(z'A05E'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 250|45'), ve_product_type(int(z'A05F'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 100|20'), ve_product_type(int(z'A060'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 100|20 48V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A061'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|45'), ve_product_type(int(z'A062'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|60'), ve_product_type(int(z'A063'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|70'), ve_product_type(int(z'A064'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 250|85 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A065'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 250|100 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A066'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 100|20'), ve_product_type(int(z'A067'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 100|20 48V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A068'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 250|60 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A069'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 250|70 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A06A'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|45 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A06B'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|60 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A06C'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|70 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A06D'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|85 rev3'), ve_product_type(int(z'A06E'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150|100 rev3'), ve_product_type(int(z'A06F'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150|45 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A070'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150|60 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A071'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150|70 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A072'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150/45 rev3'), ve_product_type(int(z'A073'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 150/45 rev3'), ve_product_type(int(z'A074'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 75/10 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A075'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 75/15 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A076'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 100/30 rev3'), ve_product_type(int(z'A077'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 100/50 rev3'), ve_product_type(int(z'A078'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 150/35 rev3'), ve_product_type(int(z'A079'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 75/10 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A07A'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A07B'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 100/15 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A07C'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 75/10 rev3'), ve_product_type(int(z'A07D'), 'BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 rev3'), ve_product_type(int(z'A07E'), 'SmartSolar MPPT 100/30 12V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A07F'), 'All-In-1 SmartSolar MPPT 75/15 12V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A102'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/70'), ve_product_type(int(z'A103'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/45'), ve_product_type(int(z'A104'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/60'), ve_product_type(int(z'A105'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/85'), ve_product_type(int(z'A106'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/100'), ve_product_type(int(z'A107'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/45'), ve_product_type(int(z'A108'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/60'), ve_product_type(int(z'A109'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/70'), ve_product_type(int(z'A10A'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/85'), ve_product_type(int(z'A10B'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/100'), ve_product_type(int(z'A10C'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/70 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A10D'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/85 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A10E'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/100 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A10F'), 'BlueSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/100'), ve_product_type(int(z'A112'), 'BlueSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/70'), ve_product_type(int(z'A113'), 'BlueSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/100'), ve_product_type(int(z'A114'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/70 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A115'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/100 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A116'), 'SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/85 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A117'), 'BlueSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/100 rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A201'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 250VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A202'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 250VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A204'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 250VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A211'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 375VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A212'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 375VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A214'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 375VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A221'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 500VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A222'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 500VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A224'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 500VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A231'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 250VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A232'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 250VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A234'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 250VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A239'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 250VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A23A'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 250VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A23C'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 250VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A241'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 375VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A242'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 375VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A244'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 375VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A249'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 375VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A24A'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 375VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A24C'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 375VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A251'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 500VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A252'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 500VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A254'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 500VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A259'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 500VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A25A'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 500VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A25C'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 500VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A261'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 800VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A262'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 800VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A264'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 800VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A269'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 800VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A26A'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 800VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A26C'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 800VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A271'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 1200VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A272'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 1200VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A274'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 1200VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A279'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 1200VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A27A'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 1200VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A27C'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 1200VA 120V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A281'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 1600VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A282'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 1600VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A284'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 1600VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A291'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 2000VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A292'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 2000VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A294'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 2000VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A2A1'), 'Phoenix Inverter 12V 3000VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A2A2'), 'Phoenix Inverter 24V 3000VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A2A4'), 'Phoenix Inverter 48V 3000VA 230V'), ve_product_type(int(z'A340'), 'Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 12|50 (1+1)'), ve_product_type(int(z'A341'), 'Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 12|50 (3)'), ve_product_type(int(z'A342'), 'Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 24|25 (1+1)'), ve_product_type(int(z'A343'), 'Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 24|25 (3)'), ve_product_type(int(z'A344'), 'Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 12|30 (1+1)'), ve_product_type(int(z'A345'), 'Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 12|30 (3)'), ve_product_type(int(z'A346'), 'Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 24|16 (1+1)'), ve_product_type(int(z'A347'), 'Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 24|16 (3)'), ve_product_type(int(z'A381'), 'BMV-712 Smart'), ve_product_type(int(z'A382'), 'BMV-710H Smart'), ve_product_type(int(z'A383'), 'BMV-712 Smart rev2'), ve_product_type(int(z'A389'), 'SmartShunt 500A/50mV'), ve_product_type(int(z'A38A'), 'SmartShunt 1000A/50mV'), ve_product_type(int(z'A38B'), 'SmartShunt 2000A/50mV'), ve_product_type(int(z'A3F0'), 'Smart BuckBoost 12V/12V-50A')]

Predefined products.

Derived Types

type, public ::  ve_frame_type

VE.Direct frame state.


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: state = VE_STATE_IDLE

Current state.

integer, public :: checksum = 0

Current checksum value.

integer, public :: cursor = 0

String cursor.

logical, public :: finished = .false.

Block is finished.

character(len=VE_LABEL_LEN), public :: label = ' '

Label string.

character(len=VE_VALUE_LEN), public :: value = ' '

Value string.

type, public ::  ve_field_type

VE.Direct field description.


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=VE_LABEL_LEN), public :: label = ' '

Field label.

character(len=VE_NAME_LEN), public :: name = ' '

Response name (must be valid id).

character(len=VE_UNIT_LEN), public :: unit = ' '

Field unit.

integer, public :: type = RESPONSE_TYPE_INT32

Field value type.

character(len=VE_VALUE_LEN), public :: value = ' '

Field value.

type, public ::  ve_product_type

Victron product id and name.


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: pid = 0

Product id.

character(len=VE_PRODUCT_NAME_LEN), public :: name = ' '

Product name.


public pure elemental function dm_ve_device_from_name(name) result(device)

Returns device enumerator from given name. If the argument is not a valid device, the function returns VE_DEVICE_NONE.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name

Device name.

Return Value integer

public pure elemental function dm_ve_device_is_valid(device) result(valid)

Returns .true. if given VE device enumerator is valid.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: device

Device enumerator.

Return Value logical

public pure function dm_ve_error_message(code) result(message)

Returns message associated with given VE.Direct error code.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: code

VE.Direct error code.

Return Value character(len=:), allocatable

VE.Direct error code message.

public pure function dm_ve_field_label(type) result(label)

Returns field label as allocatable string, or empty string if type is invalid.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: type

Field type.

Return Value character(len=:), allocatable

Field label.

public pure function dm_ve_field_type(label) result(type)

Returns VE.Direct field type (VE_FIELD_*) from label, or VE_FIELD_NONE on error.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: label

Field label.

Return Value integer

public pure elemental function dm_ve_is_error(code) result(error)

Returns .true. if given code is a valid VE.Direct error code.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: code

VE.Direct error code.

Return Value logical

public pure elemental function dm_ve_is_valid_field_type(type) result(valid)

Returns .true. if given type is a valid field enumerator (VE_FIELD_*). The enumerator VE_FIELD_NONE is invalid.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: type

Field type.

Return Value logical

public function dm_ve_product_name(pid, name) result(rc)

Returns name of Victron Energy product associated with given PID in dummy argument name. Returns E_NOT_FOUND and sets name to N/A on error.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: pid

Product ID.

character(len=VE_PRODUCT_NAME_LEN), intent(out) :: name

Product name.

Return Value integer


public pure elemental subroutine dm_ve_frame_next(frame, byte, eor, finished, valid)

State machine to read VE.Direct text protocol frame. Argument eor is .true. if a single record has been read. Argument finished is .true. if a block has been read. Argument valid is .true. if the checksum of a finished block is valid.

Read more…


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ve_frame_type), intent(inout) :: frame

VE.Direct protocol frame.

character(len=1), intent(in) :: byte

Single byte to add.

logical, intent(out) :: eor

End of frame record reached.

logical, intent(out) :: finished

Block finished.

logical, intent(out) :: valid

Finished block is valid.

public pure elemental subroutine dm_ve_frame_read(frame, response, field_type, error)

Parses frame field label and returns the field as a response. The frame label and value is expected to be in upper-case. Checksum frames are ignored.

Read more…


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ve_frame_type), intent(inout) :: frame

Field frame.

type(response_type), intent(out) :: response

Response of field data.

integer, intent(out), optional :: field_type

VE.Direct field type (VE_FIELD_*).

integer, intent(out), optional :: error

Error code.

public pure elemental subroutine dm_ve_frame_reset(frame)

Resets the frame to be used for the next block.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ve_frame_type), intent(inout) :: frame

VE.Direct frame.